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1、2015-2016课文重难点讲解(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)Unit 1 Where did you go on vacation ?课文重难点讲解【教师寄语】The reason why a great man is great is that he resolves to be a great man. 伟人之所以伟大,是因为他立志要成为伟大的人Section A1. Where did you go on vacation ? 你去哪儿度假?【解析】 vacation vken n 假期 = holiday on vacation 在度假 take a vacati

2、on 去度假 winter vacation 寒假 summer vacation 暑假I have a lot of _every year . (vacation)( ) Where did Sarah go on vacation? She went to America. A. on vacation B. take a vacation C. is on vacation D. is for vacation2. Kevin meet anyone interesting? 凯文遇到有趣的人了吗?【解析1】someone smwn pron 某人 anyone eniwn pron

3、任何人 everyone evriwn pron 每人,人人【注】不定代词作主语,谓语动词用单数 Is everyone here ?Did she go to the park with _last year? ( someone)【解析2】interest v 使感兴趣 interesting adj. 有兴趣的 interested adj. 感兴趣的 be interested in 对感兴趣The students are _in these _books.( interest)【注】 以ing结尾的adj. 常用来作定语或表语,修饰物。 以ed结尾的adj.用来表示情绪,常做表语,

4、修饰人【2014年丹东】35. This movie wasnt _. He fell asleep half way through it.A. interesting enough B. enough interesting C. interested enough D. enough interested3.Grace buy anything special?格蕾丝买特别的东西了吗?4. I have something important to tell you.我有重要的事告诉你。【解析】 something pron. 某事,某物anything pron. 任何事物nothin

5、g pron. 没有什么;没有一件东西【注】形容词修饰不定代词,放在不定代词之后 ( ) Everything there _ interesting yesterday evening? A. was B. is C. were D. are( ) Did he do _ before?A. anything interesting B. interesting anything C. anywhere interesting D. interesting anywhere【2014贵州贵阳】43.“Have you read todays newspaper “Yes Its really

6、 boring. There is _in it.”A. something new B. nothing new C. anything new 5. We took quite a few photos there. 我们在那里照了好多相片。【辨析】:quite a few与quite a little quite a few意为“相当的;不少”,修饰可数名词复数; quite a little意为“相当的;不少”,修饰不可数名词。He will stay here for _ _ _days. There is _ _ _water in the bottle(瓶子).【解析1】 few

7、 / a few little / a little辨析否定肯定所修饰的名词few没有,几乎没有 a few有几个可数名词复数little几乎没有。 a little有一点儿不可数名词【拓展】few / a few用来修饰可数名词,few表示否定,“没有,几乎没有”;He has few friends here, he feels lonely. 他这里没朋友,他感觉寂寞a few表示有肯定, “有几个”There are a few eggs in the basket.篮子里有几个鸡蛋。 little / a little用来修饰不可数名词,little表示否定,“没有,几乎没有”。 T

8、here is little time left. Hurry up! 没多少时间了,快点儿!a little 表示肯定,“有一点儿”Can you speak English? Yes, but only a little. 【2014贵州铜仁】34. In our school, _ students like English, but _ of them can speak English smoothly.A. a little, a few B. a few, few C. a few, little D. a little, few【2014辽宁沈阳】2.Johnisgetting

9、verythin.Hedoesnteat_food. A.manyB.enough C.fewD.little【2014江苏淮安】6. Now teenagers are very busy with their schoolwork and they have _ time to do exercise.A. few B. little C. a fewD. a little【解析2】take photos 拍照6. I bought something for my parents , but nothing for myself. 我为我父母买了一些东西,但是没有给我自己买什么东西。【解

10、析】myself 我自己【拓展】反身代词(1)反身代词的构成一、二人称的反身代词构成:形容词性物主代词+self/selves构成单数myselfyourself复数ourselvesyourselves 第三人称的反身代词构成:第三人称宾格+self/selves单数:himselfherselfitself复数: themselves(2)反身代词的常见搭配:enjoy oneself=have fun =have a good time玩得高兴teach oneself=learn by oneself 自学 by oneself =alone 独自 help oneself to 随便

11、吃 introduce oneself to 自我介绍(3)反身代词必须与主语保持人称的一致。You have to believe in _.Thats the secret of success.(we)【2014江苏宿迁】41. Im old enough to look after _ (我自己).【2014广东佛山】Deng Ziqi won lots of fans for through the TV program I Am a Singer. A. she B. her C. herself 【2014广东佛山】The book is mine.I wrote my name

12、 on its cover_. A.myself B.yourself C.himself7. How did you like it ? 你认为它怎么样?【解析】 How do you like sth?= What do you think of sth? 你认为.怎么样? Its/ theyre . I love/ like. I dont mind. I cant stand . 8. It was wonderful! 它非常壮观!【解析】 wonder wnd v 想知道 wonderful wndful adj. 精彩的( ) Dehong is a wonderful city

13、 in Yunnan province. A. clean B. beautiful C. noisy D. big【2014云南中考】67.After the rain , the village looks _ from the top of the hill.(wonder)9. Still no one seemed to be bored. 但是没有人觉得无聊。【解析1】 seem 不及物动词或系动词 “似乎,好像” (1) seem +adj. He seems very angry. (2) seem +n He seems a nice man. (3) 与like连用 seem like “好像” It seemed like a good idea. (4) seem to do sth “似乎,好像做某事” He seems to be happy. It seems that no one believes you.看起来好像没有人相信你。(


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