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1、PEP六年级上册四会单词和句子汇总Unit1 坐公车by bus步行on foot骑自行车by bike 坐火车by train停stop 等wait 走go 交通规则traffic rules交通灯traffic lights1 Sarah 你怎么去学校?How do you go to school, Sarah?2通常我步行去。有时我骑自行车。Usually I go to school on foot? Sometimes I go by bike.3.我怎么才能到达中山公园?How can I get to Zhongshan Park?4.你可以坐15路公车。You can go

2、by the No.15 bus.Unit2 邮局post office书店bookstore 电影院cinema 医院 hospital 向左转turn left 直走go straight 向右走turn right1.请问,电影院在哪?Where is the cinema, please? 它紧挨着医院。Its next to the hospital.2.在电影院那里左转,然后直走。它就在左边。Turn left at the cinema, then go straight.Its on the left.Unit3 今天上午this morning 今天下午this aftern

3、oon 今天晚上this evening下星期next week 明信片post card 报纸newspaper 漫画书comic book1. 这个周末你要做什么?What are you going to do on the weekend? 这个周末我打算去拜访我祖父母。Im going to visit my grandparents this weekend.将来时:人+be going to +动词原形 (be 分is am are)表示某人打算干什么。P31页作文2. 今天下午你去哪?Where are you going this afternoon?我要去书店。Im goi

4、ng to the bookstore.你要去买什么?What are you going to buy?我要去买一本漫画书。I am going to buy a comic book.What什么how怎么样回答交通工具 where在哪里回答地方 when什么时候回答时间who谁回答人Unit4 居住lives教teaches(teach)English (math)去goes(go home 回家go to school上学 go to work上班)看watches(watch TV)读reads(read newspapers读杂志)收集邮票collecting stamps骑自行车

5、riding(ride) a bike拉小提琴playing the violin 跳水diving(dive) 制做风筝making(make) kites(判断动词用什么形式可以从以下几方面来判断:1like或likes+动词ing 2 want to+动词原形 can+动词原形 将来时 人+be going to+动词原形 3 如果以上标志词没有就判断是不是三单+动词s)1.你的爱好是什么?Whats your hobby?我喜欢集邮。I like collecting stamps. 他也喜欢集邮。He likes collecting stamps, too.(看到like或like

6、s 后面的动词+ing)2她教英语吗?Does she teach English?不,她不教。No, she doesnt.是的,她教。Yes, she does.(问句中的动词要用动词原型 Does your pen pal live(动原)in Beijing?你的笔友住北京吗?No, he doesnt.He lives(live+s) in Shanghai.)Unit5 歌手singer作家writer男演员actor女演员actress画家artist电视台记者TV reporter工程师engineer 会计accountant 男警察policeman销售员salespers

7、on清洁工cleaner 1.你的妈妈是做什么的?What does your mother do?她是电视台记者。She is a TV reporter.2.她在哪里工作?Where does she work?3.她怎么去工作的?How does she go to work?.Unit6雨rain云cloud 太阳sun小溪stream 种子seed土壤soil嫩芽sprout 植物 plant1雨是从哪里来的?Where does the rain come from?(come from来自)2它是从云变来的。It comes from the clouds.3.你是怎么做的? H

8、ow do you do that?4. 接下来该怎么做? What should you do then?1 Look look 看 看 look at the traffic lights看交通灯 Remember remember 记住记住 remember traffic rules记住交通规则。 Stop at a red light红灯停Red means(意思是)stopIn China(In the US美国),drivers(司机)drive(开车)on the right(右边)of the road.In England and Australia(在英国和澳大利亚),d

9、rivers(司机)drive(开车)on the left(左边)of the road.2 Excuse me,is there a cinema near here?打扰一下,在这附近有电影院吗?Yes,there is.是的,有 Is it far from here?离这儿远吗?No,its not far.不,不远。What are you gong to do after school?放学以后打算干嘛?I want to buy a pair of shoes.我想买双鞋。(want to+动词原型) go straight直走turn left向左转turn right向右转

10、 at the cinema(在电影院)walk straight 直走 for three minutes.直走3分钟 The hospital is on the left.医院在右边3 Im going to buy an English book in the bookstore.我打算在书店买本英语书。Im going to buy a magazine about关于plants植物 我打算买一本关于植物的书I want to be a science teacher one day 将来有一天我想成为一名科学老师4 There is有 a stamp show(邮票展)on Su

11、nday. I live in China with my mom and dad. My mom is a singer. She likes swimming. Her(她的his他的) mother is a nurse. She works(工作) in a hospital. She goes to work by car. Alice says(说) her family is coming to China soon她说她家不久将来中国5 What are you going to be?将来你想当什么? Im going to be a writer.我想成为一名作家 Amy

12、is going to be an artist Amy 想成为一名画家。He is a teacher(老师). He teaches(教teach+es) English. He is a writer(作家). He writes(写write+s) the TV show for my aunt. He sells(卖)things.(salesperson售货员) She cleans streets扫街(cleaner清洁工) He helps sick people帮助生病的人(doctor医生) He draws pictures画画(画家) Yuanyuan is a pol

13、icewomen . She helps tourists(游客) find their way.找到路 Wang Li is an engineer ,She works(工作) in a car factory.(工厂) She designs(设计) car. Li Xiaobin is an accountant. He works in a bank(银行). He helps the bank use their money well.帮助银行很好的理财 Shes an actress on TV她在电视台当女演员(男演员actor女演员actress画家artist 工程师engineer 会计accountant 这几个职业前用an 的一名)表示时间的词有:on Saturday在周六 on Saturday morning在周六上午 on the weekend在周末 in the morning在早上 in the afternoon在下午 in the evening在晚上 this morning今天上午 this afternoon今天下午this evening今天晚上 this weekend这个周末 next week下星期



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