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1、Book 5 Module6 Save our world主备人:龚鹤明 审核人:奉鑫一、 教学内容:Unit2 Remember three words: reduce, reuse and recycle.二、 课型:Reading and writing三、 教学目标: 1、能够正确使用下列单词和词组:reduce, reuse, necessary, plastic, repair, care, instead of,cloth, sort, do harm to, make a difference to,product,material, bottle2、能够读懂关于环保的文章,能

2、利用构词法理解一些生词的意思。3、能够简单介绍环保措施,提出建议并说明理由。4、通过学习,增强中学生环保意识,从我做起,从身边做起,从小事做起,养成环保的习惯。四、 教学重难点:能够读懂关于环保的文章,并能够在写作中提出若干环保措施。五、 教学准备:课堂整体运用任务型教学模式以及阅读课“四个阶段”教学模式。本课指导学生通过阅读获取信息,培养学生阅读技能。在教学过程中,采用多媒体手段辅助教学,利用各种图片和习题任务贯穿整个教学过程。因此,本节课需准备:PPT课件、图片、录音机、课堂练习题。六、 教学过程:教学步骤教师活动学生活动设计意图Step OneWarming-up (3)1.Greeti

3、ng2.Lead inShow some pictures about a terrible Earth.Ask the Ss:“One day, when you wake up,the earth has become like this.No one can live on it.Are you happy to see it ? Do you want to do something to change it?”1. Greeting2. Look at the pictures and answer the teachers questions freely.课前通过PPT展示一些地

4、球被污染、被毁坏的图片,要求学生看完后发表感受:是否愿意住在这样的地球?想做些什么去改变?巧妙的联系本节课内容。Step TwoPre-reading(6)1.Words and expressions:(1)Teach some new words according the pictures. Such as: plastic, cloth, procuct, material, bottle,repair(2) Match the word with its meaning.Like: We should reduce the water that we use. ( use less)

5、2. See and sayAsk the Ss to look at Activity 1 and say which things are better for the environment and why.1.(1)Learn some new words from the pitures.(2)Understand the meanings of the new words according the exercises.2. See the pictures of Activity 1 and say something about them.引导学生通过看图和词义猜测来学习新单词

6、,避免枯燥无味地跟读。通过让学生组织文字来描述Activity 1的图片,除了锻炼他们的组织能力,也为接下来的文章做铺垫。Step ThreeWhile-reading (20)Step ThreeWhile-reading (20)Make a survey before reading (check the first part in groups and see if they are green)1. Scanning(1)Ask students to skim the passage, then match the actions with 3 Rs and choose the

7、best answers.(2) Have the students choose the right answer.What does the passage mainly talk about?( )A. What s the green environment?B. Why do we need to protect the environment?C. How to protect the environment?2. SkimmimgAsk the students to read the passage again, and answer:Why do we have to do

8、the Rs?( )A. Reusing things is fun.B. We dont have enough resources.C. There are too many countries.D. We need to clean up our neighborhoods.Have the Ss finish Activity4,then check in pairs.3.Careful reading.Ask students to read the passage from paragraph to paragraph and take part in the following

9、activities.4.Solve the language pointsOrganize students to discuss the important points and difficult points in groups. Help the students to solve the difficult points.Talk about the first part in groups freely.(1) Scan the passage and match the actions with 3Rs.( Actions):*Turn off the water.*Use t

10、he box again.*Put paper and glass in bins.*Dont throw away plastic.*Use your own bags when you shop.(Reduce; Reuse; Recycle)(2)Choose the right answer.What does the passage mainly talk about?( )D. What s the green environment?E. Why do we need to protect the environment?F. How to protect the environ

11、ment?Answer the question:Why do we have to do the Rs?( )E. Reusing things is fun.F. We dont have enough resources.G. There are too many countries.H. We need to clean up our neighborhoods.Finish Activity 4 by themselves ,then check in pairs.Read the passage from paragraph to paragraph and finish the

12、following exercises.( First, Reduce)cloth, go shopping,turn off, using less, brush the teethReducing is .* the water while we .*Also,we can ask mom to bring a bag while she .(Second, Reuse) T or F ?* ( )Reducing is using again.*( )Throw away juice bottles when you drink the juice up.*( )Its better t

13、o use a paper cup.(Three,Recycle)Recycling is making from . Some things are recycled, such as , , , and .Discuss the difficult points in groups.Slove the difficult points with the teachers help.阅读文章前先调查第一部分的内容,让学生全体参与并完成调查。切身体会自己对环保的影响。通过让学生快读文章,理解文章大意,对课文的材料进行整合。配对措施与具体事例。达到为接下去的活动做好准备的目的。通过让学生第二遍浏

14、览文章,结合问题更好地理解其内容。通过选词填空、判断正误和缺词填空3种不同类型且难度升级的题型来让学生理解“reduce,reuse, recycle”.从而达到锻炼精读、判断、记忆等方面的能力。在精读完课文和理解课文的前提下,组织学生通过小组讨论文章重难点,解决问题,然后在老师的指导下理解难点。培养了学生自主学习能力和动手解决问题的能力。Step FourPost-reading(9)1. Retell.Make the students into three parts. Each part of students retell one word. The words are“reduce, reuse, recycle”.2.Discuss.According to the key words: reduce, reuse, recycle. “What actual actions



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