教学内容Unit5 A party[1].doc

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1、教学内容Unit5 A party (Checkout time and Ticking time)教材版本译林版教学课时共 4 课时 第 4 课时课 型新授教学目标1.进一步复习本单元词汇和句型。2.能灵活运用be going to不同结构进行描述和询问打算。教学重点能正确掌握、灵活运用一般将来时进行口语交际及写作训练。教学难点学生自主学习能力以及答题能力的培养。教学准备课件&教学光盘教 学 过 程二次备课Step 1 Revision T: There are many things at the party. What are they?S: T:Well done! Whats Su

2、Hai going to bring to the party? Do you still remember? Lets ask and answer in pairs. (PPT shows the sentences)A: What is going to bring to the party? B: is going to bring some to the party .T: Good job! Then, lets retell the story.Here are some pictures, they can help you. (group work)S: T: Well do

3、ne!Step 2 Presentation1.T: Read the notes about Mikes class party. Guess! What is he going to ask? Here are some words, they can help you.S: T: Maybe.S: T: Perhaps! Lets check! T: Lets ask and answer in pairs. (PPT shows the sentences) We are going to have the party at my house.The party is going to

4、 begin at three oclock and end at five oclock.Shes going to think of some games.Hes going to bring some balloons.Eric is going to buy some snacks and drinks.2.write a short passage according to Mikes house.3.T: Lets listen and number1) Look and talk2) Follow the tape.3) Say in pairs.4) Checked the a

5、imStep 3. Review and talk (group work)T: When we go to a party, what should we do? S: We should take a gift / bring some presents do not arrive too early can be a few minutes late2. Sound time1) T: Look at this picture. What can you see in the picture? (PPT shows the picture)S: Ss Follow the tape2)

6、T: Look at these words, know, show, slow, snow, windowWhat is the “ow” pronounced?S: says / /3) Try to read more wordsStep 3 Consolidation1. Do a summary (Think and talk)1) I learn some words about parties. (T shows pictures)2) I know about parties.3) I can use “am/is/are going to” to ask and answer questions.4) I know the sound of “ow”.2. Check Aim (Checkout time ) 1) Talk in groups 2) Checked the aim板书设计 Unit5 A party (Checkout time and Ticking time) What be .going to .? When be.going to.?Where be .going to.?Who be.going to.?教学反思


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