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1、经典英语演讲稿3篇英语演讲是每个大学生都需要拓展的技能,当代大学生的口语能力必须通过英语演讲才能尽可能地发挥出来,小编为大家整理了经典的英语演讲稿3篇,欢迎大家阅读。经典英语演讲稿篇1 Psycoogst tel us that stress s tteof worr ae ytheproblemo ivin, such as toouchwrko stud , hayrspnsibiltie , nduined pac of ife . aitcs showthttres comes frm eve etal in ou life Fincia polems, poor ealt, einl

2、aid o ay be h trestht ms ault nw sufferng As tdents in te uiverst , e re aloder r speci stres. Whle stuy ,ving otake vaious tess andsubmitaproc against adeadline may pu agret ressre n u .And e hinga us felt trsed ma b our parens&#;s gree expatins on ustecould rach . Ltr, when w rlikelyt radae , me o

3、er problms will als ann I think we wil worya o abu our ability to copet itho mket adowwe etuse watwe';vlend at colg our futurejob . Th chef roblem we shouldcto s our atie owars strss Popleusullsayhey can ot v i the sn excettheyesape from stes . t';sunwelcome ! Ye , howvr ,ey nessary . Jus imae

4、 old erestresdos notexist and pople l their li ia vr comfableway . ut i tis kindof liig conditionas fct wpe Whutsess , the ma fel vry tisfdwit e currtlie ut lac of power o dscver nw thin . oomuc atifationresult in thig except a coerar ftesoiey o tess , oevelment . Soa cetnamnt of stresis go . It can

5、 stimuate us and increse u leel of aertness . d our answe o stressis oterita proem .Ho to do ithorselvs when strss sddenly beak into r lf To wavhe white fag and amit ur nabiity ,o give to or dealit ,o wrstly ,jus o suicidas t putan ed toeverythin. Of cus not.The princip isto tacklewith tress genlely

6、 adharmonsly.W shol t our bes to rese oursels . Scha odo soe exercise,to inen to adtn Chine mic lssica usi to ase r inds andt learn tove thesechane oflife as lenges .It&#;s n us rinovesl mil . Only to cp whaths happened can solvete probl k ,Itink Iwa underlare stress 3 mitseor , but w I amee and hae

7、 finised y peeh . He is thelas tin wat toddto myoi ,face o andoveret ,sts s also a peeo ake .Ttis all . Tank yu vey much.经典英语演讲稿篇2yne i IlanWer. &#;m12 yer ol,an thfouder o “;Kdsfor ry”; Ki fr Kerry i agrssroos orgnizaion of kds hat spprt onKer,want tohlpheirutues,nd ge activein plitic en my parets

8、wt to see Teresa Hnz er speak, theytold meat sh asamazing! - d that theythot hnKrry would mk geat Preside. I eiedto nout mor abou hn rry.I tak abotwatIearned by usig my ABCs. ”;A”; is Aerica. John Kerry is ero tomerica,andhe llhlp ou futres. His a gratand posiveole model ”;”; is Bette eucatoonrywat

9、to ake lasizes salr,s that childen et th bt ar out of learnig. He wntsto elp teahers becaue being a teacher is eductingcilden, nd leting hem out ino e world to gthigs. ”;C”; isompssion towrchilren. John rry want t make sue tthelh cre is noa prvlege, ut itis omehing tha e ca all fod.Thssummer, I was

10、pposed go myfavorite camp But inead, I ecidd to go to he Joh ery offic very day. Kids canrealy help! O KidsforKerry.or, weavean ective reideilui Thee are270 stion fre eletoal votes JohnKerry ill w. Plu,5 questions t mke p for loida fro thelst eletion. Ournext goalis toav pitionfor “;Natioal oamellin

11、gDy,”;a day tat he candidates dn&39;tsay anything veabout oneantr. en our VcePsident haddisageemen wih mocaic ena, he d a EALY BAD wrd. I I sd tt If I saidtht word,I woulde put i a“;time-o.”;Ithink heshouldbut inatimout. Thlast teI aw Jon Kery, e gbbed my am ad sad, “;Seeyou at te onntn.”; And hee I

12、 am! What ilbeen reazin will e teinaguratio Jaary, when we have a new Preient,knownghat ids hav made erence in this ection. To summaize,TeesaHnKery: Insrational, amazig! oh erry: Amrian hr, nxt Pesdent. Kids needKids need psi-is nd psitve roemdl i politcs.n orVice Pesidnt dss a long tim-out. Kdsids, th is bot ou futes. Make sure ll dut ow get ot an vote. Wecan have a vice oda!Thank yu!经典英语演讲稿篇3 Itis huma nre tatl us ouldbe nd of


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