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1、班级:英语118班姓名:吕园园学号:2011013038Question 1:命题可以分为哪几类?何谓真命题?、何谓假命题?Answer1:According to the content, a proposition can be divided two categories, that is true proposition and false proposition. Firstly, true proposition means the proposition can be judged true with some cognitive evidence. While the prop

2、osition which is wrong without reasonable evidence or contrary to the rules of nature.Question 2:语义学和语用学的关系是什么?An swer2:Semantic and pragmatic are in complementary but different in their function. On the whole, semantic and pragmatic both focus on the meaning of language, but they are different in c

3、ognitive meaning of studying where they emphasize on. Semantic lays emphasis in words, phases, sentences that without being effected by some particular situation. Otherwise, the pragmatic mainly studies how some sentences, utterances being effected by the situation and the results caused by it. Mean

4、while pragmatics study from the perspective of language users with the aid of context in the study of meaning. It can be said a development and complement to traditional semanticswith the outside world information coding. So, as the definition says, pragmatic is the study of the conditions of human

5、language uses as those are determined by context of society. Firstly, and it includes three points: the pragmatic considersthe speaker and the listener. Secondly,it pays attention to the purpose of speaker and the comprehension of listener. Thirdly, it includes condition.However, the meaning of sema

6、ntic research is necessary. Because language as a communicative tool, first of all, is that it can express the meaning of for speakers of that language established(can be called a conventional meaning), such as the difference between indirect speech act and conversational implicative pragmatic meani

7、ng. Without this basic conventional meaning, many cases cant#communicate.Question 3:指称论有哪些缺陷?观念论如何解决指称论的缺陷?观念论自身有 哪些缺陷?Answer 3:Reference Theory believes the meaning of the symbols is the relationship between it and its referent. That is to say, the symbolsand the referents have direct relation and

8、one to one correspondence.But the Ideational theory points out that senses and reference are not always in correspondenceand sometimesthe senseis generalized while the referent is completed. Take a suitcase for example; when we refer to an object suitcase, the sense of it is a container that can pac

9、k some clothing in it. In addition, from their view of the Ideational theory, some words may have sense but no reference as in the case of some terms for the imaginary things, like dragon. And some words may have sense but certainly have reference as in terms of proper names which be used to refer t

10、o some specific object in the world even do not have its sense, like your name. Finally, in some particular condition, same referring express different sense and different referring express same sense.However, the Reference Theory has its own defect. Now that they think sense and reference do not ha

11、ve direct relationship, the symbols and referent should be linked with dotted line rather than the solid line.Question 4:阐述涵义和指称义的关系。Answer 4:On the one hand, sense and reference are interdependent, because words not normally know the one without having at least some of knowledge of the other. On th

12、e other hand, they do not have direct relationship. Some words may not have sensebut certainly have reference as in terms of proper names which be used to refer to some specific object in the world even do not have its sense, like your name. In some particular condition, same referring express different sense and different referring express same sense. At last, sense is constant because of some particular elements, like time, place. Instead, reference is inconstant as itneeds to depend on particular condition. Thus, in some aspect, reference seems too fuzzy.#



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