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1、第一章 冠词的用法专项讲解与练习有答案冠词可以分为定冠词(the),不定冠词(a, an),和零冠词(即不用冠词,如Theyre students. students前就可以说用的零冠词。Water is important. 我们可以说water前用的零冠词。)冠词的用法上可以分为:特指、独指和类指。第1讲 冠词的特指、独指和类指考点1. 定冠词的特指用法定冠词的特指用法:非常明确地指出何人或何物,相当于汉语中的“这个/那个;这些/那些”,可以分为前照应特指、后照应特指和语境特指。A. 前照应特指名词带有后置定语来修饰限定这个名词,表明这个名词是特定的某一个。冠词在前面与后面的描述照应。如:

2、This is the book you lent me yesterday. 这就是你昨天借给我的那本书。This is the boy from England. 这就是来自英国的那个男孩。1. 【2015重庆】I just heard_ bank where Dora works was robbed by_ gunman wearing a mask.A. the; / B. a; / C. the; a D. a; the2. 【2014陕西】_ village where I was born has grown into _ town.A. The; a B. A; the C.

3、 The; theD. A; aB. 后照应特指第一次提到某物某人时用不定冠词,再次提到该人该物时用定冠词。冠词在后面与前面相照应。如:I bought a book yesterday. The book cost me 20 yuan.3. This is _ egg. _ egg is big.A. a; AB. an; AnC. a; TheD. an; The4. There is _ bridge over there. _ bridge is made of wood.A. the; TheB. a; AC. the; AD. a; TheC. 语境特指不是建立在上下文的照应关系

4、上,而是建立在谈话双方共有的知识上。如:Open the door. 把门打开。Where is the book?那本书在哪里?5. 【2011山东】Take your timeits just _ short distance from here to _ restaurant. A. /; theB. a; theC. the; aD. /; a6. 【2006北京】I knocked over my coffee cup. It went right over _ keyboard.You shouldnt put drinks near _ computer.A. the; / B.

5、 the; aC. a; /D. a; a7. 【2008江西】I am so sorry to have come late for the meeting. It is not your fault. With _ rush-hour traffic and _ heavy rain, it is no wonder you were late.A. a; aB. the; theC. /; /D. /; a考点2. 独指:指世上独一无二的事定冠词的独指用法:世界上独一无二的事物前,要用定冠词。如:the sun, the moon, the earth, the world, the s

6、ky, the universe, etc.8. We can see _ sun and _ moon in _ picture. A. a; the; theB. the; a; theC. a; the; aD. the; the; the9. Its _ pleasure to see _ sun rising in _ east.A. /; the; /B. a; /; /C. a; the; theD. /; the; the考点3. 类指A. 可数名词表示类指时,有三种情况A horse is a domestic(dmestIk家养的)animal.= The horse is

7、 a domestic animal.= Horses are domestic animals.但是这三种类指方法各有侧重:the指的是整个类别,这个类别是可以区别于另一个类别的 (多用于谈论发明物和科技问题)。如:The compass was invented in China, but the computer was not. 罗盘是在中国发明的,但计算机不是。a(n)侧重于指类别中任何一个的特点。如:A cat has four legs. 猫有四条腿。不用冠词的复数名词侧重指类别中的许多个体。如:Children usually start walking at around o

8、ne year old.小孩儿一般一岁左右开始走路。Do you like horses? 你喜欢马吗?(不能说Do you like a horse?)在类指时如何使用冠词要根据所要表达内容的具体情况而定。The tiger is in danger of becoming extinct. 虎有灭绝的危险。(不能说“A tiger is in danger of becoming extinct.”。濒临灭绝指的是整个虎类,而不是任何一只老虎都面临灭绝的危险。)10. _ are very popular with people all over the world, but do you

9、 know who was it that invented _ telephone?A. The telephone; / B. Telephone; aC. The telephones; the D. Telephones; the11. _ trains are faster than _ buses.A. /; /B. The; /C. /; theD. The; a12. 【2012江西】The Smiths dont like staying at _ hotels, but last summer they spent a few days at a very nice hot

10、el by _ sea.A. /; aB. the; theC. /; the D. the; a13. 【2011全国I】 It is generally accepted that _ boy must learn to stand up and fight like _ man. A. a; aB. a; theC. the; theD. a; /14. In China, _ car is becoming _ popular means of transportation.A. the; aB. a; /C. the; theD. a; the15. 【2009北京】 The big

11、gest whale is _ blue whale, which grows to be about 29 meters longthe height of _ 9-story building.A. the; the B. a; aC. a; theD. the; a B. 不可数名词泛指时不用冠词,特指时用定冠词Water is a liquid. 水是液体。Music is an art. 音乐是艺术。The water in the bottle goes bad. 瓶子里的那些水变坏了。16. Since he has no sense of _ humor, Im sure he

12、 didnt catch _ humor in your remarks. A. /; theB. a; theC. a; /D. the; a17. It is known to all that _ light travels faster than _ sound. A. /; / B. a; aC. the; theD. the; /18. 【2008湖南】Have you heard _ news?The price of _ petrol is going up again!A. the; the B. /; theC. the; /D. /; /C. 抽象名词前不用冠词可以表示概

13、念在可数名词中,如go to school“去上学”,名词前不用冠词可以表示概念,用冠词则表示具体的某一个,如go to the school“去那所学校(不一定是去上学)”。抽象名词也是这样。如attain independence表达的是“获得独立”这个概念。the常译作“这个/那个;这些/那些”19. 【2012全国新课标】 Sarah looked at _ finished painting with _ satisfaction. A. /; aB. a; theC. the; /D. the; a20. 【2013新课标I】India attained _ independenc

14、e in 1947, after _ long struggle.A. /; aB. the; aC. an; /D. an; the考点4. 名词有修饰语时,不一定都是特指I like books with hard covers. 我喜欢精装书。I like the books with hard covers. 我喜欢那些精装书。在第一句中,books是泛指精装书这一类书,是类指。在第二句中,是特指,所以用定冠词。在第一句中,with hard covers是描绘性定语。在第二句中,with hard covers是限制性定语,指的是那些书中精装的那些,而不是别的。因此,名词有后置修饰语时,名词前用什么冠词,还要从特指和类指的角度来考虑。21. 【2000全国】Most animals have little connection with _ animals of _ different kind unless they kill them for food. A. the; aB. /; aC. the; theD. /; the22. 【2004北京春】On _ news today, there were _ reports of heavy snow in that area. A. the; theB. the; /C. /


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