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2、读BTurning soil,pulling weeds,and harvesting cabbage sound like tough work for middle and high school kids.And at first it is,says Abby Jaramillo,who with another teacher started Urban Sprouts,a school garden program at four lowincome schools.The program aims to help students develop science skills,e

3、nvironmental awareness,and healthy lifestyles.Jaramillos students live in neighborhoods where fresh food and green space are not easy to find and fast food restaurants outnumber grocery stores.“The kids literally come to school with bags of snacks and large bottles of soft drinks,”she says.“They com

4、e to us thinking vegetables are awful,dirt is awful,insects are awful.”Though some are initially scared of the insects and turned off by the dirt,most are eager to try something new.Urban Sprouts classes,at two middle schools and two high schools,include handson experiments such as soil testing,flow

5、erandseed dissection,tastings of fresh or dried produce,and work in the garden.Several times a year,students cook the vegetables they grow,and they occasionally make salads for their entire schools.Program evaluations show that kids eat more vegetables as a result of the classes.“We have students wh

6、o say they went home and talked to their parents and now theyre eating differently,”Jaramillo says.She adds that the programs benefits go beyond nutrition.Some students get so interested in gardening that they bring home seeds to start their own vegetable gardens.Besides,working in the garden seems

7、to have a calming effect on Jaramillos special education students,many of whom have emotional control issues.“They get outside,”she says,“and they feel successful.”27What can be a suitable title for the text?ARescuing School GardensBExperiencing Country LifeCGrowing Vegetable LoversDChanging Local L

8、andscape【答题微点】1设题特点:标题是文章中心思想的精炼表达,主要考查考生把握主题和理解中心思想能力,要求考生在理解文章的基础上运用判断、归纳、概括等方法,对文章的主题进行提炼或高度概括,最终准确地选出文章的标题。2常见设问方式:Which is the best title for the text?What can be a suitable title for the text?Which of the following can be the best/most suitable title for the passage?图解技巧1文章主线定标题第一步读文章,理清结构第二步析

9、选项,斟酌判断A本文提到了学生在学校种植蔬菜,但其目的并不是为了拯救学校花园,而是为了培养学生对蔬菜的兴趣移花接木,偷换概念B本文未提及体验乡村生活相关内容无中生有,生搬硬套C本文主要讲述了Abby Jaramillo发起Urban Sprouts项目,带领学生种植蔬菜的故事,学生们开始对园艺感兴趣。选项蔬菜种植爱好者全面、精练地概括了文章内容。涵盖性强,覆盖全文D本文未提及“改变当地景观”相关内容无中生有,生搬硬套第三步对比选项得出答案【名师指津】技法技法2全文大意题全文大意题定位主题知文意定位主题知文意文章大意是作者在文章中所要表达的主要内容,是全文的核心思想,也是作者在文章中通过行文逻辑

10、和各种细节来阐明的中心话题。掌握寻找文章主题的3个小技巧,可以快速确定文章大意。【经典感悟】典例22023浙江卷阅读BLive with roommates?Have friends and family around you?Chances are that if youre looking to live a more sustainable lifestyle,not everyone around you will be ready to jump on that bandwagon.I experienced this when I started switching to a ze

11、ro waste lifestyle five years ago,as I was living with my parents,and I continue to experience this with my husband,as he is not completely zero waste like me.Ive learned a few things along the way though,which I hope youll find encouraging if youre doing your best to figure out how you can make the

12、 change in a notalwayssupportive household.Zero waste was a radical lifestyle movement a few years back.I remember showing my parents a video of Bea Johnson,sharing how cool I thought it would be to buy groceries with jars,and have so little trash!A few days later,I came back with my first jars of z

13、ero waste groceries,and my dad commented on how silly it was for me to carry jars everywhere.It came off as a bit discouraging.Yet as the months of reducing waste continued,I did what I could that was within my own reach.I had my own bedroom,so I worked on removing things I didnt need.Since I had my

14、 own toiletries(洗漱用品),I was able to start personalising my routine to be more sustainable.I also offered to cook every so often,so I portioned out a bit of the cupboard for my own zero waste groceries.Perhaps your household wont entirely make the switch,but you may have some control over your own pe

15、rsonal spaces to make the changes you desire.As you make your lifestyle changes,you may find yourself wanting to speak up for yourself if others comment on what youre doing,which can turn itself into a whole household debate.If you have individuals who are not on board,your words probably wont do mu

16、ch and can often leave you feeling more discouraged.So here is my advice:Lead by action.27What is the text mainly about?AHow to get on well with other family members.BHow to have ones own personal space at home.CHow to live a zero waste lifestyle in a household.DHow to control the budget when buying groceries.【答题微点】1设题特点:文章大意题是考查考生深层理解文章以及在速读中准确定位文章主旨大意的能力。文章中的每一段都是围绕某一主题展开的,把每个段落的主题句综合起来就可以概括出全文的中心思想。2常见设问方式:What is the main theme/topic/idea of this/the passage/text?What does the text/passage m



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