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1、高一牛津英语模块1 模块 2 基础知识练习(共9 套)练习( 1)单项填空1。 It was a long time since the girl last saw her parent,s no wonder she was not excited when they came.A 。 much B. greatly C。 a little D. a bit2。 Your bed needs ,_ I m afraid.A 。 to clean B. cleaning C 。 being cleaned D 。 clean3。 it is to skate on real ice!A. Wh

2、at fun B. What a fun C. How a fun D. What funs4。 He will stay here for and then will go to Hong Kong。A 。 some time B 。 some times C。 sometimes D 。 sometime5。 Tomorrow I will have an important examination。- I you success.A 。 hope B 。 wish C. hope for D. wish for6。 She seems never to be tire;d she has

3、 many ways to make herself 。_A. relaxed B. relaxingC。 worried D 。 worrying7。 Mr. Smith as well as his wife and daughte,r to their school twice.A. have gone B. has gone C. have been D. has been8。 Im lucky to have got two tickets 。 Are you to go to the concert withme?A。 freely; free B。 for free; freel

4、y C. freely; for free D 。 for free; free9。 Im sorry to have troubled you。 .A. Not to mention B. Don tmention it C. All right. D 。 With pleasure.10。 It s a pity that you missed the chance to go abroorafdurfther education.A 。 to give B 。 to be givenC. giving D. being given11。 He is a man of and he had

5、 a lot of interesting in his life.A. much experience, experiences B。 many experiences, experienceC. much experience, experience D 。 many experiences, experiences12。 There a tall tree in front of the building over there, didn t there?A。 wasB。 would be C. must be D 。 used to be13。 Do be careful next t

6、ime, ?A. will you B。 do you C. don t you D. aren t you14。 You must officially any course you are not attending。A. fall B 。 drop C。 learn D. join15。 Theres about 400mm rain fall in this area a year A。 on average B. in average C。 of average D。 for average答案与简析单项填空1. Co not a little: 常;not a bit:点也不。2.

7、 B。needs cleaning need to be cleaned. 3。 A。 fun 做名词时为不可数。 4. A。 some time 表示 “一段时间 ” 。 some times 有几次;sometimes有时;sometime某个时刻。5。B。hope与 wish都可表示祝愿, 前者后接何子,后者后接sb再加名词或形容词。hope for与wish for都有 希望得 到的意思。6. A。根据语境,这里应用relaxed (感到轻松的)。7。D。由twice 可判断用have/has been as well as连接主语时,谓语动词的形式由其前面的主语 决定。8. D.fo

8、r free:免费;freely:自由地;be free:有空.9. B。对别人道歉或道谢 时可用Don t mention it;Not to mention更不用说。10. D.miss后接动名词,表示被 动意义时需用动名词的被动形式。11。A.experience做不可数名词时意为 经验”, 做可数名词时是 经历”的意思。12。Do由最后的附加问句可判断用used to be13. Ao祈使句构成白W寸加问句用 dont you.14. B.drop含有 放弃”的意思。15. A。 on averaged固定搭配,意为 平均”。练习( 2)单项填空1。 Will you come and

9、 play football with us this afternoon? Sorry, but I have an with my dentist at 3 pm.A 。 agreement B. appointment C。 excuse D。 order2。 -How long has your brother in the army? About five years。A。 taken part B. joined C. served D 。 attended3。 She looked up his number in the phone book to that she had g

10、ot it right.A. make up her mind B. make sure C. make a decision D. make out4。 Are you a football player? .A. Yes, I used to.B. No , but I am. C. Yes, but I used to be。D。No , but I used to be5。 The wolves hid themselves in the places couldnt be found.A. that B. where C。 in which D. in that6。 hearing

11、the news, all of us jumped with joy。A. At B. For C. On D. Before7。 I ll tell you he told me last weekA 。 all which B 。 that C. all that D. which8。 Rather than on a crowded bus, he always prefers abicycle.A. riding ; rideB。 ride ; ride C. ride ; to rideD 。to ride ; riding9。 Do you know the girl with

12、father I work ?A 。 who B. whom C。 whose D 。 that10。 China is still a country while the US is already a on eA. developed; developing B. developing; developed C. developed; developedD. developing; developing11. The gentleman you told me the day before yesterday proved to be athief。A 。 who B. about who

13、m C。 whom D. with whom12. It is said that he has in the army for yearsA. joined B. taken part in C. attended D. served13. It may rain tomorrow. , you d better try another day.In caseB。In that case C. In spite of thisD. Even so14. his arrival the airport , he received a warm welcome from theteachers

14、and students.A。 On; at B. At ; of C. On ; of D. At ; on15. He made another wonderful discovery,of great importance to science A. which I think is B. which I think it is C. which I think it D 。 I think which is答案与简析单项填空1。B.根据语境,这里应是与牙科医生的约定。2。C.注意B项join是非延续性 动词,不可以与how 10ng连用。serve有 服役”的意思,是延续性动词。3。B

15、。 根据语境,在电话本里查电话号码是为了 “确信 ”准确无误。 4。 D 。虽然现在不是, 但过去曾是。 5。 A.that 引导的定语从句在从句中做主语。 6。 C。 on hearing the news=at the news=as soon as we heard the news.7。 C。 all 做宾语,后接that引导的定语从句,并在从句中做宾语 .8. C。注意prefer to do sth rather than do sth else为固定搭配,本题将rather than do sth提前了。9. C。注意引导词在句中表示 所属关系。10. Bo developing发展中的;developed发达的。11. B。定语从句中 谓语tell sb about是固定说法,这里about前移了。12. D。serve含有 服役”的 意思, 是延续性动词。 13. B.in case: 万一 ;in that case: 要那样的话; in spite of this: 虽然这样;even so:即使如此。14. A。“on +名词(动名词)”含有就”的意思。 15. A.which 引导非限定性定语从句(含宾语从句) ,并在宾语从句中做主语。练习(3)1. People have different opinions about


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