【鲁教版】七年级下册:Unit7 Section B练习题含答案精修版

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1、鲁教版英语精品资料(精修版)Unit7 Whats the matter? - Section B 一、翻译(单词短语翻译)(共35小题;共35分) 1. bandage 2. nosebleed 3. 膝盖;膝 4. 生病的;有病的 5. breathe 6. sunburned 7. (用手或器具)击;打 8. 我们自己 9. climber 10. risk 11. 情况;状况 12. 千克;公斤 13. accident 14. rock 15. 刀 16. 离开(某处);不工作 17. blood 18. mean 19. 重要性;重要 20. 决定;抉择 21. control 2

2、2. spirit 23. 死;死亡 24. 问题;苦恼 25. nurse 26. 习惯于 27. 冒险 28. 用尽;耗尽 29. 切除 30. 离开;从.出来 31. 掌管;管理 32. 放弃 33. keep on doing sth. 34. be interested in 35. make a decision 二、翻译(根据中文提示完成句子)(共11小题;共11分)36. 一个男孩在体育课上伤到了自己。A boy in P.E. class.37. 他父母带他去医院,拍了一个X光照片。His parents took him the hospital and X-ray.38.

3、 阿伦.罗尔斯顿是一位对登山很感兴趣的美国人。Aron Ralston is an American man interested in mountain climbing.39. 作为一名登山者,阿伦习惯了冒险。 a mountain climber, Aron risks.40. 有很多次阿伦因为事故差点失去生命。There were many times when Aron almost lost his life accidents.41. 当他的水用完的时候,他知道他将不得不做一些事来拯救他自己的生命。When his water , he knew that he would ha

4、ve to do something his own life.42. 他用刀把他的右臂砍掉一半。He used his knife half his right arm.43. 然后,他用左手给自己包扎,为的是不会失血过多。Then, with his left arm, he bandaged himself he would not lose too much blood.44. 在失去手臂之后,他写了一本名叫生死两难的书。After his arm, he wrote a book Between a Rock and a Hard Place.45. 在这本书中,阿伦讲述了作出好的决

5、定和掌控自己生命的重要性。In this book, Aron tells of the making good decisions, and of ones life.46. 阿伦对登山极度热爱,甚至在那次事故之后还继续爬山。Arons love for mountain climbing is great he mountains even after that accident.三、单词拼写(单句首字母填空)(共10小题;共10分)47. Theres something wrong with my n .48. Luckily, he didnt h himself in the tr

6、affic accident.49. He got h on the head with a bottle. He was in hospital.50. The mountains are too high. We do not expect untrained(没有训练的) people to take r .51. She is looking after her s mother. Her mother is ill in hospital.52. You can cut the watermelon with this k .53. He hurt himself. There is

7、 some b in his clothes.54. The little girl wants to be a n when she grows up.55. Our English teacher often tells us the i of learning English well.56. His parents made a d that they sent him to a hospital.四、适当形式填空(单句适当形式)(共10小题;共10分)57. Betty, (take) a walk with me.58. He (hurt) his leg and couldnt

8、move.59. My teacher told me (not speak) Chinese in English class.60. The old woman has problems (breathe).61. Jane is used to (get) up early in the morning.62. I got to know the (important) of keeping healthy.63. He has two new (knife).64. Michael made a (decide) to learn English well.65. Can you te

9、ll me the (mean) of the new word?66. We enjoyed (us) playing in the water.五、单项选择(共9小题;共9分)67.We didnt enjoy the day the weather was so bad.A. hecanseB. thoughC. unlessD. till68.The Silk Road was long that it passed through many countries.A. quiteB. tooC. veryD. so69.When you leave, please turn off t

10、he lights energy.A. saveB. to saveC. savingD. saved70.- Lily, could you please pass me the ? I want to cut the apple.- Sure, here you are.A. penB. pencilC. bookD. knife71.- Not only the young but also the old are interested WeChat.- Oh, yeah. They can communicate more freely.A. byB. aboutC. inD. for72.Dont worry. Were old enough to look after .A. myself



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