Unit 2 Colours 习题 1.doc

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1、Unit 2 Colours 习题 1一、词组翻译1影响某人的心情_ 2使人觉得昏昏欲睡_3产生一种和谐感_ 4在某人结婚那天_5给你带来成功_ 6生活在寒冷气候地方的人_7使某人振作起来_ 8使某人想起_9代表新生命和生长_ 10代表某人的最好颜色_二、单词拼写1. Do you know the relationship between colors and_(心情)?2. Listening to music can make me feel_(放松). 3. His mother is a woman of treat_(智慧).4. Warm colors can give you

2、a happy and_(满意)feeling.5. The sun gives us not only light but also_(热).6. My brother_(更喜欢)to wear white when he was a child.7. Do you know what the white colour_(代表)?8. Sometimes green is the colour of_(妒忌)9. Black is a kind of colour of_(悲伤)in China.10. What are you_(担心)about?三、单项选择( )1. Can you l

3、ittle cousin_ herself?A. wear B. dress C. put on D. Have on( )2. I think_ not difficult_ English every morning. A. that, keep reading B. its, keep reading C. that, to keep read D. it, to keep reading( )3. The old woman feels uncomfortable, _?A. doesnt she B. does she C. isnt she D. is she( )4. Hed r

4、ather_ vegetables than_ meat for lunch.A. eat, having B. having, eat C. eat, have D. eats, has( )5. When we talk about ones mood, we talk about hisher_. A. feeling B. quality C. wish D. happiness( )6. _blue clothes_ good for your mind.A. Wear, is B. Wearing, are C. Wearing, is D. Wear, are( )7. Peop

5、le_ in front of the cinema were getting impatient.A. stand B. standing C. stood D. stands( )8. He always_ his son. That is to say, his son_ him a lot. A. worries, worries B. worries about, worries C. is worried, worries D. worries, is worried( )9. Colour sometimes can make us_ or happy.A. to feel sa

6、dly B. feel sadly C. to feel sad D. feel sad( )10. I prefer_ shopping to_ at home. A. to go; staying B. going; stay C. going; staying D. go; to stay四、完形填空 Colour is a part of life. The whole world is full of colours. Almost 1 has a colour. Some things are yellow like cheese, yolks(蛋黄),lemons and ban

7、anas. 2 things are red. For example, warning signs are usually red. 3 is the colour of most frogs, spring leaves and grass. 4 is blue? Blue is the colour of 5 .We can also see the blue sky, blue eyes, blue birds and blue jeans. There are many 6 colours too, such as orange, brown, purple, white and b

8、lack. The world changes its Colours with the 7 of the year. Spring is green. Summer is red. It turns gold in autumn and then 8 in winter.When winter is gone and spring back, the world turns green again. 9 a rainstorm you may see something that has many different Colours in the sky.It is a rainbow. B

9、ut l0 different Colours, can you imagine what the world looks like?( )1. A. none B. nothing C. something D. Everything( )2. A. Few B. A little C. Lots of D. Little( )3. A. Green B. Red C. Yellow D. Blue( )4. A. When B. What C. Who D. Why( )5. A. the sun B. grass C. water D. Ground( )6. A. other B. a

10、nother C. extra D. Else( )7. A.months B. seasons C. days D. Weeks( )8. A. red B. green C. yellow D. White( )9. A. Until B. After C. Before D. But( )10. A. with B. without C. for D. Within五、句子翻译1黄色是太阳的颜色,也是智慧的颜色。_2教室的墙壁被漆成浅蓝色。_3那首歌总让我想起我们的英语老师。_4当你做决定有困难时,红色能帮你。_5暖色会给你一种幸福和满足的感觉。_参考答案一、1.affect ones

11、mood 2.make sb. feel sleepy 3.create a feeling of harmony 4.on ones wedding day 5.bring you success 6.people living in cold climates 7.cheer sb. up 8.remind sb. of sth. 9.represent new life and growth 10.the best colour to represent sb. 二、1.moods 2.relaxed 3.wisdom 4.satisfied 5.preferred 6.sleepy 7.represents 8.envy 9.sadness 10.worrying 三、BDACA/CBBDC四、DCABC / ABDBB五、1Yellow is the colour of the sun,and it is also the colour of wisdom2The walls in the classroom were painted light blue3The song always reminds me of our English teacher4Red can help you when


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