【人教版】七年级英语Units (1—3)

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1、2020学年人教版英语精品资料检测内容: Units (13)姓名得分卷后分老师评价一、单项选择。(20分)( C )1.Mr.Wang is our teacher,and he teaches _ math.AweBourCusDours( C )2.Lets go and play _ pingpong,I dont want to play _ violin.Aa,the Bthe,a C/,the Dthe,/( C )3.My grandparents often _ me stories _ weekends.Atells,on Btell,at the Ctell,on Dto

2、 tell,at( B )4.Are you good _children?Yes,I think I can help them _ English.Awith,in Bwith,with Cat,with Dat,in( C )5.Every morning I _ a shower before breakfast.Ado Bget Ctake Dbe( A )6.Do you have a_?Yes,I do.I _at a radio station.Ajob,work Bwork,work Cjob,job Dwork,job( C )7._Tom and Jack go to w

3、ork at 7:30?ADoes BIs CDo DAre( B )8.I can _Sounds good.You can join our sports club.Aplay chess Bswim Csing Ddraw( C )9.Can you sing _dance?I can dance.Aand Bbut Cor Dtoo( C )10.My brother goes to work _ subway every day.Aon Bin Cby Dwith( C )11._does he get to school?He rides his bike.AHow long BH

4、ow far CHow DWhen( B )12.He is a _ boy.Atenyearsold BtenyearoldCten years old Dten year old( C )13._people are in the supermarket.AHundred BThree hundredsCThree hundred DThree hundred of( A )14.How far is _from your home_ the library?Ait,to Bthis,to Cthat,in Dit,in( B )15.It takes _ ten minutes _ hi

5、s homework.Ahim,to Bhim,to do Chis,go Dhim,do( B )16.I like the food.It _ good.Asells Btastes Clooks Dsounds( D )17.Whats your _?I want to be a teacher.Ahabit Bjob Cshow Ddream( A )18.What do you _ the village?Its interesting.Athink of Bcome on Clook at Dask for( B )19.This weekend well have a baske

6、tball game.Do you want to _ us,John?Sure.I like basketball.Acall Bjoin Cmeet Dfind( B )20.My sister is _of dogs,so she never plays with them.Ahappy Bafraid Cshort Dsame二、完形填空。(10分)Look!Here is a photo of my _21_The tall man is my father.He _22_ in a radio station.He likes his job.Every morning he ge

7、ts up early,because he doesnt want to be _23_for work.The radio station is far from our _24_,so my father always drives to work.It usually_25_him about forty minutes.The woman _26_white is my mother.She is a teacher.She_27_music in my school.She usually goes to school_28_She likes walking and she sa

8、ys its good _29_Can you see the girl in black?Its _30_My name is Lisa.I walk to school with my mother every day.( D )21.A.roomBschoolCfriendsDfamily( A )22.A.works Blives Cplays Dthinks( B )23.A.easy Blate Cbusy Dfat( C )24.A.school Bclub Chome Dstore( B )25.A.gets Btakes Cmakes Dwants( C )26.A.at B

9、on Cin Dof( A )27.A.teaches Bhas Csells Dshows( D )28.A.by bike Bby bus Cby car Don foot( C )29.A.number Bdream Cexercise Dsubject( D )30.A.her Byou Chis Dme三、阅读理解。(15分)AName:KelseyAge:22I can sing and dance.I can play the violin and the piano,but I cant play the guitar.Name:PaulAge:13I can sing,but

10、 I cant dance.I can play the trumpet and the guitar but I cant play the violin.( D )31.Kelsey can _Asing Bdance Cdraw DA and B( C )32.Kelsey cant _Aplay the violin Bplay the pianoCplay the guitar DA and B( A )33.Paul can _Asing Bdance Cdraw DA and B( A )34.Paul cant _Aplay the violin Bplay the trump

11、etCplay the guitar DA and B( B )35.Can Paul dance?AYes,he can. BNo,he cant.CYes,he is. DNo,he isnt.BMike works very long hours every day.He usually gets up at 17:00.He takes a shower and makes his breakfast.What a funny time to make breakfast!After breakfast he practices his guitar,then he puts on h

12、is jacket and goes to work.To get to work,he takes the number 17 bus to the Star Hotel.The bus usually leaves at 19:15.He works all night.People love to listen to him!He gets home at 7:00,and he watches the early morning news on TV.He goes to bed at 8:30,a tired but happy man.Can you think what his

13、job is?( D )36.How long does Mike work?A7 hours. B8 hours.CAbout 9 hours. DAll night.( B )37.He_ and makes his breakfast.Agets up Btakes a showerCworks Dwashes his face( C )38.What does Mike do after breakfast?AHe goes to work.BHe puts on his clothes.CHe practices his guitar.DHe practices his piano,

14、then puts on his jacket and goes to work.( B )39.Maybe he is_Aa worker Ba singer Ca writer Da teacher( D )40.How does he go to work?ABy car. BBy bike. COn foot. DBy bus.CHi,Im a middle school student.Im Jady.In my class there are thirtyeight students.How do they go to school every day?Seventeen of t


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