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1、北京大学公共管理硕士学位论文 高等职业教育校企合作办学模式研究 在职攻读专业硕士学位论文高等职业教育校企合作办学模式研究院 系: 政府管理学院 专 业: 公共管理(MPA) I摘 要大力发展职业教育,已成为教育发展改革的重要部分。职业教育的根本目的就是培养适合市场经济发展需要的应用技能型人才,适合社会需要时根本,也就是说技能型应用人才的培养要切合社会经济发展需求。我国高职教育改革发展尚处于探索阶段,尤其校企合作的教育办学模式,借鉴学习职业教育成功国家的经验,深化高职教育改革发展,探索高职教育校企合作的有效形式,具有重要意义。本文借鉴前人研究的基础上,运用系统分析法、比较分析法,个案研究等方法进


3、;第四部分通过对国外典型国家的高等职业教育的先进经验和模式的比较分析,旨在为提出我国高等职业教育发展改革的具体对策提供思路;第五部分则立足于目前我国高等职业教育校企合作办学存在的问题的分析和论证的基础上,提出我国高等职业教育校企合作办学模式具体发展政策建议,以期能够为高等职业教育校企合作方面提供思路。关键词:高等职业教育,校企合作,模式研究 AbstractThe development vocational education has become an important part of the education development reform vigorously. The vo

4、cational educations primary purpose is the raise suits the application skill talented person who the market economy development needs, suits when the social need basic, i.e. the skill must suit the socio-economic development demand using talented persons raise. Our country quality educational reform

5、 development was still at the exploration stage, especially the school business cooperations education school pattern, profits from the study vocational education the successful country the experience, the deepened quality educational reform development, the exploration quality education school busi

6、ness cooperation effective form, has the important meaning.This article profits from the foundation which the predecessor studies, the utilization system analytic method, the comparison analytic method, methods and so on, combed the related concept and the related characteristic of higher vocational

7、 education, and the utilization higher pedagogy, the vocational education theory system analysis higher vocational education school business cooperation school pattern to put forward the policy proposal and the implementation safeguard mechanism through the comparative of colleges and universities i

8、mplementation school business cooperation present situation between domestic and foreign .This article mainly divides into five parts. The first part is the introduction part, the introduction is the background summary, simultaneously is also this article writing agent, including research background

9、, research significance, research present situation, research mentality and content; The second part is the quality education school business cooperation school theoretical analysis and the support, including the higher vocational educations concept limits, the trend of development, the characterist

10、ic and the school business school pattern characteristic analyzes four aspects; The third part through to the present Our country Higher Vocational education School business cooperation school present situation and the historical situations analysis, pointed out under our country existing system exi

11、sts the question, and to had the question reason to carry on the profound analysis; The fourth part through to the overseas typical countrys higher vocational educations advanced experience and the pattern comparative analysis, is for the purpose to proposing that our country higher vocational educa

12、tion development reforms concrete countermeasure provides the mentality; The fifth part bases on the present Our country Higher Vocational education School business cooperation school existence question analysis and in the proof foundation, proposed that Our country Higher Vocational education Schoo

13、l business cooperation school pattern concrete development policy suggested that can provide the mentality take the time as the higher vocational education school business cooperation aspect. key word: The higher vocational education, the school business cooperation, the pattern studies 目 录摘 要IAbstr

14、actII第一章 绪论1一、研究背景1二、研究意义2三、研究现状分析2四、研究思路和研究方法3第二章 高等职业教育校企合作相关基础理论研究5一、职业教育校企相关概念界定5(一)职业教育5(二)高等职业教育6二、高职教育发展趋势和特征6(一)高等职业发展趋势6(二)高等职业教育的特征7三、高等职业教育校企合作办学模式的特点8(一)校企合作办学模式8(二)校企合作特点9第三章 高等职业教育校企合作模式的现状分析13一、高等职业教育校企合作模式现状13(一)订单式培养模式13(二)准就业实习模式15(三)专业委员会模式16(四)师资互动模式17(五)产学结合模式19二、高等职业教育校企合作办学模式存

15、在的问题19(一)订单班出现的问题20(二)准就业出现的问题20(三)专业委员会出现的问题21(四)师资互动中存在的问题21(五)产学结合中存在的问题22三、高等职业教育校企合作办学模式存在问题的原因分析22(一)观念问题22(二)校企合作的结合点还没找准23(三)高职学校本身缺乏实力24(四)国家校企合作办学管理体制的统筹协调问题未有效解决24第四章 发达国家高等职业教育校企合作办学模式分析及经验借鉴26一、发达国家高等职业教育校企合作办学模式分析26(一)美国社区学院合作模式26(二)德国“双元制”模式27(三)英国“现代学徒制”模式28(四)澳大利亚“TAFE”模式28二、经验适用性及借鉴29(一)加强法律、法规建设,确保校企多元化合作制度化29(二)重视实用主义与坚持以人为本相结合30(三)树立企业的社会责任和行业的责任30(四)学校应主动适应杜会经济发展,开展多样化的校企合作31第五章 完善高等职业教育校企合作模式的对策32一、院校更加主动积极的对策33(一)建立保障机制和职能部门33(二)以互惠互利、优势互补为



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