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1、Unit EightPart One Statements Complete each of the statements with what you hear and choose A or B that explains the word or phrase in bold. 1. He was caught when he was pinching a few valuable items from the big department store.(A)2. The police officers thought that they were pulling over a suspec

2、ted drunk driver early Tuesday morning. ( A ) 3. If the thief is not stealing something valuable, I will mind my own business. ( A ) 4. The swimmers saw a storm arising and made for the shore. ( B ) 5. The murderer confessed his guilt to the police after he was arrested. ( B ) 6. The child ought to

3、be punished. You shouldnt let him get away with the theft. ( A ) 7. The report of his crime was circulating quickly through the town. ( A ) 8. Harry was trying to trick the old lady out of her money. ( A ) 9. The burglary took place when the old lady was at home. ( A ) 10. We wondered why they were

4、checking on the man who was so kind and honest. ( A )Part Two Dialogues Dialogue one Tricks Fred: Are you sure this is the fight house? Harry: Of course Im sure. I used to live next door, didnt I? Its easy and safe. Shes not been out for twenty years. Frightened to go out in case someone pinches her

5、 money. Fred: Thats just what were going to do, isnt it? Except shes in. What if she hears us? Harry: She wont. Deaf as a post. Probably half blind, too. Living in the dark all those years. Come on, get in this window. Stand on my back and give me a hand up. Right, now come on. Lets have a look arou

6、nd. Wendy: Ah, good evening, youve come at last. Fred: Blimey.Harry: Oh,. er. good evening. Yeah.er. sorry to be late.Wendy: Late! Oh, you are naughty. Keeping me waiting here twenty years. And then trying to surprise me by coming in the window. And youve brought a friend, I see. Good evening. I hop

7、e you didnt damage your clothes coming into the window like that. Harry is such a silly boy. Still up to his tricks. Do take a chair. And you Harry, sit down and we can all have a nice cup of tea. Youd like that, wouldnt you?Fred: Oh,. er. yeah, er. thanks very much. Er. thank you.Harry: Wendy, I wa

8、nt to talk to you about money.Wendy: Ah yes, Harry. I wondered. I wasnt going to mention it quite so soon, but that ten thousand pounds I lent you must have acquired quite a lot of interest by now, and times are rather hard. Now, drink your tea like a good boy and well discuss how you can pay it bac

9、k. Twenty years is a long time to wait, after all. Harry? Harry, what are you doing? Come back here at once. Oh dear. He is a naughty boy. But I know hell come back. Always did. But Im afraid his tea will be cold. Ah.I. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to each of the questions you h

10、ear. 1. What do Harry and Fred plan to do in Wendys house? ( C ) 2. Why has the woman not been out of her house for twenty years? ( B ) 3. How does Fred get into the house? ( A ) 4. Which of the following statements is NOT mentioned? ( B ) 5. What is Harry doing after Wendy ask him to pay back her m

11、oney? ( A )II. Listen to the dialogue again and answer the following questions with Yes or No. 1. Does Harry live in the same neighbourhood as the woman? ( No ) 2. Has the woman not been out of her house because she has been blind for twenty years? ( No ) 3. Do Harry and Fred get into the house thro

12、ugh the window with a ladder? ( No ) 4. Does the woman recognize Harry immediately because she still remembers the naughty boy next door? ( Yes ) 5. Did Harry borrow one thousand pounds from the woman twenty years ago? ( No )Dialogue Two The Wanted Person A: No luck then, John? B: Afraid not, Sir. N

13、ot yet, anyhow. Were still checking on stolen cars. A: Mm. B: Where do you think Michael will head for, Sir? A: Well, he definitely wont try to leave the country yet. He may try to get a passport, and hell certainly need clothes and money. Hell probably get in touch with his wife for those, so I exp

14、ect hell make for Birmingham. B: Right, Ill put some men in the house. A: Yes, do that. Mind you. I doubt if hell show up there in person. Michael is no fool, you know. I should think hell probably telephone. B: What about his wife? A: Mm. I shouldnt think hell go anywhere near her though he might g

15、et her to join him after hes left the country. And when he does leave, he probably wont use a major airport, either. So youd better alert the guards and keep an eye on the private airfields. B: Right Sir, Id better get his pictures circulated.A: Yes. And John be careful. He could be armed. And if I know him, he certainly wont give himself up without a fight.I. Listen to the dialogue and choose the best answer to each of the questions you hear. 1. What is the person wanted by the police


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