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1、初三英语月考试卷.听力(三个部分,共20小题,计20分)A) 反应 根据你听到的句子,从方框中选择正确的答语补全对话,有两项多余。A. Because I was ill.B. Id love to.C. There were too many people.D. No, there werent.E. Twice a week.F. Im sorry to hear that.G. I hope hes better today. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. B) 理解 根据你听到的对话,选择正确的答案回答问题。听第一段对话,做第68小题。( )6. What is Sara? A. A

2、singer B. A student. C. A dancer.( )7. Does Sara like dance? A. No, she doesnt. B. Yes, she does. C. We dont know.( )8. How many countries are Saras friends from? A. Five B. Four C. Three.听第二段对话,做第911小题。( )9. What is the woman doing now? A. Shopping. B. Giving a lesson. C. Asking the way.( )10. Wher

3、e is the woman going? A. A school. B. A cinema. C. A hotel.( )11. How is the woman going there? A. By taxi B. By bus. C. By bike.听第三段对话,做第1215小题。( )12. What is Li Lei doing when Wang Fang calls him up?A. He is dong his homework.B. He is reading a book.C. He is watching TV. ( )13. What time will the

4、match begin? A. At 8:00 p.m B. At 7:00 p.m C. At 6:00 p.m ( )14. How many tickets has Wang Fang got? A. One B. Two C. Three ( )15. When may the dialogue happen? A. In the morning B. At noon C. In the eveningC) 笔录要点 根据你听到的内容,填写下面的表格。PersonTime to go to the mountainsTime to go backHectorMonday16 Hecto

5、rs mother17 Sunday18 19 20 .知识(两个部分,共25小题,计25分)A) 单项填空。从A、B、C、D四个选项中选择正确的答案填空。(15分)( )21.Would you like some .No, thank you. Im not hungry at all.A. tea B. water C. bread( )22.You speak English much than before.Thank you.A. well B. better C. best( )23.Could I borrow your dictionary?Of course you .A.

6、 can B. must C. should( )24.You look so happy. What happened?I have got an “A” in P.E. test.A. your B. her C. my( )25. We have been good friends we joined the same ping-pong team. A. after B. before C. since( )26.Could you tell me for the meeting yesterday?Because the traffic was bad.A. why did you

7、come late B. why you came late C. why do you come late( )27. Kate didnt go to the movie last night because she had to her sick dog at home. A. look at B. look up C. look after( )28. Money is important in my life. But it isnt to me. A. everything B. something C. nothing( )29. ?He is tall.A. How is he

8、 B. What does he like C. What does he look like( )30. Trees and flowers every year to make our country more beautiful. A. is planted B. was planted C. are planted( )31. Their school is very big and there are students in their school. A. thousand of B. several thousand of C. thousands of( )32. You ca

9、n see Mr Smith if there is a sign “ ” on the door of his shop. Thanks.A. ENTRANCE B. BUSINESS HOURS C. THIS SIDE UP( )33. I will stay at home if it tomorrow. A. snow B. snows C. snowed( )34. Tom is terribly ill. Wed better send him to hospital as as we can. A. slowly B. quickly C. quietly( )35. Do y

10、ou really know at this time yesterday? Sorry, I dont know.A. what did they do B. what they did C. what they were doingB) 完形填空。通读下列短文,掌握其大意,然后从所给四个选项中选出一个最佳答案(10,每空1分) Once there was a king. He was very rich and 36 great power. But he wasnt happy. He was 37 .It made him feel sad all the time. No doct

11、or knew 38 was wrong with him. One day, one of them 39 him, “After much thought and study, I have found out that there is only one way for you to get 40 . You must wear the shirt of a happy man.” So the king sent his men to every part of his land 41 a happy man. First, they visited the rich and powe

12、rful(有权势的人)They asked these people if they were happy. 42 each of them answered that they didnt know 43 real happiness meant. One day, one of the kings men met a woodcutter. “Are you happy?” asked the kings men. “As happy as the day is long”, answered the woodcutter.“Oh, good!” said the man, “ 44 me your shirt.” “Why?” said the woo



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