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1、新目标英语九年级上册Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. 写作课教学设计农安一中 张 雪一、教材分析课程标准强调通过学习培养学生综合语言运用的能力,强调语言的实践性,主张学生在语境中接触、体验和理解真实的语言并在此基础上学习和运用语言。本单元的话题目标是谈论过去的变化,非常贴近学生的生活。随着年龄的增长,时间的流逝,人们的外貌、性格、兴趣爱好、学习和生活都在发在变化,周围生活环境也在发生变化。通过运用语言进行今昔对比,触发学生的进取精神和感恩情怀。二、学情分析九年级的学生经过了两年的英语学习,听说读写各方面都已经有了一定的基础,并有了一定的逻辑分析的能

2、力,因此通过本单元的学习,学生掌握了used to句型和一定的描述变化的语言材料,为写作提供了大量的语言输入,通过教师在写前进行写作方法和技巧的指导,学生完全可以在教师指导下写出符合标准的文章。三、学习目标1.知识与技能:能够运用used to句型和形式多样的句式,模仿范例框架,在教师引领和小组互助下独立起草和修改描述自己变化的短文,并能互相评改赏析,提高美感,总结提升写作能力。2.过程与方法:学生根据自己不同年龄段变化的生活体验,通过思维导图和头脑风暴形式再现描述变化的语言材料,再通过师生问答、范文赏析和小组合作讨论形式激活学生思维,感知写作框架和技巧,收集写作素材,为写作做好足够的铺垫,让

3、学生的智慧在指尖灵动。3.情感态度与价值观:通过描述自己的变化,感受自己的变化,努力找出原因,让自己变得更好,并意识到优点和缺点都不是一成不变的,要用发展的眼光看待自己,培养学生积极、乐观的生活态度。同时,让学生通过谈论父母和身边人物的变化,感恩父母及所有关心自己的人,努力学习。四、重点难点重点:能用目标语言描述自己的变化,内容准确充实,逻辑清晰,会用总-分-总结构写出自己变化的文章。难点:1. 学会开头和结尾的多样化句式; 2. 使用不同句式描述自己最重要的变化及原因。五、教法学法过程性写作教学法:写前:让学生整体感知文章结构和句式,搜集写作信息;写中:指导写作技巧,引导学生下笔成文;写后:

4、修改赏析,提高美感,总结提高。头脑风暴、思维导图、问答法、练习法、小组合作探究等方法。六、教学资源视频、PPT课件、范文七、教学过程Step 1. Warm-up :1.Greetings.2. Lets enjoy a video .Step 2. Leading-in:Lets look at two pictures and then talk about changes.Step 3. Pre-writing:appearanceHow Ive changed!personalityinterests and hobbies structures1. Brainstorming: Wh

5、at words and phrases can be used to describe appearance, personality, interests and hobbies? What structure do we use to describe a persons changes?2. Oral practice: Show the photos, ask and answer about the changes.How Ive changed !My life has changed a lot in the last few years. I used to have lon

6、g hair, but now I have long curly hair, I used to be quiet and shy ,now I am very outgoing .I used to be afraid of dark ,now I am not .I used to be thin, now I am heavy and healthy.My daily life is different. I used to like different things when I was young. For example, I didnt use to like tests. N

7、ow, I dont mind them. I used to hate PE class, but now its my favorite class. I used to ride my bike to school, but now I walk to school. when I was young, I used to have so much time to play with my friends ,but now I have to get up early and work in school all day because I am really too busy. At

8、night, I used to watch TV with my parents or chat with them, but now I cant .I have to do lots of housework . I really miss the old days!All in all, I am happy with these changes, I hope that my life will be more and more colorful and meaningful!3. Sum up : Writing strategies, think about how to wri

9、te about my changes.Strategy 1: Three easy ways to start the passage:1. 直接引入:My life has changed a lot in the last few years.2. 引起共鸣:How time flies! Everyone is changing with the time going. So am I.3. 自问自答:Have you felt we are changing every day? I have felt my life has changed a lot in the last fe

10、w years.Strategy 2: Three easy ways to end the passage:1. 呈现结果So you see, Ive changed a lot. 或These are my changes. 或People sure change!2. 启发号召Wow, how much Ive changed! Lets try our best to make ourselves changing better and better so that our dreams can come true early.3. 升华主题All in all, Im happy

11、with these changes because they have brought happiness of growth. Maybe there will be more challenges on my way to success, I will face them bravely. Im sure “Nothing is difficult if you put your heart into it.Strategy 3: Three easy ways to make the passage smoothly:1. 设主题句a. My life has changed a l

12、ot in the last few years.b. My daily life is different.c. All in all, he is happy with these changes, he is sure that his life will be more and more colorful and meaningful!2. 首尾相连 My daily life is different. (第二段开头第一句话). I really miss the old days!(第二段最后一句话)3. 巧用连词but, and, thanks to, because, ever

13、 since, in this way, whats more, even though, still, all in allStep 4. While-writing:1. Show the writing demands: 请以“I have changed a lot!”为题,从外貌、性格、爱好和兴趣或其他方面 。谈谈你这几年的变化。词数不少于80词。2. 审题:(1) What kind of article is it?(体裁)(2) What tense can we use? (时态)(3) What structure is the passage?(结构)(4) What d

14、o we need to write in this passage?(素材)3列纲:Groupwork : Discuss the writing lists.4. Write the passage : I have changed a lot!5. Check the passage : Judge by themselves first, the judge in groups.Step 5. Post-writing :1. Each team choose a best one to share with us, then give comments with the teache

15、r, choose the best team, then praise them. 2. Groupwork: Talk about our teacthers changes, be grateful to our teacthers, and be grateful to all people who care about us.Step 5. Summary: Get Ss to sum up what they have learnt first, then the teacher adds.Step 6. Homework:按照表格提示,写一篇题为“Changes in My Hometown”的英语短文。80词左右。内容要点过去旧房子现在高楼街道窄且脏乱街道宽且整洁步行,骑自行车上班乘公交车,开小汽车上班Step 7板书设计:Unit 4 I used to be afraid of the dark. Writing beginning: My life has changed a lot in the last few years.How Ive changed! body: My daily


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