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1、初中精品资料欢迎下载一般过去时一般过去时: 指已经发生过的动作或事件,至今为止这个动作或事件已经停止。标志词:yesterday, lastEg: I went to Eric party last week助动词:didEg: Did you go to school yesterday morning?Be 动词: was, wereEg: Was the dog here just now?动词的过去式变形1. +ed (一般动词的过去式直接在动词后面加上ed即可)2. +d(以e结尾动词,过去式直接加上d即可)3. 去y + ied (以y结尾,并且y旁边没有元音字母的动词,把y变成i

2、,再加上ed)4. 动词的不规则变形(以下为常用动词的不规则变形,要牢记这些动词哦!)Irregularverbs规则动词infin itivePast tenseinfin itivePast tense(原形)(过去式)(原形)(过去式)am/iswaswillwouldarewereshallshoulddo/doesdidcancouldgowentmaymightcomecamemustmustrunranleaveleftbecomebecamelendlentbeginbeganloselostbreakbrokemakemadebringbroughtmea nmea ntbu

3、ildbuiltmeetmetbuyboughtpaypaidcatchcaughtriderodechoosechoseriserosecomecamerunrandrawdrewsaysaiddrinkdrankseesawdrivedrovesellsoldeatatesendsentfallfellsingsangfeedfedsitsatfindfoundsleepsleptflyflewspeakspokeforgetforgotspe ndspe ntgetgotsta ndstoodgivegaveswimswamgowenttaketookgrowgrewteachtaugh

4、thave/hashadtelltoldhearheardthi nkthoughtholdheldthrowthrewkeepkeptwakewokeknowknewwearworelear nlear ned/lear ntwinwonleaveleftwritewrotehithitletletputputreadread句型变换1. 一般疑问句:变换句型的规律与一般现在时一致,但是助动词必须使用did,动词的过去式要变回原形。e.g. I went to school yesterday.He was five years old last year.They had a good t

5、ime last Sun day.Did you go to school yesterday?Was he five years old last year?Did they have a good time last Sun day?2. 特殊疑问句:同一般现在时规律,注意助动词和be动词的变化 e.g. I played football with my friends yesterday after noon.Whe n did you play football with your frien ds?练习一 写出过去式amridebuywatchwriteisvisitbringgo

6、waterareswimtakerundo二.用 “ am , is , waSJ空。1. Ia teacher no w.But ten years ago Ia stude nt.2. Hea little boy five years ago.3. Whereit last Su nday?4. Sheat school yesterday.二用所给动词的适当形式填空。1. Tom(visit) his gran dpare nts last week.2. The twins(water) the flowers in the garde n Thursday morni ng.3.

7、I(watch) a film with my friend last Sun day.4. My father(be) in Newyork last year.5. What(do) you do last night?6. (be) there any people in the classroom last week?7. What(do) you do just now? I(wash) my clothes.三按要求改写句子。1. We are all happy.改成一般过去时)Weall happy.2. I visited my grandparents last week.

8、改成疑问句)4. I played a lot of games with my friends in the park.对戈卩线部分提问)5. I did my homework last night(改成疑问句并作肯定否定回答)6. There were some ducks in the zoo last year改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答)7. Jack often does morning exercise.改成否定句)Jackofte nmorning exercise.四用所给词的适当形I. The dog (be) there just now.2. Where( be ) t

9、he library now? It(is) there just now.3. It(be) my birthday yesterday.4. The ball(be) on the ground just now.5. Sally (go ) to visit a museum last week.6. My father(watch) TV last Friday.7.1(go) London last year.8. Where(be) you just now, Lih ong?五选择()1.1 watered the flowersA now B last week C tomor

10、row()2. whatyou do last n ight, Jack?A do B does C did()3. Lih onghis room last Sun day.A clea n B clea ning C clea ned()4.youTV last Sun day?A Did, watch B Do, watch C Did, watched()5.your fatherhis car last Sun day morning?A Did, wash B Do, wash C Did, washed()6. Did they play football last Friday

11、. -.A Yes, they did B No, they did C Yes, they do.()7. theybasketball last Saturday.A play B played C plays()8. weto school on foot last Saturday morning.A go B went C goes 六连成句1 did, what, do, you, yesterday,?, morning2 Sally, did, TV, watch, weeke nd, last,?3 went, park, to ,I, bike, by , last, Friday4 lived, last , Jerry, year, China, in


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