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1、剑桥少儿英语二级上册各单元知识点汇总Unitl Ive got many new friends.单词:Chinese语文 English英语 name姓名 American美国人 sure确信 maybe可能tomorrow明天 puppy小3lovely可爱的 give给 strong强壮的 weakS弱的 friend朋友 词组:go to see the great wa族长城see Chinese Garden#中国园林 watch TV看电视play games故游戏play the piano单钢琴make more friend波更多朋友draw pictures画 play

2、with toys玩玩具 learn Englis号英语 play with dogs和/、狗玩 句型:1. Hello! My Chinese name is Mei.2. Hello! My English name is Ann. Im six years old. I like singing and dancing.3. Ive got a robot. She s got a red bike.文章:Part1Unit2 Is this book yours?单词:我你他她它我们你们他们人称 主格Iyouhesheitweyouthey代词 宾格meyouhimheritusyou

3、them我的你的他的她的它的我们的你们的他们的形容词性物主代词myyourhisheritsouryourtheir名词性物主代词mineyourshishersitsoursyourstheirs词组:go home回家 playing with a bat打棒球give somebody a han给予帮助句型:1. Is this book yours? No, its not mine.歌谣:This is my bike. This is my book. P10: His is his.文章:Part1 Part2Unit3 Our school is beautiful.单词:l

4、ibrary图书馆lake湖shop商店caf珈啡馆 building建筑 city城市hill小山bank银行 sportsl动 centre中心 dining-room餐厅 music音乐 room房间 club俱乐部 pond池塘 art room美术室 market市场 hospital医院 cinema电影院 supermarket超市 park公园island岛屿 movie电影 waterfall 瀑布 fores僚林 mountain山 the Great Wall 长城 river河流 lift 电梯apartmen公寓 basemen地下室 balcony阳台 jungle

5、丛林 dock码头 TV room影视房词组:playing socce蜴足球 buy things买东西 practice singing练习唱歌 read books读书 have sportsgames故体育运动 have classes!:课 play sports故运动 take a bath洗澡 sing唱歌 drink coffee喝咖啡 take pictures影 play computer game玩电脑游戏 make a gues精谜语句型:1. This is the place where children can buy things.2. Where do you

6、 often sing a song? I often sing a song in the music room.文章:Part1 Part2Unit4 Miss, can I ask you a question?单词:questions可题 language!mean劭法 anybody任何人 straight直白m mat做学minutes分车中 course!程 curly卷曲的词组:ask a question 问问题 say a riddle 说谜语 for a minutes 一段时间 open the window 打开窗户open the doo打开门 draw a tre

7、e0一棵树have a tryM一试 let me try让我试试come to schoo来学校go home回家 make sandwiched 三明治enjoy yoursel错自便句型: 1. Can I have an ice cream? Yes, you can.2. What s the English for“ juaItn fas ”? curly hair 歌谣: Can I ask you a question?Unit5 How about coming with us?单词: market市场 hospital医院 cinema电影院 supermarket超市 p

8、ark公园 library 图书馆 shop商店 cafe咖啡厅 bank银行 zoo动物园 farm农场 school学校 swimming pool游泳池playground 操场 station 车站词组:get up起床 washing u刚杷J cleaning the floor?青?吉地板 riding a horsej奇马 doing mathsf故 数学题 eating fruits吃水果 going shopping勾物 drinking tea 喝茶 bouncing balls拍球 having a part深会句型: Where is the cinema? Oppo

9、site the market.歌谣: There s a pretty baby duckUnit6 He likes reading picture books.单词:picture图片 best4女子more更多idea见 birthday生日buy买after以后 every每个 comic连环画 cookery烹饪 sportsil动词组:get up起床 washing up洗碗 cleaning floor?青?吉地板 riding a horse骑马 doing maths做数 学题eating fruits 吃水果 going shopping勾物 drinking tea喝

10、茶 bouncing balls拍球 having a party聚会句型: What do you like doing? I like playing football.歌曲: I go, you go, she goes.Unit7 You mustnt drop litter in the park.单词:drop丢弃short短白p pick摘ride骑shouts喊animal动物throw扔river河流 must必须 really确实 missing缺少 cover覆盖 pretty漂亮litter垃圾词组:pick flowers摘花 copy the sound效仿声音 d

11、rop litter 扔垃圾句型: 1. There are some ducks in the water.2. You mustn t fish here.歌曲:There s a pretty baby duck.Unit8 Who is the winner?单词:winner胜禾1J者 turn轮至U problem问题 opposite相反的 different不同的 meaning意思 stick木棍pot水壶 boring无聊的 outside#面 naughty顽皮的词组:do the opposite故相反的tick the pictures图画上做标记 circle yo

12、ur age圈出你的年龄fly a kite 放风筝 speak English英语句型: How manyare there in your room? There is /There are Unit9 Sally is taller than Ben.单词: kilometers千米 hundred百 thousand shorter比较短 smaller比较/、 thinner 比较瘦 fatter比较胖 distanced离 twice两倍词组:paint the wall漆墙 wear a shi翁衬衫句型:Which table is bigger?歌曲:Shorter than

13、 the giraffe.乂早:Unit10 Did you know?单词:tallest最高shortest!短 Australia澳大利亚travel旅行Britain英国land陆地sail航行 snowman雪人 mountain山 Everest穆郎玛峰 difficult 困难的 weakest4弱的词组:pick apples苹果 see football match1足球比赛 exercise your bodyK炼身体句型:How tall are you?歌曲:How tall are you?乂早:Unit11 I went to the zoo yesterday.单

14、词:巾lm电影saw看见 move移动 wonderful极好的together起 mask0具kill杀pond?也porridge粥 wood木材 squared场 give - gav断 speak- spoked ride - rodeW buy - bough瓜词组:climb a little hill 爬小山 paint a maslk面具 stay at hom赤在家 spell a wor至单词 against the rules1反规贝 U句型:1. Where did you go yesterday? I went to the zoo.2. Did you see a

15、 lot of animals? Yes, I do.歌曲:Mary had a little lamb.乂早:Unit12 Has your school got a swimming pool?单词: visit访问 famous有名的 around围绕 learn学习 arrive至U达 cried哭泣 cupboar璇柜 minute 分钟 digit 手指 kangaroo:袋鼠 camerOf机 piano钢琴 guitar吉他 radio收音机 bridge# Cambridge 剑桥词组:visit a school参观学校 catch a mouse老鼠 hurt a leg受伤 send a emaiM送由B件smell the flowers闻花香 tell a story#故事句型: Has your family got a computer? No, it hasnt./ Yes, it has.歌曲: Have you ever been to Beijing to see a kangaroo?乂早:



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