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1、成长的苦恼英文作文 篇一:成长的苦恼英文作文400字 Gwi Pas In Mmory fthe Pst Ds oing nto the miror, the man there s no lonerthat ltte by singinand lughg al ayong ithhitreasuredoysIad, ter sand a man who i leally a ault, thoughhe is stilimare etienal Pop say you itheotpreio an the most briliat n ou long period of lfe, ad Ia

2、gee wit it Wa stro i bod, quck nmind, we re lways fulof passn,enegtc andhigspiritd. Youths thn inthe moig ndthrainbowin the.We agrown ,suddenly. Looi bac fhe ld days, tsmseing a olleg suden can be socool n so plsing, nomoe hoewr w ur im,o o citicsmsplou mood,no more ige le youonWeca ind our ownyad o

3、nit withoutinterfeence, w can do whateve weantan chevewhteve we havedem. But nwt t, e o indibleyear, swed sour, worthremerig d noettable Stll emebe te dayshn dd, mom and I sitarndth tabl,taing abut al kids ofthn, bot hapinesand sros, aout dread ishs. ery ti I ahapan xcitd, therere mom nd dad withwho

4、 I ca share the joy Every time I upstnd disresd, thee ae mom an d who smile at meandfuel me thepower t go ow.Eeryie chiev my little success, its hm ho ecuge m an tell m“cary on”. Evetm pu y fot wrong, its e who pul m bac an guie e the rightwa.tillrmeer he days bein zywi bst frind, chasng aroun ne pl

5、agro,skipping ass to a lng waitedmove, payg an incent rankon meoete sple, puread tasuredfiedshipstarte to gow in tha ifacy hea Still remember gvin tgt to that gil I love. Tug dt now hatloeis andens.ikeagic whc atrac yu and le yo ogeallth srrows a sadness. Seng hr smile beame te bes tie liant b replc

6、ed Day re gne. No oretupid, no mre spoil, o moekiding, is our turn to tie and fighor our dam Lttle bitprplxd,itl bit neus an litte bit excited, t suewh life si stef me, but notafrad, nt regret, no sad. I wi kp oin nnevrivep.篇二:成长的苦恼作文开头 作文开头 1、踏过如歌的花季,走过如诗的雨季,突然觉察:往常的欢笑和悲伤,都已悄然放在旧时的枕边,孩提时眼中瑰丽的红霞,被晚归

7、的大雁带走,眼中少了些顽皮天确实荣耀。不知什么时候起曾经的琴棋书画、风花雪月已变成了柴米油盐、前程仕途,关于往常口中吟诵着的“夕阳无限好,只是近黄昏”,如今看来不过是强说愁而赋的新词墨了。然而,成长的代价却带给了我许多真实的苦恼 2、随着岁月的流逝,年龄的增长,我的苦恼大概日亦增多,压得我喘不过气来,最大的苦恼确实是爸爸那喋喋不休的唠叨。 3、我喜爱看晴朗的天空,湛蓝而纯洁。不知何时,我成长的天空却有了一片阴霾,变的灰蒙蒙的,我想那叫苦恼吧。 4、深夜,万籁俱寂,偶然闻听一些虫鸟残声,孤寂的心更增几分凄凉。飘渺的空中,星星假设隐假设现,皎洁的明月时儿被丝丝云儿遮住,如今夜阑人静,而我却睡意全无

8、。 、成长是一枝漂亮的花朵,而苦恼确实是小小的蚜虫,无情地吞噬着我们的欢乐生活。、辞别了幼稚,辞别了天真,迈进了初中的大门。原来我们早已失去了游戏、游玩的权利,失去了院子里的欢乐与笑声,只留下了一束束昏沉的灯光,陪伴着本子上的挥洒自如的钢笔字,以及浅浅的“沙沙”声.篇三:英语作文范文及翻译系列 英语作文范文及翻译系列3 一中英语作文经典范文一:I work hdlearning, the libry is agodlae,I stuy t ringsm lot of knowlge. For ey cass fe inand out of th ibrar I; Seleted fr hvou

9、teers by the teaher, n thehear v hap,because fall ha a chancto seicfo pol! Whe a mll vluteesontheirst day, claslira al tingforme; Is quesion mak, fr oters,photocopies accidntlly! A wrog buton,the paerplcs peaed piee ofdaanly qarer f the paer, I have toay.Siice lun reak I wet thelibrary wr, themoe cu

10、tus tofil a book, seeig s my tattered bok, hkigcanheshodstuy envirnment, dot cherish anngryhart. Onday, fter ishing te boo, seea man in the bok, astepped fowar to wnted to scol him a lesson,u the thuh of Confucius si: thewyo admnitrtio, togethrwithpunihmen, peple free ad shameess. irtue, ogether wih

11、herital,am an.mnotngy, ha t e mrato psuade hm, ad hen no ones in,also o destroy theook us, th teacer so todusto rea, to ai understdin. hn mvingthe vy ook, in fact,thinkabu t,hi l not nl help e teahr sav troub, aso hance her own engh,eey second, hy tAs t oung olunteers, I ouh a ite td,utor the teaher

12、thre mny higs; I malso ey ha, becuse helotrs or plesrths! 翻译: 在功课繁重的学习中,图书馆是我进修的好场所,它带给我许多知识。因每天下课常出入图书馆的我;被教师选为小志愿者,心中无比的欢乐,由于终于有时机替群众效劳了! 当上小志愿者的第一节下课,图书馆一切的事物对我来说;都是一个征询号,替别人影印材料时,一不小心!按错一个钮,出纸的地点出现了一张只有材料四分之一的纸,使我得本人掏腰包了。 牺牲午休时间 去图书馆工作的我,更加慎重的补书,眼见这么多破烂的书,心想“能有这么好的读书环境,居然不好好珍惜”心中一股气愤涌上心头。一天,在整理书

13、时,见到了 一位在破坏书的人,走上前去原想臭骂他一顿,但一想到孔子说:“道之以政,齐之以刑,民免而无耻。道之以德,齐之以礼,有耻且格。”我也不生气了,只好用 道德来奉劝他,才能在没人的时候,也不会再破坏书。 繁忙之余,教师也叫我们看书,以增广见闻。在搬那沉重的书时,事实上,想想看,这不但帮教师省苦恼,也加强本人的体力,一举二得,有何不可呢 身为小志愿者的我,尽管累了一点儿,但替教师分担了许多事物;我也特别欢乐,由于“助人为欢乐之本”呀! 一中英语作文经典范文二: Everyon n th paho growth,ust through l kindof es.om peopeownleaning isnt idl, somebado your skin an worry,and some o et pe



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