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1、Business ReceptionA : B :C : D :1. Room reservationA:Advance ReservationsCan I help you?B:Yes,Id like to book a single room with a bath for my guest from the afternoon of June 8 to the morning of June 10A: Yes, we do have a single room available for this rateB: What is the rate, please?A: It is 100

2、per nightB: What services come with that?A: For 100 youll have a radio, a color television, a telephone and a computerB: That sounds not bad at allIll take itA:Very good Could you tell me your guests name, Miss, please?B: Yes, it is CherryA: How do you spell it, please?B: Its C-H-E-R-R-YA:C-H-E-R-R-

3、YAnd what is your address,please?B:It is the No.1 ,Jinji RoadA:OK,so its the No.1 ,Jinji RoadB: Thats rightA: What about your telephone number?B:3698778 By the way, Id like a quiet room away from the street if that is possibleA:A quiet room away from the street is preferredWe look forward to your gu

4、ests visitB:Thank you and good-byeA:Good-bye2. Airport receptionB:Excuse me, are you Cherry from Taiwan? My name is Joanna,secretary of ApexTrading. Nice to meet you.C:Nice to meet you, how do you do?B:Im good. How is your journey?C:Not bad, thank you for pick me up.B:You re welcome. C:How is Vicky?

5、(老板)B:Shes ok. But she didnt sleep well last night, cause she told me that she Miss you too much.C:I think she can get sound sleep today.B:Yes, right. So do you think we should go to your hotel first or go to my company directly? C:Whatever you want. You are my boss now.B:OK, lets go to your hotel.

6、I think you need some rest a bit.C:Fine.B:Please follow me, we go and take the car at the exit.3. Hotel check-inA: Good afternoon. Welcome to The Baiyue Hotel. May I help you?B: Yes, Id like check-in for my guest, please.A: Certainly, Miss. May I have your and your guests name, please?B: Im Joanna,

7、and my guests name is Cherry.A: Do you have reservation for your guest with us. Miss Joanna?B: Yes, from tonight.A: Just a moment please. Ill check our reservation record. Miss Joanna, Is that right?B: Exactly.A: Could you fill out the registration form, please?B: Fine .A: How would you like to make

8、 payment?B: By the credit card. A: May I take a print of the card, please?B: Sure, here you are.A:Thank you, Miss Joanna. Your guests room number is 503. A bell man will show you the room. Please enjoy your stay.4. In the companyB: Miss Vicky. Id like you to meet Miss Cherry, sales manager forSouthe

9、rn Reflections of China.D: Its very nice to finally meet you, Miss Cherry. After so many phone calls and faxes. Id like you to havemy business card.C: Thanks very much, Miss Vicky. Please accept mine. andplease, call me Cherry. B: If you dont mind, Cherry, while you and Miss Vicky get acquainted, Id

10、 like to check the arrangements for the meeting.C: Youre certainly on top of things, Joanna.D: Youll find Miss Joanna is a force to be reckoned with at Apex Tradig.B: Thanks for the vote of confidence, Miss Vicky. Ill be right back. C: She appears to be a top-notch young lady, Miss Vicky. Talent and

11、 enthusiasm like that are hard to find.D: Dont I know it. Shes doing a great job for us. And please, call me Vicky.C: Vicky, can you tell me in a nutshell what the retail market is like in Guilin?D: Well, as per capita income goes up and up, the growth sector seems to be in the to-end.C: Retail is g

12、oing upscale here? Guilin is certainly growing more quickly than I had imagined.D: Yes. Things certainly have changed since I was a girl. Weve developed very quickly.C: Do you think the trend will continue?D: I dont see why not. We do have some problems, but we are still willing to work hard and wages arent too high at this point.C: Everything Ive seen so far is very impressive. Very impressive indeed.D: Yes, thats right.



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