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1、UNIT 2LOOKING INTO THE FUTUREPeriod FourAssessing Your ProgressVideo Time课前自主预习.短语填空switch off,daily routine,respond to,in addition,keep track of,prevent.from,on the other hand1The players had to change their _ and lifestyle.2Even very young babies _ their mothers presence.【答案】1daily routine2respond

2、 to3I use a small notebook to _ all the new sentences.4You need money and time;_,you need diligence.【答案】3keep track of4in addition5Do not forget to _ the air-conditioning when you go to bed.6On the one hand,they wanted very much to visit their squad leader in hospital;_,they didnt want to disturb hi

3、s rest.【答案】5switch off6on the other hand.完成句子1Who is most likely to _ the new policy?谁最可能因这项新政策而获益呢?2_ your workouts and your diet.记录下你的锻炼和饮食。3_ do I agree with this suggestion.无论如何我都不赞同这个建议。【答案】1benefit from2Keep track of3In no sense4We are here to _ the public _ a service.我们来这里是为公众服务的。5The leader

4、_ that each member should play each part.领导主张每个成员都发挥各自的作用。【答案】4provide;with5advocates课堂新知讲练词汇拓讲accurate adj.精确的;准确的精确的;准确的(P22)Its difficult to make accurate(predictions)about the effects on the environment.【翻译】要准确预测对环境的影响是很困难的。be accurate in.在方面准确无误accurately adv.正确无误地;准确地accurateness n精确;准确【用法详解】H

5、e gave a full and accurate account of his movements.他完整而准确地叙述了自己的行踪。【语境串联】GPS is not nearly accurate enough to map virtual contents accurately into the cityscape;therefore,alternative approaches had to be developed.GPS是不能足够准确地在城市场景中定位虚拟内容的,因此,不得不开发替代的工具。针对练习单句语法填空(1)Astronomers can _(accurate)forete

6、ll the date,time,and length of future eclipses.(2)She is always very accurate _ punctuation and spelling.【答案】(1)accurately(2)in完成句子(3)She _ her use of language.她使用语言总是很准确。【答案】(3)is always accurate in随堂知能小练.单句语法填空1Language awareness activities can bridge the _(accurate)and smoothness in the transfer

7、of two languages.2If you fail to find them,_(librarian)will help you.3Moreover,we place more emphasis on _(care)for the employees health.4He is kind _ noisy and he likes to party too much.【答案】1accurateness2librarians3caring4of.短语填空in place of,be worried about,all in all,cut down1You must _ on sugar

8、to lose weight.2_ the former president,the Mayor appoints you as his assistant.【答案】1cut down2In place of3_,cats are friendly and helpful to human beings.4They _ the potential dangers when the dam breaks.【答案】3All in all4are worried about.完成句子1She gave _她对事故做了准确的描述。【答案】1an accurate account of the accident2When I first came to college I realised _当我初上大学的时候,我认识到智力并不太重要。3We are,_,very much in need of help.我们非常需要援助,这一点你们可以想象的。【答案】2that brainpower didnt count for much3as you can imagine



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