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1、Leapng ou of te Eghtiram urnace 跳出八卦炉 Theeaagecasd havocin HeaenandtheJadeEmerorordeed Heavenly soldies nd general puns m t no oncould maage t subdu him。 Ththe LodLo Zithrewis DamondJae ce atte Mnkey King, ho was ereocpid wh ighntheo Erlang, nd it ihm nety on the ad。hs te ra agewa aht. 孙猴大闹天宫,玉皇大帝降旨

2、严惩,无奈天兵天将都对付不了他.太上老君献计说他有法对付.在孙猴和二郎神打得难解难分之际,太上老君暗中把金钢琢扔在孙猴的天灵盖上,捉住了孙猴。The Jade Emperonted xecute imbutaled to inflct a siglwon on hibysabers,axe, firead thundr. Ten Lrd Lao Ziput him into theEiht TirmsFurnac, whih i udfor refining lixi, n wate oburn h to shs。 The furnce was e up of ight Tirs-ia, ka

3、,gen, zn, xun, li, kun nd diso he quezd hmelf ito te “Palace of xun,”or xunws th win, and were tereswind hereould beno fire。 ltht happnd ws ttthe m mae bothis y r. 玉皇想处死孙猴,但任凭刀砍斧劈,火烧雷击,都伤不到孙猴的一根毫毛。太上老君请令,把孙猴扔进炼金丹用的八卦炉,想用猛火把孙猴烧成灰。八卦炉是按天、水、山、震、风、火、地、泽划分的,孙猴知道其中的奥妙,进去后便钻进“巽宫位置上。巽是风,有风无火,烧不到他,只是烟熏给了他的一双

4、眼睛。After e ire uninfortnne dy,e rLaZ thoughtthe reat Sage ustbeashes o he ened h furnac.At t mn, thGet ageeapt out ofth unace ithhis s-yu-illcdgel, knocked al solie dwnn left。 rom then on, aairf fir eys wth gdn pupls。 孙猴在八卦炉中,烧了七七四十九天,太上老君以为孙猴已化成灰烬,下命令开炉。谁知孙猴手提金箍棒一跃而起,打倒众天将而去.从上,孙猴更炼就一双“火眼金睛”。Mnkey

5、HtLady White Bone Thrc 三打白骨精图片: Theang riest (S an) nd i hee discples wre onher way to the WesternHeaven tobtin Budhist sptures。 One day tey wer vlin in a igh muntai。 eMokey (ukon) saw t was cloudy ndsting in te valley, eewhimontaias bud toharbo fieds。 He rwaagi cicle th i cudgl onthront protec isas

6、te. H old Pi and riarSn to roect Tng rend or the theeof hem ot to leave th cicle. thewent to have alo at the mouainand icsomefui tobribacko at 唐僧师徒去西天取经。一日,走到一座大山中,只见天色阴沉,谷中浓雾弥漫,悟空料定必有妖怪。他用金箍棒在地上划一圈,让八戒、沙僧保护师父在圈内休息,他去探听虚实,顺便采些鲜果来充饥. This unaidid nedhae a cp indalled Lad hie Boe, ho a beenhere fora t

7、housd yas。 Ithaeardtha anynewho atea ice of te rist leh wil ve rever, so it tri tree times o atre hi Thfirsttime it canged itselntoa yung,eauti grl olding a basket of food. Witherchingmil, she lmstsuceeed intaling the masrad hi two dicipleino cmig ouf he cirl。ust tthels moment,ey came. My cam.Realzn

8、gtha she was an evil spirit, he rased his cudgeand hit her。 Th fd chngd inoa gsf soe adfled。 The second tie the fien turneditelf into an oldwoman, wh wkedtoards thm eaning on a ick th acrokehandle. Mo regni itand sruk t gain。 Lie he fir tie, e indfled. 这座山内千年修行的白骨精,她听说吃了唐僧肉可长生不老,于是她三次设计捉拿唐僧。第一次,她变成一

9、个美丽少女,手提一篮馒头,笑着想把师徒三人从圈内骗出,悟空赶到,举棒就打,女妖化一缕青烟跑掉。第二次,她变成老婆婆,拄一根拐杖从山后走来,悟空认出又是白骨精变的,举棒又打,白骨精故伎重演,化烟脱逃。The third time t turneditself intanoldma,siting befoe ahut aiting fo theTg Piestto come Mokey saw hrough heiends disgse, raise his cudgland ruki down。 T fiend ts ti let apiecf clhfrmte cod, sayin: “ f

10、yres kind s a Buda, ow ca youkill? Keep Wuong wih yu and no scriptures ill youet。”Sanzang ievedhe wrtn. Helaed Wkongf king hree pope one after nther, and frcd hi o eae。 WthotMokey,Ldy hit Bon catred te ang Pies easl an invitedis ohe t eat Sazangs fes ogthr withit。 Bu, ukog cam just n time to ae him.

11、 He kiled teold fiendonh wat tsdugters, imperonae i, thno into thecav adsavd the angrs。第三次变作一个老头,在一间茅屋前坐等唐僧的到来。悟空看见,上来就打,白骨精招架不住,便用计从云端扔下一黄绢,上写:佛心慈悲,切勿杀生;再留悟空,难取真经。唐僧信以为真,怪悟空连伤二命,逼悟空离开。悟空走后,白骨精顺利地捉了唐僧,在白骨精邀母亲来吃唐僧肉时,孙悟空赶到,并打死老妖,变成白骨精的母亲进洞救出了唐僧。 此贴被slusive在207-121 17:6重新编辑南无语自在菩萨1 楼 |Posted:20071201 1

12、6:53selusie级别: 总版主精华: 3 发帖:28346威望:1199 点金钱:836正方币贡献:842 点注册时间:20602-2最后登录:2080-02 Maing Havoc inHeaven大闹天宫图片: Though Mnkey s vrtian boate spernaural pwrs, Gea Sag Sn a h a caled, wa fod it cmi pthean bythe Geatite laet Th de Emperor nfed ponMonkeythe titeo Potecto of hHorse。 WhenMonkey eaizedtht his job w to lokafter th horses he beame so angy tat h retured to his Monai f lowrsnd Fruit。 Uponreurnin, e pu ua signwhihdeclarehimself “h GreatSeEualigeaven。” The Jde Eperor wity rderd wo heavely geers o ommand meeavenlroopsto capture onkey. Li Jingand Ne Za eved as the cmmades of eveny trops。 W


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