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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上武汉实验外国语学校2012年初中招生综合测试试卷(A卷)Section Two Reading and Writing.(满分15分) 阅读下面三篇文章,并按要求完成相应的任务。 Passage A Bats are unusual animals. Even though they fly, they are not birds. A bats baby is covered with fur. Its wings are made of skin. Bats do not have any feathers. Bats are the only mammals t

2、hat fly. A mamal is an animal that has hair and feeds its babies with its own milk. Humans are mammals,too. Mother bats have one or two babies each spring. Baby bats hang onto their mothers until they learn to fly by themselves. Bats can be many different colors. Most are brown, but some are black,

3、orange, grey or even green. Even though many people do not like bats, bats dont usually hurt people. Only vampire bats, which live in hot jungles, are very dangerous. Bats in the United States help people. Every year they eat billions of harmful insects! Some bats also eat fruit or pollen from flowe

4、rs.根据短文内容和所给句子的提示,从文中找出五个单词,填入下面放个中(每词1分,满分5分)Across: 2. Vampire bats live in hot 4.What does bats eat?5.What colour are most bats? Down:1.Bats are not 3.What are bats wings made of? 31456Passage B阅读药品标签上的使用说明,回答下面各题:(每小题一分,满分5分)1. Can a child with temperature take this medicine? 2. How much medicin

5、e should a 5-year-old take at a time? 3. How often can this medicine be taken? 4. Who knows how much medicine to give a 1-year-old? 5. Who should not take this medicine? Children with Passage CDear Sir/ Madam, When I was seated on the top deck of a bus recently, I was shocked by the behaviour of som

6、e students from Westlake College. They were eating hamburgers and drinking cola. When they reached their stop, they got off, leaving the empty cartons and cups on the bus. I was forced to speak to one of them about this as he went past me, but he just laughed. “Its not my job to clean the bus,” he s

7、aid. “Why should I do it?” Is this the attitude of young people today? Dont they care about their environment? Are they content to let other people clean up after them all the time? Shanghai would look disgusting if everybody behaved as these students did. Moreover, as a 66-year-old grandfather, I w

8、as not happy about being laughed at by a schoolchild. The youth of today have no respect to their elders. Yours faithfully, Charles Wang根据文章内容,选择下列五个问题的正确答案,并将代表该答案的字母填在题目前的括号内。(每小题1分,满分5分。)( )1. Who is Charles Wang?A. He is a 66-year-old man.B. He is a college student in Shanghai.C. He is a student

9、s grandfather.( ) 2.Who is the writer writing to ?A. An editor.B. A directorC. A teacher.( ) 3. What dose Charles think of these students?A. They are humorous.B. They are careless.C. They dont behave well.( ) 4.What will Shanghai be like if everybody dose as those students do?A. It will be clean.B.

10、It will be dirty.C. It will be beautiful.( ) 5.where dose the writer meet those students?A. On the bus.B. On the deck.C. In the street.Section Three English for fun (满分10分).请为下面的广告词选出合适的产品,并将代表该产品的字母写在题目前面的括号内。(每小题1分,满分4分)( ) 1.Good to the last drop.( ) 2.Obey your thirst.( ) 3.The new digital era.(

11、 ) 4.We lead. Others copy. .仔细阅读下面阅读或对话,请将每个空白处缺少的单词写出来,使句意完整。(每小题1分,满分4分) 1. Panda Tuantuan and Yuanyuan are the for Taiwan. 2.How much are these postcards? - They are 20 pouns all . 3.Dont tell others about our secret! -No, I wont. I havent got a big . 4.How long can you keep the book from the sch

12、ool ? -One month at most!.阅读下列文字,将正确答案写在横线上,每空填一个单词。 (每小题1分,满分2分)1 Very nice, very neat. Has teeth, but cannot eat. What is it? 2 GHOS! This word looks strange, but it reads as an English word. The sound of “gh” is the same as it in the word “enough”, the sound of “o” is the same as it in the word “woman”; and the sound of “s” is the same as it in the word “sugar”. Then this “GHOS” sounds like the word. .专心-专注-专业



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