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1、突破口语-流利美语速成100天/新世通英语培训教程系列Before i had downloaded the audio file(mp3) with BT,but i didnt get the visual content,so i bought the book.today, let me share it with you.1 one: how are you doing? 你好吗?A: How are you doing this morning,John?B: Im doing great. Its great to see you. Hows everyyhing?A: Terr

2、ific. I feel pretty good this morning.B: Susan. Id like you to meet my best friend Bill Johes. Bill, meet Susan.C: Hi. Nice to meet you.A: Nice to meet you,too. Mr.Jones.C: Please call me Bill.A: Okay,Bill. And please call me Susan.Note:Id like to introduce my friend./Id like you to meet my friend.t

3、errific,可怕的, 可怖的/了不起的, 极好的/极大的, 非常的, 极端的drive at a terrific speed,以极高的速度开车think oneself terrific,自以为了不起a terrific actor最好的、最有经验的一位演员a terrific hurricane 可怕的飓风2 two: i beg your pardon 对不起,你在说什么?A: How are you doing, Sam?B: I beg your pardon?A: How are you getting along?B: Im getting along well, thank

4、s. What about you?A: I havent had enough sleep lately.B: Youll feel better after a good nights sleep.A: Thank you so much.B: youre most welcome.Note:How are you getting along with your classmates? how are you getting along with your translation? 你的翻译怎么样啦?How are you getting along with your homework?

5、3 three: take your time 别着急/慢慢来; just take your time!A: How come you look so tired,Mike?B: I stayed up till midnight last night.A: How well do you speak English now?B: I cant express myself very well in english. Im working hard to improve my english now.A: Are you making any progress?B: Im not makin

6、g much progress with my english.A: Take your time! Rome wasnt built in a day. Keep on going. Never give up, never, i think youll make it.B: Youre absolutely right.note:keep on going, 坚持不懈make it, 口语 达到预定目标Stay up: (1) v,不睡觉 she stayed up reding untill midnight. (2) 留在原地,原地不动 (3) stay up late 深夜不睡, 迟

7、睡; i will stay up late like you at Friday/Saturday.stay single 保持单身, 不结婚/stay at home 呆在家里/stay away out 不在家Why did you stay away from school? 你为什么不上学?make a long stay,长住, 长期逗留stay ahead (of) (比.)领先, (走在.的)前面stay clear of 避开., 不与.接触; 美别碰电线4 four: whats the matter?怎么回事?A: I feel very sleepy today.B:

8、Whats the matter? Didnt you get enough sleep last night?A: I fell aseelp very late. i didnt sleep well last night.B: Are you worried about something?A: These things happen.B: Take it easy. Things will look better tomorrow.Note:take it easy,v.从容, 不紧张, 松懈, 轻松sleepy: adj 困乏的, 欲睡的 / sleep: n,睡眠;vi,睡, 睡觉

9、/asleep: adj,睡着的, 睡熟的fall asleep: v,入睡, 长眠, 懈怠, 静止不动,死5 five: if only. 要是.该多好A: Why do you look so sad?B: I failed my English examination.A: Thats too bad.B: If only.If only.A: If only what?B: If only i had passed.A: Take it easy! Was it really difficult?B: Not reallym but i didnt study enough. I wi

10、sh.I wish?A: I wish what?B: I wish i had studied more.A: Take it easy.take it easy.Note:If only he had been here.要是他当时在这儿就好了。 I dread the coming exams. If only I could have time to review my lessons.我对即将到来的考试非常担心。如果我有时间复习该有多好啊。 I am so tired. If only I can take the day off tomorrow.太疲倦了。如果明天能不上班多好。

11、If only it clears up, well go.只要天一放晴,我们就去。only if: conj. 只有当(只是在.的时候) The company will succeed only if it have sufficient backing.只有当该公司获得足够的资助,它才会成功。 I can buy the house only if a mortgage for 2000 dollars is available.只有拿到两千美元的抵押贷款,我才买得起那栋房子。 Only if you study harder can you make progress in your

12、study. 它放在句前要倒装。We wish we could fly to the moon.我们希望能飞向月球。(希望渺茫)I wish I were younger. 我希望我更年轻。(实际上我已不年轻。) We sent our best wishes to her. 我们对她致以最良好的祝愿。(表示祝愿常用复数) He expressed a wish to be alone.他表示愿意独居. He had a wish that he could see all his sons before he died. 他有一个愿望,在临终前能见到所有的儿子I wish you a go

13、od journey. 我祝你旅途愉快Do you really wish me to go there?你真是要我去那里? I have been wishing for an opportunity to go abroad.我一直希望有个出国的机会。 I wish I knew what is happening outside space.但愿我知道太空外正在发生什么事。 6 Six: i guess so 我想如此A: Would you like some tea?B: Yes, please.A: Would you like something to eat?B: No tha

14、nks.Just tea.A: OK. Would you like to watch some television?B: No. Not really.A: Would you like listen to the radio?B: Not particularly.A: Would you like to listen to some records?B: I guess so.7 seven: I cant come up with it. 我办不到/我想不出来A: Are you leaving so soon?B: Yes, this party is boring.A: I kn

15、ow, and its really a shame.B: Why do you say that?A: Everyone worked so hard to make it successful.B: Its a pity that they couldnt come up with a better band.8 eight: im under a lot of pressure 我压力很大A: Im under a lot of pressure at work.B: How come? /怎么会呢?A: Theres just too much work for one person.B: Maybe you need an assistant.A: Id like one. I never complete one assignment before anothe



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