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1、乐清市仙溪镇龙西学校乐清市仙溪镇龙西教师公开课教案设计及教学反思地点 时间:2016年 3月 22日 下午第1 节类型新授课学 科英语班级四(1)执教人童蓓晓学校仙溪镇龙西学校课题Unit3 Weather教学目标:能听、说、认读cold,hot,warm,cool,并能熟练运用功能句Its in来介绍不同地方的天气特征。能在情景中正确理解weather reporter的意思,完成简单的英语天气播报并能认识气温与天气之间的联系,交接最基本的生活常识。能配上相关的肢体语言,有节奏地说唱chant。教学重难点:重点:能听、说、认读cold,hot,warm,cool,并能熟练运用功能句Its i

2、n来介绍不同地方的天气特征。 难点: 个别单词如weather,Harbin,lhasa发音教学方法:情境法,任务型教学法达到教学目标。涉及小组讨论,合作 教学用具:胸卡,ppt,句子单词卡片. 通过ppt,图片,声音等手段为学生创造相关的语言运用环境。 2. 通过信息技术辅助教学,提升教师教学能力。3.运用信息技术化手段在课堂内完成教学目标,使学生达到理解掌握所学知识点。教学环节教学活动设计设计意图一Warm up二Presentation&practice三 Practice and consolidationHomework1. Greeting T: Good afternoon,bo

3、ys and girls! How are you today? Ss: fine. T: Brr, its cold/ Mmm, its warm. First, lets enjoy some places! Ss: Yes. T: Ok, do you know these places? Wow look, who are coming? Zhuzhu xia they will take a great trip! Lets go and see! Ready? Ss: Ready! 1. Learn “hot”T: Ok! Now look, where is Zhuzhu? S:

4、 Its in Harbin.T: Yes, now here is it?出示课件,在不同的地方S:Beijing。T: Good, now its in ok, lets go to the first station to have a look.S: ok.T:its in Hongkong. Its hot ho t hot not dog S.T: so this woman she is wearing a dress. And its _in Hongkong.Hot hot put on yourT: hot hot put on your T-shirtYou say ho

5、t hot I say put on your T-shirt.Put on your ok?S:ok.接下来以同样方式新授cold cool warm 注意发音让学生根据发音规则来拼出来!inside新授Cold 练习 T: its cold in Shenyang.T: And what about this place?S:Jinan. Its cold in Jinan.S:Yingchuan. Its cold in yingchuan.S:its cold inT: its in its cold. Outside 这里新授(在外面)T: its cool, cool cool (

6、注意主要突出的是cool等气温单词)学生说 老师后面说put put on T:OK, its cool cool, lets Fly kites, go to the garden, play footballS: lets go to the garden.S: cool cool, lets play football.T: and where is zhuzhuxia now?S: in the living room.T: look at the temperature 14 degree. Is zhuzhuxia cold?S: No, its warm.T: very good

7、. Its warm inside. Inside insideS: inside.T: then, zhuzhuxia is in Beijing now. ( 图片出现北京特色景点长城, the Great Wall.) its _ in Beijing.Its warm in Beijing.S: its warm in Beijing.2. learn “weather”T: well, cold, cool hot they all about the weather, weather sweater Father father, mother motherS: ther therT

8、: weather题目处贴上weather3. lets play the game“ whats missing? ”T: Good,now whats missing?S: coolS:warm hotT:And now?S: cold.T:You have done a good job!穿插一次chantT: now lets chant first! (让学生感受这个chant先)4. Practice the sentence (use the words)T: ok, now lets have a look zhuzhuxias other friendsWhere are t

9、hey now?T: look at this picture! Where is bobi? Look(很惊喜,很开心的语气)listen now its calling to BobiS: Yes.T:now listen what they are talking about? Hello bobi where are you? (一起来说) its in 按顺序从最热到最冷 It feels so niceT: so now who can be mihu? Answer the phoneAnd what about FeifeiT: now Do you know it? Its

10、name is Daidai. Its in itsin5. Act outT: Lets challenge the weather reporter! Are you ready, kids?S: .T: Good morning, this is the weather reporter, its warm in Beijing today. Who want to try?(you can practice in four) S : Let me try!T:wonderful! 叫大概三个人左右5. ChantT:Great so now lets chant!Brr, its co

11、ldS:brr可以学唱二次,一起做动作,如果可以的话its your turn,播放伴奏,让学生来唱!S: Brr Homework:1.Say the weather report to your friends.(把今天学过的天气预报说给朋友们听。)2.Finish the exercise on the exercise book (完成作业本上相关练习)Say goodbye to the students板书设计Unit3 Weatherhot cold Its hot in Hongkong.cool warm Its cold outside/inside.1. 通过ppt,图片

12、,声音等手段为学生创造相关的语言运用环境。 2. 通过信息技术辅助教学,提升教师教学能力。 3. 具体教学目标: 1) 能够听、说、认读单词:cold warm cool hot 2) 能够在语境中正确运用这4个生活单词。 3) 能听、说、理解“Can I help you? Can I try them on? ”并能在真实语境中灵活使用。在热身部分, 通过欣赏中国不同地区的图片让学生对本课内容有一定的好奇心,促进学习兴趣。也为下面不同地区的天气学习做铺垫。 本段通过动画人物猪猪侠去哪个地方学习不同的天气感觉单词教师需要边做动作边解释意思,不断引导学生。 也是复习第一单元的句型板书 个别读,分组分性别,举手 回答跟读在这个新授过程中不断穿插chant的内容小游戏环节引起学生 的积极性,把课堂提升到一个高度这里用听电话的形式训练听力能力该部分是单词在句子中的强化训练,让学生掌握好句型用法,熟练运用功能句型难度较大,而且部分学生会比较胆怯,害怕自己说不好,所以不敢上台,所以让学生先讨论在给以物质奖励,鼓励学生!分组比赛,边学边玩玩中不断学习,学生对句子记忆更有动力。完成lets talk 后,进行类似的一个对话阅读,加深学生的印象,检验这节课是否已经掌握了。 教务处



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