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1、小学五年级下学期英语教案Unit1 Where were you last month?一、 教学目标 1. 学会VOCABULARY 的单词。2. 复习巩固一般过去时的用法。3. 懂得“o”在单词中的发音。二 、教学重点 1 掌握“o”的正确读法和发音。2 熟练运用句式“Where were you yesterday?”、“What was the food like? It was”进行交际。 三、 教学难点1.熟练运用句式“Where were you yesterday?”、“What was the food like? It was”进行交际。 2.在不同的地方前用不同的介词。四

2、、教学用具教学录音带 自制课件 五、 教学过程THE FRIST PERIOD(Vocabulary、Review)1. Revision :l Say hello to the students l Daily report “Today is .Yesterday was.2. Presentation:l .Learn the new words base on the CAI.l T disguises “tasty”、“yucky”、“spicy”l Read it together and Ss do the action and how to explain those word

3、s.l Elicit “Whats the food like? food 食物l Elicit “good” and “bad” by praising the good Ss and bad Ss.l T ask S1 “Where are you today?” Guide S1 to say: “Im at school.”Lend in “Where were you last night? I was at home.3. Practice :l Open their books and listen to Review first, then repeat.l Play a ga

4、me: Ss write down the places and put them in the box, Some of them going to draw lots others ask her or him “Where were you yesterday?”“What was the weather like?”“What was the food like ?”l Group work4. Conclusion 5 .Homework :l Design a picture for each new word and copy them twice.THE SECOND PERI

5、OD(Conversation、Practice1&2、Chant activity)1. Revision l Daily report l Spelling test2. Presentation:l Use the pictures of the countries, have Ss go to different countries, some of them voluntary to answer the questions as to practice the main sentences in this unit.l Still use the flags. T demonstr

6、ate : I come from China. Where do you come from?Guide S2: I come from China.(twice)l Then say: Where did you come from?Elicit :Many places. (many 、place)l Listen to the tape first, then repeat.4. Practice :l Finish Practice1l T and S3 to demonstrate Practice2l Pair情workl Feedbackl T explain “I walke

7、d a long way.” in Chinese.l Listen and chant.l Redesign the chant.5. Conclusion: Go over the blackboard writing .6. Homework: 1.Finish activity2.Finish WorkbookTHE THIRD PERIOD (Sound and words 、chant、Workbook)1. Revision :l Daily report2. Presentation:l T write down “dog”、“clock” under line“o”l Hav

8、e Ss repeat after the T. Then practice the sound .3. Practice :l Open the books and listen to the tape. Then repeat.l Look at the month and guess the word wit in rows.l 2minutes to read by the students.l Feed back: T say the words and Ss point to the exactly pictures.l Write down “dog、frog、clock、top

9、、tock、shop、knock、jog.l Have Ss underline the words.l Listen to the chant and repeatl Group compitition and find out the winner.l Finish Workbook.4.Conclusion: Go over the blackboard writing .5.Homework :l Act out conversation.教学后记:本课的内容既有复习也有新内容,复习是以过去时态为主,在复习在主要是以对话形式为主,同时也结合本课中出现的新单词和句子进行操练,大部分学生在

10、学习中能较好地接受新知识,但对于单词的掌握和语法的运用还要多做练习加以巩固。Unit 2 What did you eat this morning? 一、 Teaching objectives1、 Language structuresWhat did you do this morning ?I read comic books. Did you go to the beach after that ?No ,I didnt . I went to the park .2、 New vocabulary Key : went ,ate, wrote, read ,made, road ,

11、sang, drank Additional :morning, afternoon , evening.Sounds and words :tall ,ten ,tea, teacher, twelve, toast.3、Skills能听、说写本课单词和句型 ;能用本课知识进行交际。二、 Teaching key points本课生词和句型三、 Teaching difficult points单词中“t”的发音。四、 Teaching aids Small food item(bread),milk, calendar, picture cards9-16,clock,paper.TV,

12、Computer 。 The first period一、 Revision1、 Where were you yesterday?2、 What was the food like in Modonalds?3、 Where were you during the winter holiday?二、Presentation1) New wordsT: Im drinking some milk. (边做边说)T: (举起空杯子) I drank some milk .板书:drink drinking drank.把面包放进嘴巴食。T: Im eating some bread .T: (举

13、起双手并张开空嘴巴). I ate some bread .板书:eat eating ate.用同样方法教授其它单词。板书:go going went.make making made.ride riding rode.write writing wrote.sing singing sang.read reading read.2) Open your book and read the new words together or in pairs.3) Play a game:A:看谁认得又快又准:以竞赛形式,让学生看闪烁的图片拼读单词。4) TargetA: (close the bo

14、ok) listen to the tape.B: (open the book) listen and repeat.C: Write down the new sentences on the blackboard and teach:What did you do this morning?I read comic books.Did you go to the beach after that ?No ,I didnt. I went to the park .用所学单词代替画线部分的单词。D: Pair work Make some dialogues with these new

15、words .三、Homework1、 Copy the new words and remember them .2、 Recite Target.3 、In advance Conversation. The second period ( Conversation 、 P11-P13 )一、Revision1、 look at the pictures and read words together.2、 Look at the pictures and answer these questions.A : What did you do yesterday ?B: Did you go to school last Monday ?C:What did you


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