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1、大学生优秀英语演讲稿3篇 当代大学生的口语能力必须通过英语演讲才能尽可能地发挥出来,这样才能够把自己的风采和语言能力展现得淋漓尽致。小编为大家整理了大学生优秀英语演讲稿篇,欢迎大家阅读。大学生优秀英语演讲稿篇1eve e of u, rch or poor, shou at esthav oe o to god fies. myfriendswilllste toe when i at to spak, wil wipemy ees hen i cry, ltakear of me hen i am c, and myfrendwllgtogete ith m side yside hroug

2、h ths joure f ife. as studens, e could srmre ie withorfriend.the friendship i our yon ati pre, frehnd simple. fteel velucy t hae alt f good friends. espeiallyhadjusinas oe o my bes rien justin was my nlih teahr frm the s. imet imin 6 weniwaa studen whoould olypeak very litle nglsh. jutn ws a vivdyou

3、ngma with a brigtsle ohs face,d he lways hd hecil way t mae helas active andatrctve htah sengih btlln sries,playng aes,siging , and e daing. coul tillrembr vey learl tht oneternoon wen we finise our css, wewent some othrlasss tosinsog fr hem, justlike what pople do inthe states on ristmas ee. i ws s

4、o interesn adfretble. jstinwas n excenteahr,bause heth us not onl how to study ngsh well, but alsote way o findou heatyofte orld and the way to b nels o others ives. i knwthere wasfriendshi and pu ovei or earts. faing his vluableemon neitenatinaity o ageas imortt, thereal mporance lay in ith, un

5、desading, andaejst s th betriend i have r hd, ani know ll crish hse as ofayg tetewih is e bestpar of my mry friensipi a kind of trasue inou les. itis atall lkebottle owne, th longr t is e, the sweeert ilbe.it al likea p of te. whn e ethirty, t will b our bes cie, ut wh hae eughtimeto jo ourseles,tis

6、 alo th s fragranink however, in ti fat-devloping modern ocie, the relity isno that moe an more popleforget o ejy tebeaut of life d -thebeay of friedship. tey work hardinoert gain igher poitin, in thesiety anto ernmore moy fr theirwork ofcous,we don#39; deny is imprat o fid a -e acein our livs,t we

7、wish mo and mor eoplodpay alittemoe atenin to themselves their friends. all ofs aveto spre sometme or pesoal lies ave o fnd th chance toexpresour moo nd lv.en taying ith ourfien,we ca releae sle cmpletely.we can do whatevewe t, e ca lauh oeer, tal gether, aneven cry to-gther. i shouldsy thatbei toge

8、ther itho best iends i the ost onderful mont ofor lies a e know,w would feelloelyif wedin't evnhave arie but i dsn mean e uld enon orries althe time. theeis a amos motto sayng that “;a fri likea quil withcottnwaddig, but he ea thn tat ke yo arm is your on tpeaur.”; it lly trueweae t orhard t

9、ogetherwith ou frend,ncouageeach therndhe ach othe. wn reive loe and friendsip, we hould rea as mh as wec. finaly,et#9;s pray togethernow hat ne day, al usould find te perso wat to find, an coudejoy ralbeautul iendhip i o lives. let's pray te flwe f frendhip be-twourfriens and u wul always oom b

10、rgtly nr hearts.大学生优秀英语演讲稿篇2 woke u ad lokedat my atc. oh y o, I’s :30aeady! iave t g patne oterie I&rsqu;l ate. ody rsqo; ake the usralian atletes as tour gude aroun bijing, ad &rq;ongt be heintepet at eiin olmpic gmespenig ceremy tomorow. ths has awy bee a deamof ine ince eij won the bd of t

11、he olmpcs, nd now thedrem hasfinaly cetrue;i hvealradybece sccsflnterpete. ad tday s nerimportantdayof my inrpretig caeei&squo;m litte vou u, f crse, v xctd. ere goemy pla or toay: Wel, our frt dsiation, surly, the ladmak of beiji, he symbol ofthe 0 yers’civiliztin;he forbide i;here te emprors

12、 andmpeses othe ming and qindyaslied, and trsqo;rally grand. t wa envatedrecentlybecaseofthecoming olypics. Th snd place w regn is t great wl.this stheonly buildng,i har,th can benero th mo, and i rprsens th diliece an h wism o ol ins natio. ow, it’ timefr luch. we plato hae; what say “;beiing duk”; yea,rght u! we&rsqu;ll comeback tothecer of eijing,andwe&rsqu;llhave dinner t“;uande”;rernt.you caenjoy thost deiciou chnee ood;biigdu, and you


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