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1、学段及科目教学分析与目标设计九年级下学期英语授课教师李昆鹏 时间2019年4月16日课题及课时State ones viewpoints 一课时教材版本课外资源21世纪报学校名称巩义市第二初级中学授课地点学校四楼学情分析课标要求基于学生核心素养下提高学生英语学科能力是英语教学的主要目标。本节课着重于训练学生英语写作并提高学生“写”的语言技能。学生通过循序渐进的写作任务学会从结构性、逻辑性、主题性、语言规范性和流畅性等多个维度分析书面表达,并尝试在限定的时间内写出一篇好的考场书面表达。学习内容谈论报刊文章Study on a phone并完成一篇书面表达。学会用英语记录讨论结果和表达观点。学情现

2、状初三学生即将面临两个月后的中考,英语书面表达是中考的重要考察项目,考前的考试写作训练必不可少。如何高效提高学生的写作能力是本节课最重要的课题。通过报刊阅读和对热点话题的谈论可以增加学生的学习兴趣、锻炼学生的思辨思维并积累写作素材。此外,结合写作技巧和写作步骤的归纳总结更有助于提高学生写作水平。学习目标知识技能By the end of the class, the students should be able to:1. know what is a good structure to record a group discussion on a topic, and give his/

3、her own point of view as well 2. know more about what is a topic sentence and what are supporting details 3. review some expressions to state ones viewpoints and some practical linking words过程方法Learn in groups and write an article to record discussion results and state ones viewpoints on the topic o

4、f “Study on a phone” within 80-110 words in a logic way and learn to evaluate their classmates writing in a correct way情感态度Students learn to respect others point of view and know how to study on a phone effectively and properly教学策略重点难点How to record discussion results and state ones viewpoints in wri

5、ting方式方法Task-based Teaching; Cooperative learning媒体技术运用教学PPT等多媒体素材,以及平板同屏技术开展教学。教学流程结构评价方案设计课前检测【测评内容】Fill in a chart and collect the studentsviewpointsStudentsviewpointsreasons Zhang KeqiWang YidiZhou Tianyi 【评价方式】学生口头回答,老师课件展示答案,学生自行评价 课堂练测【练习内容】1. Pre-study feedback:(1). What is the topic of the

6、news we read?What is Zhejiang province going to ban?How many students state their viewpoints? What do they think of study on a phone?(2). To state your viewpoints more clearly and more persuasively, you can use _ and _. 2. Share your viewpoints on study on a phone and collect your group members view

7、points. You are encouraged to state some new views.ViewpointsReasons3. Writing: 近年来,随着教育信息技术的发展,利用手机App来完成学习任务是一件很普遍的事情。但是学生是否应该用手机学习在社会上引起了很大的争议。昨天的班会上,同学们就这个话题进行了讨论,有些同学认为我们不应该在手机上完成作业,而有些同学持相反意见。请你根据以下提示完成一篇班会讨论记录,并发表你的观点。要点:反对赞成你的观点1:对视力不好.2: 1: 使学习更便捷、有效2:提示词:布置作业:assign; 近视:nearsighted 数据:data

8、base 有效率的:efficient写作要求1. 不得出现真实的校名和人名2. 80词左右(开头不计入总词数)Please prepare a draft before your final writing:TitleShould we study on a phone?Beginning (background)There was a heat discussion about whether we should study on a phone or not in our classyesterday.Body (your classmates opinions + your own o

9、pinions about “study on a phone”)Ending(conclusion)【评价方式】 1. 留存学生现场完成的书面表达的照片,引发同伴互评。 2. 同屏学生写作过程和现场作品赏析,学生当小老师口头点评。 课后评测【测评内容】1. Evaluate your partners writing and rewrite your article.2. Discuss in your group how to study on a phone effectively and properly.【评价方式】 1. 教师引导学生根据书面表达考纲标准,进行同伴之间的定性互评。

10、2. 教师通过课堂观察、作业评价等方式相结合,完成本次的定量评价。教学过程设计情境导入【 提问导入 】1. Ask questions and help students to go over the previous lesson.2. Review the previous questions on the worksheet.3. know more about what is a topic sentence and what are supporting details【设计意图】1. Review the previous lesson and get pre-study feed

11、back.2. Collect writing materials related to the topic.【 谈论话题导入 】Teacher tells students how her daughter study on a phone and share some of the teachers views【设计意图】Lead in the topic and collect more writing materials related to the topic.学与教的活动【 小组讨论 】Students share their viewpoints and collect thei

12、r group members viewpoints and reasons with the help of some useful expressions. They try to use a topic sentence and supporting sentences to make their views clearer and more persuasive.【设计意图】 Collect more writing materials related to the topic. 【 现场写作 】Students follow the five writing steps & some

13、 writing skills to write.Analyze (the type of writing, topic and key points)Structure (beginning, body, ending)Draft (expressions & fluency)Check and correct ( avoid mistakes)Final writing (handwriting)【设计意图】 Apply the writing skills to practice. 【评价作文】Students discuss and summarize how to evaluate

14、an exam composition according to the entrance exam standard.Teacher shows students the writing standard for Middle High School Entrance Exam and help them try to evaluate an exam composition.【设计意图】 Be more familiar with the writing standard and improve writing. 课堂小结To make a perfect writing in exam, you need to write with a good structure, a topic sentence and supporting sentences, proper words and expressions, linking words, good sentences, new ideas, good handwriting and without errors. 教学评价与反思教学设计【优点与特色】1. 教学设计严谨细致,教学步骤清晰明了。学生通过课前习、课中习、课后习三个教学环节充分掌握并实践了提升英语书面表达的方法。这是一节基于真实语言材料进



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