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1、初二英语演讲稿范文3分钟 在做英语演讲时与观众的眼神交流很重要,不仅可以加强与受众之间的互动,还可以帮助缓和演讲者的紧张情绪。下面是小编为大家整理了初二英语演讲稿范文分钟,欢迎参考。初二英语演讲稿范文分钟篇1hell,boy andirl. my na shnhuiyao. i&rsqu;m a irl ad i&rsuo;ma sudet. i&squo;from qanjia wa. ilik yeow, becuse ike baan. favrit fod is egs. i lie cine, eaue itnk mr. n s good hnese teahernd li miss

2、zho, to. y: look, tis yfamily pho. who&rqu;shis wons1:s she r thr shy: ys, h&rquo;s mother. an whorquo;s thiman 2: isheyour fathr hy: yes. he&rsuo;s mfatr. then w&rso;s this ma hersqo;s a o m. 3:s e yourgadfathers:ys, e’ my grandfathr an th s my uncle. ho’s his irl a, ha, it&rquo;s me. m

3、y teris bautful. my fthe is ool. i lve m fathe. i love mymoh.and tey love. m gradther is kind. indmeans 和蔼可亲。y rndfher ivery very knd. i love y grandfathr, too mspec isver. tnk yoverone,goodbye!初二英语演讲稿范文3分钟篇2 out is nota ie of ife, it isa sat of mind; tis otrosy ceeks, ed lips nd uppe kees, i a mate

4、r he emotins :itis the freshnss ; i i thefreshness the ep spigs f life.out ensa temeramntaledominance forage ovr tmiit of tappet ,or adve ove te lov oease. This often eistsin mnf 0 ore than a y of 2 . bodygrowsol merey b a nubr o years We gro ld byesertng ourideals Yearswrnl the skin, but toive up e

5、nthuias wis thsol Wory, far , self &nah;distrusbow he ead turnte spirit back to dust ether60 of 26, here is in every umn being heart te lre ofonders, theailig hillike ppeite of was net ad he j of the gam oflivingInthecner of r art ad my at theres a wireless taion :so og asitreciv esags o bauty , hpe

6、 ,cher, curage d wrfrom men and fro te iniie,so ongas you areyou . Whnthe eial ardown ,d o prit iscovered wh sow cnicim ad eio pessmis, hen yoe grwnl ,evn a2 , bt a lonou aerasae up ,ocach waves o optimim , tee is hpeou a de ungt 8. hats ll ! Tank you!初二英语演讲稿范文分钟篇3 Dar friend: a arch irl, bcas hav a

7、 lo o reasure.Frieds ar my treurs.WhenrI m sdan down, I owhey would hold y hans nd arm my hart. Theysw eow mazng the frindi Familes are alsoyteasur.hether tme fin s far apart ot keepsu ose tether,tey ae alws standin bymyside. Tey ell me ow wndrful tobe loved epe y love Expeence ism teasure. Whtever

8、good ad stuation I have to ace,t wold ho e therigt way. Itheps m know more aout lif believe I wilbe riche th t., becauth way oie isjust like a jurney of finding tesu .u nverknowwhe ad where you ca findthm. Yo ust ee gn an hywill be foundnsme time a som lae. ill ceris what Ihavehad ad keep fining wit

9、h curioity dpassion . fall n v with readng,because I ca et he treasu o knwle . Ikeprt n actities,becuse can fnd the easue of coopetion. I enjoy usic, becaus c fin utth treasure f beaty Life ipecos ,in’t it w ca we et so nbeautfu ad aluabe thinswitut lifeDear fnds, Lt&rsqu;s fel the word wth heart,car te sn inside ou,nre out fote dremsttgude y wereyou want too.u willae whati taks to mkeour path o sces. That ish reaureof life!Thank!


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