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1、学科:English 年级:Nine 主备人:Zhang Xiaoli 教研组长:Yang Ting 教务处: 上课时间: 2014 年 4月 日 姓名: 班级:课题中考英语专题复习-数词练习课时One 课型 New1. Nearly _ of the earth _ covered by sea。Athree fourth; is Bthree fourths; isCthree forth; are Dthree fourths; are2. There are sixty students in our class.And_ of us are boys.Wow! Forty girls

2、 in your class!Aone fourth Bone third Cthree quarters Dtwo thirds3. The number of the students in our school is about nine _. _ of them are boys.Ahundred; Two thirds Bhundred; Two third Chundreds; Two thirds Dhundreds; Two third4. Paul likes reading very much.He has _ books.Atwo hundred of Bhundreds

3、 of Chundred of Dhundreds5. Do you know the boy_ is sitting next to Peter?Yes. He is Peters friend. They are celebrating his _ birthday. Awho; ninth Bthat; ninethC/; nineth Dwhich; ninth6. It is the _time in one week that you broke dishes.AthirdBthreeCthirty Dtwothirds数词考点训练1What would you like,sir?

4、 _. ATwo pop BTwo bottles pop CTwo bottles of pop DTwo bottle of pop2 _ girls took part in the Happy Girl Competition but only few of them succeeded. AMillion of BMany million of COne million of DMillions of3 Nearly _ of the earth _ covered by sea. Athree fourth; is Bthree fourths; is Cthree fourth;

5、 are Dthree fourths; are4 I got a beautiful bike on _ birthday. I like it very much. Afifteenth Bfifteen Cmy fifteen Dmy fifteenth 5Do you know the boy _ is sitting next to Peter? Yes. He is Peters friend. They are celebrating his _ birthday. Awho; ninth Bthat; nineth C/; nineth Dwhich; ninth6 I got

6、 a good present on my _ birthday. Anine Bninth Cthe nine Dthe ninth 7Have you seen the CCTV news on TV? Yes, _ children had a good festival on the _ Childrens Day. Amillions of; sixty Bten millions; sixtieth Cmillions of; sixtieth学习目标中考对数词的考查主要包括以下几个方面:1掌握年、月、日、时刻的表达方法。2掌握基数词、序数词的构成及其用法。 3分数的表达及主谓一致

7、。4考查hundred,thousand,million,billion等词的用法。重难点掌握基数词、序数词的构成及其用法。5年、月、日的英语顺序为“月,日,年”。“日”用序数词读和写(写时也可用基数词);“日”读在“月”前时要加读“of”。July 7(th),20052005年7月7日读作:July the seventh two thousand and five 或the seventh of July two thousand and five Today is Thursday,September 19th.今天星期四,9月19日。6计时法有24小时制和12小时制两种。24小时制时

8、刻的读法为:0600(英式)或06:00读作:zero six hundred hours21:25或2125读作:twentyonetwentyfive712小时制时刻的读法分为顺读法和倒读法。顺读法是依次读“点钟数、分钟数”。倒读法中,在前半小时:“分钟数past已过点钟数”;在后半小时:“分钟数to下个钟点数”。半小时用“half”,一刻钟用quarter。6:00读作:six(oclock)7:30顺读:seven thirty倒读:half past seven9:15顺读:nine fifteen倒读:a quarter past nine2:45顺读:two fortyfive倒

9、读:a quarter to three21:50顺读:twentyone fifty倒读:ten to ten in the evening9:50p.m.24:00读作:twentyfour hundred hoursmidnightThe bus usually leaves at 19:15.公共汽车通常在19:15离开。(读作a quarter past seven in the evening 或nineteen fifteen)8一些数学公式的读法:“加”用plus/and,“减”用minus,“乘”用times,“除”用divided by,动词多用单数,如:358读作:Thr

10、ee plus/and five is eight.927读作:Nine minus two is seven.6530读作:Five times six is thirty.842读作:Eight divided by four is two. 白银市三中导学案8 _ trees have been planted near here, so the air is very fresh.ATwo hundreds BHundred of CHundreds of DHundreds9 _ of the land in that district _ covered with trees an

11、d grass. ATwo fifths;is BTwo fifth;are CTwo fifth;is DTwo fifths;are10 Although I failed four times, my father encouraged me to have a _ try. Athird Bfourth Cfifth11Here we are. Where does your cousin live, Tom? Oh, he lives on the _ floor. Atwo Btwice Csecond Dtwos12 The number of the students in o

12、ur school is about nine _. _ of them are boys. Ahundred; Two thirds Bhundred; Two third Chundreds; Two thirds Dhundreds; Two third13 The _ World Table Tennis Championship began _ the morning of May 25, 2010 _ Moscow, Russia. AFifty; in; in BFiftieth; on; in CFiftieth; in; on DFifty; on; in14 John is

13、 180 centimeters tall, and his daughter is 90. So he is twice _ she. Aso tall as Bas tall as Cmuch taller than Dless than15 I think _ of the materials I listened to at the beginning of the exam _ easy.Athree fourths; is Bthird four; are Cthree fourths; are Dthree fourth; are 16There are sixty students in our class.And _ of us are boys. Wow! Forty girls in your class! Aone fourth Bone third Cthree quarters Dtwo thirds17There are sixty s


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