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1、UNIT 4BODY LANGUAGEPeriod FourAssessing Your ProgressVideo Time课前自主预习.选词填空break down,get through,call on,stare at,at work,adjust.to,approve of,have a tendency to1He _ and wept when he heard the news.2They _ try to distract you from your task.【答案】1broke down2have a tendency to3I have a pile of papers

2、 to _ before my leaving.4The professor does not _ the governments foreign policy.5Dont _ other people all the time its bad manners.6The government _ the workers to oppose waste.【答案】3get through4approve of5stare at6called on.完成句子1There is _ to go to the barbecue with you.没有比和你一起去烧烤更好的事了。2_,she became

3、 very excited.谈起中国女排时,她变得很激动。【答案】1nothing better than2When talking about the Chinese womens volleyball team3_ with the proposal.并非每个人都赞成这个提议。4Ann wont be free tonight._,she wont be able to come to your party.安今晚没有空。换句话说,她不能来参加你的派对了。【答案】3Not everyone agrees/Everyone doesnt agree4In other words课堂新知讲练词

4、汇拓讲tone n语气;腔调;口吻语气;腔调;口吻(P46)There are three(components)in any face-to-face communication:words,tone of voice,and body language.【翻译】任何面对面的交流都有三个组成部分:语言、语气和肢体语言。(1)a firm tone of voice坚定的口气give tone to.赋予情调或气氛(2)tone vt.用某种声调说;装腔作势地说tone down降低调子;使颜色调和;使缓和tone up提高声调;加强【用法详解】I dont like your tone of

5、 voice.我不喜欢你说话的腔调。My legs seem to have toned up with all that walking.走了那么多路后,我的腿好像有劲起来。I must ask you to tone down your remarks;they are giving offence to some of our visitors.我必须要求你说话语气和缓一些,因为你的话得罪了一些客人。针对练习单句语法填空(1)He spoke in _firm tone of command.【答案】(1)a完成句子(2)His voice _ over the years.过了这么多年

6、,他的声音远不如以前洪亮了。(3)_ and blamed the boy for his carelessness.他突然大声责备这个孩子粗心大意。【答案】(2)has toned down quite a lot(3)He suddenly toned up句式解读(P47)When communicating with someone from Tanzania or Kenya,do not use your left hand when giving or receiving things like a business card or gift.【翻译】当和来自坦桑尼亚或肯尼亚的人

7、交流时,在赠送或接收名片或礼物等物品时不要用左手。【句式剖析】句中的“When communicating with someone”和“when giving or receiving things like a business card or gift”为时间状语从句的省略形式。当when,while,before,after,unless,as if,if等引导的状语从句中的主语与主句主语一致或从句主语是it,且从句谓语中含有be动词时,可以省略从句中的主语和be动词。【归纳拓展】I kept a diary every day while(I was)travelling.在旅行期间

8、,我每天都写日记。He nearly jumped out of his skin when seeing two rats.他看到两只老鼠时,几乎给吓丢了魂。When seeing the naughty child,the teacher sympathised to his mother.当看到那个淘气的孩子时,老师对他的母亲表示很同情。针对练习单句语法填空(1)He wont come unless _(invite).(2)While _(play)with his children outdoors,the father felt very happy.【答案】(1)invited

9、(2)playing同义句转换(3)If you are accepted for the job,youll be informed soon._,youll be informed soon.如果你被录用干这份工作的话,你会很快被通知到的。【答案】(3)If accepted for the job随堂知能小练.单句语法填空1I still didnt like his tone _ voice.2While _(speak)to them,we should be gentle in appearance,and soften our tone.【答案】1of2speaking.选词填空succeed in,tone down,communicate with1There is no doubt that we will _ designing the project.2I _ him regularly by letter.3You must _ your language;stop swearing.【答案】1succeed in2communicate with3tone down



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