【最新】人教版高中英语必修二教案:Unit 2 The Olympic Games Period 6 Using language Word版

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1、最新教学资料人教版英语Unit 2 The Olympic GamesPeriod 6 Using language教学设计I. Teaching aims:1. Read the passage The Story of Atlanta, and know about the Greek mythology.2. To master the following expressions: marry; bargain; amaze; promise; time; pick up; one after another; deserve3. To do the listening exercise

2、s in this unit.4. To help the students learn how to describe the favorite sportII. Teaching methods:Readingh; Listening ,speaking and writingIII. Teaching important and difficult points:Important points :Learn the expressions in this part: marry; bargain; amaze; promise; time; pick up; one after ano

3、ther; deserveDifficult points:To help the students learn how to describe the favorite sportIV. Teaching procedures:Step 1 Revision Check the answers to the homework. Review some words in this part.Step 2 Reading The Story of Atlanta 1. Scanning: Scan the passage and find the answers:1). Who was Atla

4、nta?2) What was she good at?3) Who did she want to marry?4) How could Hippomenes win Atlanta? ( Students scan the text as quickly as they can ,then let them share answers with each other) 2. Skimming: skim the text and judge the statements in exercise 1 on page 14.3.Careful reading : read the text c

5、arefully and underline the key words and difficult points. Step 3 Deal with the language points in this part. 1. marry 结婚,嫁,娶 A marry B marry A to B 把A 嫁给B adj. married A get/ be married (to B) n. marriage 2. bargain vi.讨价还价;讲条件 n. 便宜货;协议 3. amazed= surprised be amazed at sth be amazed to do sth be

6、amazed that 4. promise vt. 1)允诺,答应 promise sb. sth.; promise (sb) to do sth. vi 保证,前途 2)有可能 n. 诺言、字据,充当make, break, keep, carry out 的宾语 5. time “时代,时期”, 单复数均可 6. pick up 1). 拾起;捡起 2). (偶然、无意识地)获得(消息);学会(某一种语言等) 3). (车辆等)中途搭载(人) 4). 收听(广播);收看到 7. one after another 陆续地;一个接一个地 8. deserve vi. & vt. 应受(报

7、答或惩罚);值得 deservedly adv. 理所当然地;应得地deserving adj. 值得的;应得的deservingly adv. 应得地;当然地deserve ill/well of 应受的惩罚、奖赏;有罪/功劳于Step 4 Discussion 1) What do you think would happen to Hippomenes?2) How would you end the story if you were the writer? ( Give students about 3 minutes to have a discussion with their

8、teammates, then present their opinion to all the students)Step 5. Listening 1. Students listen to the listening material for the first time, just listen.2. Let the students read the statements on exercise 3 on page 15 to know about the story and listen again to number the sentences.( After numbering

9、 ,teacher give the Listening passage on PPT .Then listen again and check)3. Listen for the mian idea.Students listen again and find out the correct answer to the question on PPT31.4. Listen the material again and fil in the blanks in exercise 5 .5. Free talk : Do you believe the story is true? Pleas

10、e give your reasonsStep 6 Speaking and writing Do a survey of interests and divide the students according to their intrests .Ask them talk about their common intrests. Then let them try to write what you have to do to study a hobby.Step 6 Homework1. Complete the composition after class.2. Review what we learnt in this period and read the passage on page52 to find out the main idea . 版权所有:高考资源网()


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