牛津小学英语6A 必会词汇

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1、六年级上册重要内容必会词汇:Unit1always总是 question问题 ask 问mean意思是 must 必须should应该 take a walk散步 pick拾Unit2birthday生日 date日期 when何时 second第二March三月 third第三April四月fourth第四 May五月June六月Unit3was(am,is的过去式)be excited兴奋的 moment瞬间 ago以前were(are的过去式) just now 刚才mobile phone手机 glasses眼镜Unit5holiday假期 last最后的,刚过去的 early早地,早

2、的meet遇到 before 在以前did (do的过去式)pull up拔 taste品尝Unit6Christmas圣诞节 New Years Day新年 people人们 had (have的过去式)went (go的过去式)Childrens Day儿童节 also也Unit7yours你的东西,你们的东西 mine我的东西 hers她的东西 ours我们的东西in front of 在前面beside 在附近answer 回答theirs他们的东西一月January二月February三月March四月April五月May 六月June 七月July八月August九月Septemb

3、er十月October十一月November 十二月December 第一first第二second第三third第四fourth第五fifth第六sixth第七seventh第九ninth第十二twelfth第二十twentieth第三十thirtieth第四十一forty-first第五十二fifty-second必会句型:Unit 1句型:1.这个标志是什么意思?Whatdoesthissignmean?(复数) Whatdothesesignsmean?它意指“危险”。 Itmeans“Danger”. Theymean“Danger”.2那个标牌什么意思? Whatdoesthats

4、ignmean?(复数) Whatdothose signsmean?它意指你不应该在草地上走。Itmeansyoushouldntwalkonthegrass.3它是什么意思? Whatdoesitmean? (复数) Whatdotheymean?它意指你应该远离建筑物。Itmeansyoushouldstayawayfromthebuilding.4我现在可以看电视了吗? CanIwatchTVnow?不,你不可以。你应该去睡觉了。No,youcant.Youshouldgo to bed.Unit 2句型:1.今天几号?Whatdateisittoday?9月23号。Itsthetwe

5、nty-thirdofSeptember.2.你何时过生日?Whensyourbirthday? 你们何时过生日?When areyour birthdays?我的生日是十月十八号。MybirthdaysontheeighteenthofOctober.3.你想要什么东西作为生日礼物?Whatwouldyoulikeasabirthdaypresent?我想要一个日本卡通片的光盘。IdlikeaVCDofJapanesecartoons.13.我想要一些鱼作为生日礼物。Idlikesomefishasabirthdaypresent.14.该吃蛋糕了。Its time for some cak

6、e. / Its time to have some cake.Unit 3句型1.你的日记本在哪里?Wheres your diary? 在笔记本后面Its behind the notebook.2. 它现在不在那边了。It isnt there now. 它刚才还在那边。It was there a moment ago.3. 你的鞋子在哪里?Wherere your shoes? 它们在饭桌底下。Theyre under the table.4. 它们不在那边了。They arent there now. 它们刚才还在那边。They were there a moment ago.5.

7、多少学生一月份过生日?没有。How many students have their birthdays in January? No one.Unit5句型What did you do on Sunday?你星期天做了什么?I watched cartoons.我看了动画。What else did you do?你还做了什么?I visited the zoo.我参观了动物园。Unit6句型Whens Spring Festival?春节是什么时候?Its in January or February.在一月或者二月。What do people usually do at Spring

8、 Festival?人们在春节经常做什么?They eat a lot of delicious food.人们吃美食。Did you eat a lot of delicious food last Spring Festival?你去年春节吃好吃的食物了吗?Yes, I did.是的。Unit7句型Whose comb is it?这是谁的梳子?Its mine.是我的。Whose calculator is this?这是谁的计算器?Its his.是他的。Whose mirror is it?这是谁的镜子?Its hers.是她的。Whose magazines are they?这是

9、谁的杂志?Theyre yours.是你的Whose skateboards are they?这些是谁的滑板?Theyre ours.是我们的。Whose CDs are they?这些是谁的CD?Theyre theirs.是他们的。Unit 1词组1.他的表弟his cousin 2.只有四岁only four years old 3.禁止践踏草坪Keep off the grass 4.公共标志public signs 5.远离 stay away from 6.在草地上走 walk on the grass7.鸟笼 birds cage 8.吵闹 make noise 9.保持安静k

10、eep quiet /Be quiet10.禁止扔垃圾 No littering 11.禁止停车No parking 12.禁止触摸 Do not touch13.禁止吃喝 No eating or drinking 14.问问题ask questions 15.禁止吸烟 No smoking16.散步 take a walk 17.十元纸币 a ten-yuan note 18.环顾四周look around19.捡起 pick up 20.上来 come up 21.总是有许多问题always have a lot of questions22.罚十元 fine ten yuan 23.指

11、向 point to 24.问答ask and answer 25. 在网上on the Internet26.学这些标志learn the signs27.作为一个例子as a model28.再试一次try again29.摇他的头shake his head30.垃圾入篓put the rubbish in the binUnit 2词组1、 住在附近live near2.谈论 talk about 3.一个生日聚会 a birthday party4、 作为一个生日礼物 as a birthday present 5.脱下他的戏服take off his costume 6.看阿拉丁w

12、atch Aladdin 7.让我们等会看吧 Lets wait and see 8.在日历上on the calendar9.一个日本动画光碟a VCD of Japanese cartoons 10.祝你生日快乐Happy Birthday to You11.吹灭蜡烛blow out the candles 12.六月三日the third of June 13.他们的生日their birthdays14.做张生日贺卡make a birthday card 15.吹灭blow out 16.一张纸 a piece of paper17. 快到了come soon/get near 18

13、.一起回家go home together19. 放学以后after school 20. 在三月in March 21.三月三日the third of March22.在三月三日on the third of March 23.把它对折fold it in half 24.在海湾 inthebay 25. 一个生日蛋糕a birthday cake26.来参加我的生日聚会come to my birthday party 27.举办生日聚会have a birthday party28.在七月二十二日on the twenty-second of July 29.开门open the do

14、or30.拜访某人visit31.在10月18日on the 18th of October32.中国新年ChineseNewYear33.写下信息write a message 34.通过电话onthephoneUnit 3词组1.体育运动日Sports Day 2.所有的学生all the students 3.非常兴奋 be excited4.非常令人兴奋be very exciting5.拍照take photos6.寻找look for7.看跑步比赛 watch a running race8.一场赛跑a running race 9. 在地上on the ground 10.刚才a

15、 moment ago/just now11.为我捡起它们pick them up for me 12.一个手机 a mobile phone 13.在红色盒子里in the red box 14.一个光盘随身听a CD Walkman 15.一卷胶卷a roll of film 16. 让我看看let me see17.听一些音乐listen to some music18.在梨树下under the pear tree19.一副眼镜a pair of glasses 20. 三本日记three diaries21.一副耳机a pair of earphones 22.昨天晚上yesterday evening 23.苏海苏洋的表妹Su Hai and Su Yangs cousin24.在桌子下面under the table25.试着记住try to remember 26.闭上你的眼睛close your eyes27.在我



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