bets2 pet 词汇 中文 音标 词性

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1、Aability blti n. the fact that somebody is able to do something 能力,才能abroad brd adv. in or to a foreign country 在国外,到国外absent bsnt adj. not in a place because of illness, etc 缺席的,不在的accept ksept v. to agree to take something接受access kses n. 入口,通道accommodation kmden n. a place to live, work or stay i

2、n 住处,办公处,停留处accompany kmpni v. to travel or go somewhere with somebody 陪同,陪伴according to kd 根据account kant n. 账目;账户accurate kjrt adj. correct, exact and without any mistakes 准确的,精确的achieve tiv v. 完成,实现,达到actual ktul adj. 实际的,事实上的in addition dn 另外,此外additional dnl adj. 附加的,额外的admire dma vt. 钦佩, 赞美, 羡

3、慕admission dmn n. 承认, 入会费, 许可admit dmt v. to agree, often unwillingly, that sth is true 承认,允许进入advanced dvnst adj. 先进的, 高级的advantage dvntd n. 优势,有利条件advert dvt n. 广告advice dvas n. 忠告advise dvaz v. 劝告,忠告afford fd v. 负担得起aim n. 目标air conditioning kndn 空调系统air force fs 空军alarm lm n. 警报album lbm n. a bo

4、ok in which you keep photos, stamps, etc 唱片集,唱片,相册,集邮册,纪念册allow la v. to let somebody/something do something 允许alphabet lfbet n. 字母表ambassador mbsd n. 大使,代表ambition mbn n. 雄心,抱负amusing mjuz adj. funny and enjoyable 有趣的,引人发笑的ankle kl n. the joint connecting the foot to the leg 踝,踝关节anniversary nvsri

5、n. 周年纪念,周年纪念日announce nans v. 宣布;播报annoy n v. to make somebody slightly angry 使恼怒,使烦恼annual njul adj. happening or done once every year 每年的,年度的,一年生的antique ntik adj. old and often valuable 古代的,古老的,过时的anxious ks adj. feeling worried or nervous 渴望的,忧虑的apart from 除之外,且不说apologise pldaz v. to say that y

6、ou are sorry for doing something wrong or causing a problem 道歉,赎罪appearance prns n. 出现;外表application plken n.申请apply pla v. 申请;应用approach prt v. to come near to sb/sth in distance or time 靠近,接近approve pruv v. 批准,赞成architect ktekt n. a person whose job is designing buildings, etc. 建筑师argue ju v. to s

7、peak angrily to somebody because you disagree with them 争论,辩论arrange rend v. to plan or organize something in advance 安排,整理,计划arrest rest v. if the police arrest sb, the person is taken to a police station and kept there because the police believe they may be guilty of a crime 逮捕,拘留arrival ravl n. w

8、hen sb or sth arrives somewhere 到达article tkl n. a piece of writing on a particular subject in a newspaper or magazine 文章at present 现在,目前 (now)athlete lit n. a person who is very good at sports or physical exercise, especially one who competes in organized events 运动员athletics letks n. 体育运动,田径atmosph

9、ere tmsf n.气氛;大气,空气attach tt v. 附上,系上attack tk v. 攻击,侵袭attempt tempt n.&v. 企图,尝试attend tend v. 出席,参加attitude ttjud n. 态度,看法attract trkt v. 吸引audience dins n. the group of people together in one place to watch or listen to a play, film, someone speaking, etc. 听众,观众,读者automatically tmtkli adv. 自动地,机械地

10、available velbl adj. 有效的,可用的,可得到的average vrd adj. 平均的,一般的,通常的avoid vd v. 避免Bbackground bkraund n. the details of a persons family, education, experience, etc背景,经历,幕后,后景backpack bkpk n. a large bag, often supported on a light metal frame, carried on the back and used especially by people who go climb

11、ing or walking 背包backwards bkwdz adj. towards a place or position that is behind落后的, 向后的baggage bgid n. = luggage 行李balance blns n. a situation in which different things exist in equal, correct or good amounts 平衡balcony blkni n. a platform that is built on the upstairs outside wall of a building, wi

12、th a wall or rail around it. You can get out onto a balcony from an upstairs room. 阳台bald bld adj. having little or no hair on the head秃头的ballet blei n. a style of dancing that tells a dramatic story with music but no talking or singing 芭蕾舞bandagebndid n. a strip of cloth used for tying around a par

13、t of the body that has been hurt in order to protect or support it 绷带bank balance: he amount of money that somebody has in their bank account at a particular time 银行存款, 银行余额banknote bknt n. a piece of printed paper that has a particular value as money钞票barbecue bbikju n. an outdoor meal or party whe

14、n food is cooked in this way烤肉,烧烤,烤架bare be(r) adj. not covered with or protected by anything 赤裸的,仅有的baseball beisb:l n. a game played especially in the US by two teams of nine players, using a bat and ball. Each player tries to hit the ball and then run around four bases before the other team can return the ball 棒球basement beismnt n. a room or rooms in a building, partly or completely below the level of the ground 地下室basic beisik 基础的bat



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