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1、汽车总动员台词(中英对照)41只为大家学英语汽车总动员Cars Inhaling and exhaling deeplyMale OK. Here we go. Focus.好了,准备了,专心Speed. I am speed.速度,我是速度Cars whizzing pastOne winner, 41 losers.1个赢家,41个输家I eat losers for breakfast.我把输家当早餐吃Car acceleratingBreakfast.早餐Wait, maybe Ishould have had breakfast.也许我该吃早餐,可能会比较好A little brec

2、k-y could be good for me.No, no, no, stay focused. Speed.不不不不保持专心,速度Cars whizzingIm faster than fast.Quicker than quick.疾如风,快如电I am lightning!我是“闪电”!Pounding on doorMale Hey, Lightning! You ready?嘿,“闪电”,准备好了吗Sheryl Crow: Real GoneOh, yeah. Lightnings ready没错,“闪电”早就准备好了engine rewingEngine revsCrowd c

3、heersKa-chow!咔嚓!Cars zooming汽车总动员Cars whooshingBoth screamAll cheerGet your antenna balls here!来买天线球喔Go, Lightnin!冲啊,“闪电”!- Whoo!- You got that right, slick. whistles- 哇喔!- 你说对了,滑头Air wrench whirringUh! screams呀!Engine revs- Male Welcome back to the Dinoco 400.- Crowd cheers欢迎回到戴诺可400Im Bob Cutlass,

4、 herewith my good friend, Darrell Cartrip.我是鲍伯,跟我的好朋友达洛赛车进行到一半了,今天可能是赛车史上重要日子Were midway through what maybe an historic day for racing.Bob, my oil pressuresthrough the roof.鲍伯,现在我的油压暴升If this gets more exciting, theyregonna have to tow me outta the booth!比赛要是更刺激的话,恐怕我得被拖着出去了Right, Darrell.的确是的,达洛Bob

5、 Three cars are tiedfor the season points lead,三部领先的车,以相同的积分heading into the final raceof the season.进入本季最后一场比赛And the winner of this race will winthe season title and the Piston Cup.这场比赛的胜利者,将赢得季冠军头衔,跟活塞奖杯Does The King, Strip Weathers,绰号“冠军”的史崔威勒have one more victory in himbefore retirement?是不是能在退休

6、以前再夺得一次胜利呢Darrell Hes been Dinocos golden boyfor years!他是戴诺可赞助多年的金童Can he win them one last Piston Cup?能不能赢得最后一个活塞奖杯呢?Bob And, as always, in thesecond place spot we find Chick Hicks.还有就是一如往常的,第二名“路霸”在他的赛车生涯中,始终都位居第二Hes been chasingthat tailfin his entire career.Darrell Chick thoughtthis was his year

7、.路霸以为今年是他的幸运年His chance to finally emergefrom The Kings shadow.终于有机会脱离“冠军”史崔威勒的阴影But the last thing he expected was.Lightning McQueen!可是他万万没想到半路杀出个程咬金,“闪电”麦坤!Bob You know, I dont thinkanybody expected this.你知道吗,我看没有人想到这位菜鸟新秀,原本是个无名小子The rookie sensationcame into the season unknown.But everyone knows

8、 him now.现在大家都认识他了Darrell Will he be the first rookieto win a Piston Cup and land Dinoco?他会是第一个赢得活塞奖杯,跟戴诺可赞助的菜鸟吗?Bob The legend, the runner-up,and the rookie!赛车传奇,亚军,和菜鸟Three cars, one champion!三部车,一个冠军!Breaks screeching哦,不,你休想!No you dont.- Chuckling- Hey!呵呵!- Tires squealing- Crowd booingWhat a ri

9、de!哦,闪电,快啊!ChucklingGo get em, McQueen!Go get em!超过去,麦坤!超过去!Female I love you, Lightning!我爱你!“闪电”!- Dinoco is all mine.- Screaming戴诺可是我的!Darrell Trouble, turn three!有状况,第三弯道!- Get through that, McQueen.- Bob Huge crash behind the leaders!- 冲过来啊,麦坤- 不好,领先车的后面撞成了一团Crowd gaspsScreamingGiggling- Grunts-

10、 GaspsBoth screamingBob Wait a second, Darrell.McQueen is in the wreckage.等一下,达洛,麦坤冲进车阵了Darrell Theres no way the rookiecan make it through!那个菜鸟绝对不可能过得去!至少不是毫发无伤Not in one piece, that is.ExhalingYeah!耶!Lightning! Oh!“闪电”!喔!Darrell Look at that!McQueen made it through!你看看!麦坤过去了耶!天呐!“闪电”麦坤精彩突围Bob A sp

11、ectacular moveby Lightning McQueen!Yeah! Ka-chow!耶!咔嚓!McQueen! McQueen! McQueen!McQueen! McQueen! McQueen!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!麦坤!Yeah, McQueen! Ka-chow! honking耶,麦坤!咔嚓!Bob While everyoneheads into the pits,当其他赛车都进维修站的时候麦坤继续跑,取得领先McQueen stays out to take the lead!Dont take me out, coach.I can still race!

12、别让我退出啊,教练我还可以跑!Air wrench whirringChuckling What do you think?A thing of beauty.哈哈,你们觉得怎么样?很厉害吧- McQueen made it!- Chick What?- 麦坤他不休息!- 什么?Hes not pitting!他不进站!You gotta get me out there!Lets go! Get me back out there!快,快让我出站快!快让我回去,快!McQueens not going into the pits!麦坤居然不进站维修!Darrell The rookie fi

13、red hiscrew chief. The third this season!那个菜鸟刚开除了他的总机械师,那是本季第三位了!- Bob Says he likes working alone.- Go, go!- 他自个儿说喜欢独立自主的- 跑!跑!跑!Looks like Chickgot caught up in the pits.路霸被维修给耽搁了Yeah, after a stop like that,hes got a lot of ground to make up.对,停了那么久,他可有一大段路要追呢Get ready, boys,were coming to the re

14、start!男士们,准备好,要开始喽!Crowd cheersCome on, come on, come on!让开 让开 让开!We need tires now!Come on, lets go!我们需要轮胎!快点!快点!- No, no, no, no! No tires, just gas!- Male What?- 不不不不!不要轮胎,汽油就好- 什么?You need tires, you idiot!你需要轮胎,你这白痴!看来麦坤今天只打算加了汽油就跑啊Darrell Looks like itsgas-and-gos for McQueen today.没错,还是不换轮胎Bob Right. No tires again.通常我会说这就像是在炒短线可是对他挺有效的Darrell Thats a short-term gain,long-term loss,but i


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