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1、名词性从句讲解与练习名词性从句包括主语从句,宾语从句,表语从句,同位语从句,它既是高中英语教学的重点与难点,又是高考的热点。名词性从句侧重考查学生在一定的语言环境中对该类从句的语序,从句连接词的运用以及主从句时态的呼应等知识的掌握。辨别下列从句1.Whether he will come or not is unknown. 2.Its unknown whether he will come or not.3.I dont know whether or not he will come.4.The question is whether he will come or not 5.That

2、 he has won the prize is true. 6.I know that he has won the prize.7.The fact is that he has won the prize.8.The fact that he has won the prize is true.9.What he said at the meeting is reasonable.10.I dont know what he said at the meeting.11.I asked him what he said at the meeting.12.This is what he

3、said at the meeting.13.I have no idea what he said at the meeting.II 名词性从句的引导词很多,归纳起来分为一下三类。 1 连接词。只起连接作用,不充当从句中的任何句子成分。如that, whether, if.注意:在主语从句,表语从句,同位语从句中表“是否”之意时,要用“whether”不用“if”. 2 连接代词。既起连接作用,本身又作从句中的主语,宾语,表语或定语,如who,whom,whose,which,that. 3 连接副词。既起连接作用,本身又作从句中的状语,如when,where,how,why.考点一 th

4、at与what, what与which 在引导名词性从句时的区别。1 that与whatthat在引导名词性从句时,不在从句中作成分,不含任何意义,只起连接作用,在句首时不可省略。what在引导名词性从句时,既起连接作用,又要在从句中作主语,宾语或表语,在任何情况下它都不能省略,它有具体意义,表示“所-的(物,事,话等)”或“-的”相当于all that, everything that.例如:1)What you have done might do harmful to others. 2) I think (that) you will like the stamps.2 What与wh

5、ich what与which在引导名词性从句中,都要在从句中作成分,都有实际意义,但是which在名词性从句中表选择,而what表意较笼统。注意whichever, whatever在引导名词性从句时的区别与它们相同。例如:1)What we cant get seems better than what we have.(表意笼统) 2) Here are 5 pairs, can you tell me which you would like to buy?(表示从供选的5双中作选择)1)(2012湖北,80)Things arent always _they appear.事情往往不是

6、它们看上去的那样。2)(2011湖北,76)_delighted the fans was that the younger player performed extremely well in the table tennis tournament.令球迷欣喜的是这位年轻的选手在兵乓联赛中表现很好。 用that .what. which 填空1. - Have you seen the film Under the Hawthorn Tree ?- 0f course. I have. It was in our village _it was made.A. that B. where.

7、C. when D which2.Our teacher always tell us to believe in _we do and who we are if we want to succeed.A why B how C what D which3.The old town has narrow streets and small houses _are build close to each other .A they B where C what D that 4.Modern science has given clear evidence _smoking can lead

8、to many diseases. A what B which C that D where5._Barbara Jones offers to her fans is honesty and happiness . A Which B What C That D Whom6. Mary was much kinder to Jack than she was to the others, _, of course made all the others upsetA who B which C what D that 7 .Before a problem can be solved, i

9、t must be obvious _the problem itself is.A what B that C which D why8.Its not what we do once in a while _shapes our lives. But what we do consistently. A which B that C how D when9.Its not how much we do but how much love we put into what we do _benefits our work most. A who B which C that D what10

10、.The Guinness company hired two Englishmen to write _later became the Guinness Book of World Records.11.Iron came later in _was called the Iron Age.12.Zheng Hes first stop was in _is today a part of Vietnam.13.Im satisfied _ _ you have done is right.14. After _ seemed like two hours to us , we arriv

11、ed there.15. _ is known to us all is _ the 2008 Olympic Games will take place in Beijing.16.It is natural _ they should have different views.17. Before the sales start, I make a list of _ my kids will need for the coming season.考点二 wh-引导的名词性从句与wh-ever引导的名词性从句的区别。1) Whatever,whoever,whichever=anythin

12、ganybody that 引导名词性从句时,往往比what,who,which 更强调,不表示疑问意义,表示的是一种泛指关系。 2)whatever,whoever,whichever=no matter what,who,which引导让步状语从句时表示“无论是什么谁哪一个,主从句间往往有逗号连接。 3)when可引导定语从句,状语从句,名词性从句,引导词在从句中作状语表时间。Whenever=no matter when 引导让步状语从句 4)however=no matter how 引导让步状语从句,how可修饰形容词,副词来引导名词性从句how在从句中作方式状语。 用 no mat

13、ter what, whatever, no matter who, whoever, no matter where, wherever, what ,how, when ,however,填空1. The poor young man is ready to accept _ help he can get.2. He tried his best to solve the problem, _ difficult it was.3. _ team wins on Saturday will go through to the National championships.4. Could

14、 I speak to _ is in charge of International Sales?5. _ want to stay in a hotel has to pay their own way.6. _ happy I am , I never seem to be able to finish off the loaf of bread.7. To show our respect, we usually have to take our gloves _ we are to shake hands with.8 _way you do it, it has the same result.9 _he got it remains unknown to us.10 _problems you have, you can always come to me for help.11 _ we need is more practice.12 _well begin the party is still a question.13 _you like to come, Ill be glad to see you .14 _cold it is, she always goes



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