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1、商务英语口语:海关通关在国际贸易中,作为一个商务人士,日常的口语交流是必备的工具之一,因为我们面对的大多数是都是外国人,所以这是必须的要会使用的工具哟,过海关通关是我们工作之一,下列是小编给大家整理的关于海关通关-1商务英语口语,希望可以帮到大家1、请出示护照。1、请出示护照。A: Morning, madam. May I see your passport, please早晨好,夫人。请出示护照。B: Here you are.护照在这儿。Do you have your passport你有护照吗May I see your ticket and travel document plea

2、se请把你的票和旅行文件给我看一看好吗May I see your passport我可以看一下您的护照吗OK. Do you want her passport, too好的。您也要看她的护照吗What is your nationality你是哪国人2、有要交税的物品吗2、有要交税的物品吗A: Anything dutiable有要交税的物品吗B: Yes, I bought a watch in Hong Kong, which costs $50 and a new suit, $50.有,我在香港买了一只手表,价值50美元,还有一套新西装,价值50美元。Do you have any

3、 dutiable articles你有没有要缴税的物品What articles are liable to duty什么东西需要纳税Must I pay duty on this这件物品我必须付税吗I have a watch and a camera for personal use. Are they dutiable我只带了供个人用的一只手表和一台照相机。它们要不要上税Youll have to pay duty on this article.这件东西您要交税。3、你有什么要申报的吗3、你有什么要申报的吗A: Do you have anything to declare你有什么要

4、申报的吗B: No, everything in these suitcases are for my personal use.没有。这些箱子里的所有东西都是我个人用的。Do you have your customs declaration你有什么要申报的吗May I give you an oral declaration我可以口头申报吗I have nothing to declare.我没有要申报的东西。Do you have anything to declare你们带有需要申报的物品吗Youre not allowed to bring in agricultural produ

5、cts.农产品是不准携带入境的。4、我们将物品登记后放到关栈保管室,并给你一个收条。4、我们将物品登记后放到关栈保管室,并给你一个收条。A: How does bonded storage work关栈保管是怎么回事B: Well check it into the bonded storage room,and give you a receipt. When you leave the country, you con claim it there.我们将物品登记后放到关栈保管室,并给你一个收条。你离境时,可以来领取。Put your suitcase on the counter, pl

6、ease. Do you have any gifts, plants, or food in it请把你的提包放在柜台上。里面有什么礼物、植物或食物吗I have some oranges in my suitcase.我的提包里有一些橘子。How many pieces of baggage do you have你带有几件行李These are all my personal.全都是我的随身物品。Are you carrying a camera, a watch or any jewelry您有没有携带照相机、手表或珠宝首饰5、我得给烟酒上税吗5、我得给烟酒上税吗A:Do I have

7、 to pay duty on the liquor and cigarettes我得给烟酒上税吗B: No, the law permits you to bring in two bottles of wine or liquor and a carton of cigarettes duty free, if purchased in a duty-free shop.不用。如果东西是在免税店购置的话,法律允许你免税。One carton of cigarettes is your duty-free allowance.一条香烟是可以免税的。You dont have to pay d

8、uty on personal belonging.私人物品不必缴税。Quite a sum of duty on these valuables.重物品要付一大笔税金。Are these things duty free这些东西是免税的吗Can I get it tax-free我可以用免税价买下吗6、我是一名教师。6、我是一名教师。A: Whats your occupation你的职业是什么B: Im a teacher.我是一名老师。Im a student.我是一名学生。What do you do你从事什么行业Im an editor.我是一名编辑。Im in charge of

9、keeping in touch with our customers.我负责联系客户。7、你打算在温哥华待多久7、你打算在温哥华待多久A: How long do you plan on staying in Vancouver你打算在温哥华呆多久B: Three weeks.三周。How long you have been here in Africa你来非洲多久了Three years.三年了。I mean, who knows how long thats gonna last for我的意思是,天知道这种局面得持续多久呢8、你此行的目的是什么8、你此行的目的是什么A: Whats

10、the purpose of your stay你此行的目的是什么B: Im visiting family.拜访亲友。The purpose of the trip is to buy the hand-made products of local women and place new orders.此行的目的是去购置当地妇女的手工产品,并拿下新订单。But another purpose of the trip was to collect scientific objects from the world.此行的另一个目的在于从世界各地收集科学物。The State Departmen

11、t says the purpose of his trip is to advance the goal of the two-state solution and comprehensive peace in the region.美国国务院称他这次旅行的目的是为了增进两个国家的解决计划和地区的全面和平这一目标。9、麻烦您翻开下列行李箱好吗我们要检查一下。9、麻烦您翻开下列行李箱好吗我们要检查一下。A:Will you open your suitcase, please We want to look at the inside.麻烦您翻开一下行李箱好吗我们要检查一下。B:All rig

12、ht.好的。Could you open that suitcase, please请您翻开那个箱子,好吗Please put your handbag onto the X-ray scanner.请把你的手提袋放在X光扫描机上面。Are you carrying anything metallic on your person你身上是不是带了金属类的东西Please put your mobile phone and keys in the container and go thorough the detector.请把您的 手机和钥匙放在这个盘里,然后请通过这个探测器。I need to check your luggage.我需要检查你的行李箱。10、我该在哪里办理海关手续10、我该在哪里办理海关手续A: Where shou



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