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1、综合能力演练(满分:100分)第I卷 选择题 (共50分). 单项选择。(18分,每小题1分)1. Mom added _but still wasnt_.A. salty, salt enough B. salty, enough salt C. salt, enough salty D. salt, salty enough2. Betty is often seen _the old man with his housework.A. help B. to help C. helped D. helps3. Columbus(哥伦布)_America and Edison _ light

2、s.A. discovered, discovered B. invented, invented C. discovered, invented D. invented,discovered4. Raincoat are used _keeping off rain.A. as B. with C. to D. for5. _the soldiers are very tired, _they keep on working.They are great, we must learn from them.ABecause,/ B. Though,/ C. Because,so D. Thou

3、gh,but6.Im very _with my own cooking. It looks nice and smells delicious. Mm, it does have a _ smell.A. pleasant,pleased B. pleased,pleased C. pleasant,pleasant D. pleased, pleasant7.What do you know about the washing machine?It was invented in _ century.A. the twenty B. the twentieth C. twentieth D

4、. twenty 8.A number of students _in the dinning hall. Let me count. The number of the students _about 400.A. are, is B. is, are C. are, are D. is, is9. Some of the things were _ old.A .a hundred of years B. hundreds of years C .hundreds of year D. a hundred of year10. Theres going to_ in tomorrows n

5、ewspaper.A. have something new B. have new something C. be something new D. be new something11. Mum, I volunteer my time _ the plates.A. to washB. washingC. washedD. be washed12. The sudden rain made _ for the singers to perform.A. that possibleB. that impossible C. it possibleD. it impossible13. Ho

6、w many places _ by the end of last year?A. have you visited B. did you visit C. had you visited D. do you visit14. Miss Luo is _ kind _her students love her very much.A. so, that B. such, to C. such a, that D. so, as to15. Ive come to return the book to you. Thank you. Oh, I cant remember _ the book

7、 to you.A. borrowing B. borrow C. lending D. lend16. _ have you been to the zoo? Twice.A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. How many times17. He told me that he _ his homework at home. A. has forgotten B. had forgotten C. has left D. had left18. If you want to learn English well, you should pract

8、ice speaking _ possible.A. as good as B. as many as you can C. as much as D. as good as you canII. 完形填空。(12分,每小题1分)Christmas is for giving and sharing, for getting together with family and friends. But mostly its for love. I had not believed this until a student, who was called Mark, gave me a wonde

9、rful gift one Christmas.Mark was an 11-year-old orphan (孤儿) who lived with his aunt, a middle aged woman greatly annoyed (使烦恼) with the burden (负担) of 1for her dead sisters son.I had not 2Mark especially until he began staying after class each day to help me tidy up the room. We did this quietly, no

10、t speaking much, but enjoying the time of the day. When we did talk, Mark spoke mostly of his 3 who had always spent much time with him before she passed away. 4Christmas came near, however, Mark failed to stay after school each day. I 5 him one afternoon and asked why he no longer helped me in the

11、room. “I was making you a 6 ,” he said confidently (有信心地) in a low voice. “Its for Christmas.” With that, he left the room in a hurry. He didnt stay after school any more after that. Finally 7the last school day before Christmas. Mark walked slowly into the room late that afternoon. “I have a presen

12、t,” he said. “I hope you like it.” He held out his hand, and in it was a tiny wooden box. “Its beautiful, Mark. Whats in it?” I asked, opening the top to look 8. “Oh, you cant see it,” he replied, “and you cant touch it, or taste it or feel it, but mother always said it makes you feel good all the t

13、ime, warm on cold nights, and safe when youre 9.”I looked into the 10box. “What is it, Mark,” I asked, “What will make me feel so good?” “Its 11,” he said softly, “and mother always said its best when you give it away.” And he turned and quietly left the room.So now I 12the small box on the piano in

14、 my living room. Yes, Christmas is for joy, songs and nice gifts, but mostly, for love.1. A. askingB. waiting C. caringD. looking2. A. seenB. knownC. found D. noticed 3. A. motherB. teacher C. auntD. friend4. A. IfB. AsC. Because D. Though5. A. caughtB. calledC. tookD. stopped 6. A. secret B. wishC. surpriseD. wonder7. A. wentB. returnedC. cameD. passed8. A. upB. insideC. down D. round



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