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1、 出国旅游英语口语:梦幻哥本哈根The capital of Denmark welcomes Kathy and Evan for their three-week stay.丹麦的首都哥本哈根欢送凯西和艾凡来观光三个礼拜。 E:Wow! What a great city! It”s as beautiful as Amsterdam. 艾凡:哇!好棒的城市!就和阿姆斯特丹一样漂亮。 K:I think I”m going to like it here, too. Can we just drive around before we check into a hostel? 凯西:我想我

2、也会喜爱这里的。在我们到青年旅社登记住宿前,我们可不行以开着车绕一绕呢? E:Sure. While in Amsterdam, I phoned ahead to make reservations in one on Gother Street. It”s centrally located. 艾凡:固然可以。在阿姆斯特丹时,我事先打过电话预约了高瑟街上的一家青年旅社,就在市中心。 K:Good! I hope it”s not too far from the shopping district. I didn”t buy that much in Amsterdam, so I hav

3、e some extra money to spend here. 凯西:太好了!我盼望距离购物区不会太远。在阿姆斯特丹时,我没有买许多东西,所以我现在有多余的钱可以在这里花。 E:Look at all the parks. It”s wonderful to see how clean and green these European cities are. And look! There”s the Royal Porcelain Factory. 艾凡:看看这些公园。看到这些欧洲城市这么洁净、绿意盎然真是太棒了。看!皇家瓷厂在那里。 K:What about it? 凯西:它有什么特殊

4、的吗? E:The royal family of Denmark owns it. Denmark has been making world-class porcelain for hundreds of years. 艾凡:它是丹麦皇家经营的。数百年来,丹麦始终出产的瓷器。 K:I see. And what”s over there? Look at all the people! 凯西:原来如此。那边是什么?你看怎么那么多人! E:That”s Central Station next to Tivoli. The Tivoli Gardens are famous around t

5、he world as an amusement park. 艾凡:那是第凡尼旁边的中心车站。第凡尼乐园是举世着名的游乐园。 K:Will we have time to go there? 凯西:我们将会有时间到那里去吗? E:Of course! We”re on vacation, remember? 艾凡:固然!我们在度假,记得吗? 单词短语精讲: 1 .reservation 保存; 例:We made。reservation at the motel for Firday and Saturdav nights.(我们预订厂星期五和星期六晚上住在这家汽车旅馆。) 2. extra

6、额外的 例:We will need to take extra clothing with us if we want to stav overnight.(我们假如要过夜就必需多带衣物。) 3.the Royal Porcelain Factory(丹麦)皇家瓷厂 porcelain .瓷器 4. amusement 消遣,消遣 amuse 使欢快,使欢乐an amusement pank游乐场例:The world”、most famous amusement pank,Disneyland,is now located in four countries.(世界上最的游乐场迪斯尼乐园现

7、在人卜落于4个国家。)We were amused watching the two kittens ,laying and fighting together on the living room can,et.(看着两只小猫咪在客厅的地毯上打闹,我们被逗笑厂。) 5. Tivoli 第凡尼(位于哥木哈根,以游乐公园着称) 6. vacation 假期I” 11 be on vacation in Bali. (我下星期不会在这里,我会在巴厘岛度假。)The Winters are vacationing in southern France this winter.(温特家今年冬天在法国南部度假。)


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