【最新】英语人教版选修8练习:Unit 5 section 4 Grammar Word版含解析

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1、最新教学资料人教版英语Unit 5 Section .用所给单词的正确形式填空1(2016高考江苏卷改编)Dashan,who has_been_learning(learn)crosstalk,the Chinese comedic tradition,for decades,wants to mix it up with the Western standup tradition.2(2016高考北京卷改编)Excuse me,which movie are you waiting for?The new Star Wars.We have_been_waiting(wait) here

2、for more than two hours.3With the rapid growth of population,the city has_spread (spread) in all directions in the past five years.4You should go to bed.You have_been_watching (watch) TV for 5 hours.5The little boy is dirty all over because he has_been_playing (play)in the mud all the morning.6I hav

3、e_written (write) 3 letters since breakfast.7Sorry,but Mr.Smith has_left (leave) for Beijing.8I have_been_looking (look) for him everywhere.Where can he be?9Here he is!We have_been_waiting (wait) anxiously for him since last night.10Who is Jerry Copper?Havent you met (not meet) him yet?I saw you sha

4、king hands with him at the meeting.单句改错1He wrote the novel since last year.wrotehas_been_writing2She looks very tired.She had worked all day.had_workedhas_been_working3We are friends ever since we met at school.arehave_been4People has sung these folk songs for hundreds of years.has_sunghave_been_sin

5、ging5She cycles to work for the last three weeks.cycleshas_been_cycling6I didnt receive her letter for a whole year.didnt_receivehavent_received7This time yesterday,they have had lunch.have_hadwere_having8I have written a letter when he came.have_writtenwas_writing9I asked him to tell me what troubl

6、es him.troubleswas_troubling10We waited for you for an hour.We dont want to wait any longer.waitedhave_been_waiting.完成句子1It has_been_raining since last Sunday.自上周日以来就一直在下雨。2She has_been_sleeping for 6 hours and still cannot wake up.她已经睡了六个小时了,到现在还叫不醒。3The tobacco industry has_been_trying to improve its image.烟草行业一直在试图改善其形象。4Jim has_been_phoning Jenny every night for the past week.一星期以来吉姆每天晚上给詹妮打电话。5I have_been_reading a book for almost 4 hours,but I havent finished it.这本书我读了接近四个小时了,但我还没读完。


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