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1、万圣节调查:1/3美国人迷信鬼魂Ghosts, goblins? Many Americans are believersGhosts and goblins are more than Halloween decorations or costumes for many Americans who confessed they believe in the supernatural and returning from the grave.对很多美国人来说,鬼怪和妖精可不仅仅出现在万圣节的装扮或服饰上,他们坦承自己相信超自然灵异事件和鬼魂现世。Thirty-seven percent of

2、2,100 adults questioned in a Zogby Interactive poll said they think ghosts are real, and 23 percent believe they have been visited by a deceased relative or friend.民调机构佐格比互动针对2100位成年人开展了此项调查,其中37%的受访者表示自己相信世间确有鬼魂,另有23%的受访者称已故亲友曾经回来探访。Even the 22 percent who said they have not had any ghostly experie

3、nces themselves know someone who has.甚至有22%没撞见过鬼的受访者也表示知道其他人有亲身体验。More than a third of Americans have this belief that ghosts do exist, said a spokesman for Zogby, adding that the findings were surprising.佐格比互动的一位发言人说:“超过1/3的美国人相信有鬼存在。”他还表示这一发现令人大吃一惊。科学家称未来将能记录人类梦境Scientists plan to record peoples d

4、reamsScientists think it will be possible to record peoples dreams and then interpret them, according to a new report.根据一项新报告,科学家们认为未来将有可能记录下人类的梦境并加以解释。They claim to have developed a system which allows them to record higher level brain activity.他们称已经发明了一套可以记录大脑高级活动的系统。Dr Moran Cerf told the journal

5、 Nature: We would like to read peoples dreams.莫兰塞尔夫博士告诉自然杂志说:“我们希望能解读人们的梦境。”Previously the only way to access peoples dreams is for psychologists to ask about them after the event and try to interpret them.在此之前,了解人类梦境的唯一途径,就是在人们做梦之后心理学家向他们询问,然后试图对梦加以解释。Dr Cerf hopes to eventually compare peoples memories of their dreams with an electronic visualisation of their brain activity.塞尔夫博士希望最终可以实现将人们对梦境的记忆同他们大脑活动的电子影像进行对照。



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