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1、仁爱英语九年级Unit 6 Topic 1 Section D新安县正村二中 王艳艳. Teaching aims and demands教学目标1. Talk about how TV influences our lives. 2. Learn how to make a debate.3. Lead students to watch positive programs at a suitable time. Teaching procedure教学过程Step 1 Review 第一步 导入1. 教师出示快乐大本营的图片,向学生介绍自己喜欢的电视节目。如:I like Happy Ca

2、mp best because it can make me happy.2. 双人活动。让学生两人一组讨论自己最喜欢的电视节目,并说明原因,教师总结,引出电视对人们生活的影响。如:T: Kangkang likes Cartoon City best, because it can make him happy. Li Lei likes Human and Nature best, because he can learn a lot from it. Wei Hua doesnt like watching TV because she thinks it is a waste of t

3、ime. These are the influences that TV has on us.Step 2 Presentation 第二步 呈现1. 小组讨论: What do you think of TV?2. 呈现1b中的句子,判断与讨论过程中自己的观点是否一致,完成1b。3. 读1a,划出疑难点,找出文章的中心句。4. 浏览文章,回答问题。(1) What influence does TV have on peoples lives?(让学生分组找出看电视的利与弊,从两方面来回答,每组选一位代表将答案写到黑板上,以短语的形式呈现。)(2) If we cannot change

4、what is on TV, what can we do?Step 3 Consolidation 第三步 巩固1. 听录音,跟读,注意语音语调。2. 快速浏览课文,找出文中重点短语,识记,解决学生疑难点。3. 再读文章,根据文章内容填空。Television has a huge _ on our lives. It is one of the most important ways of _ _. All that we see on TV have _ our knowledge and _ the way we learn _ the world. Sometimes televis

5、ion is like a _. But it _ children _ _ outdoor activities. Some shows are not _ _ children. Not everything on TV has positive _ _ viewers. We cannot _ what is on TV, but we can _ what we watch.Step 4 Practice 第四步 练习1. 举行辩论赛:Television has a bad influence on children.规则:(1) The whole class are divide

6、d into two teams. Each team should choose three students to debate. One team agrees with the idea. The other disagrees. (2) Both teams do research on the topic and try to find the materials supporting their ideas.(3) The group members speak in the following order: affirmative first speakernegative f

7、irst speakeraffirmative second speakernegative second speakeraffirmative third speakernegative third speakerfree debatesummary by affirmative third speakersummary by negative third speaker.(4) Other students decide which team is the winner.2. 教师总结:电视对人们生活有好的影响,也有坏的影响,那我们应该怎么做?. Homework作业 写一篇约80字的作文,详细阐述辩论赛中自己的观点。


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