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1、probl ems thatcannotbe ignored. Some leadersunwilling t o do masses work, masses conceptweak, on masses feelings not deep, pendulumnot arewith massesof relationship, thi nk masses work is revolutionary w ar era of things, now obsolete has, buried business w ork, ignore d masse s workof situation com

2、pared Ge neral; some leadersnot do masseswork,old method regardlessof with, new notwith, not understand masses psychologi cal,notunderstand masses wishes, not said masses lang uage, w ork methodsimplestiff, caused masse s of conflictand antipathy; some leaders cant do masses work, Face d with a loto

3、f contradictions among thepe ople worry about fear,panic set in e ncountergroup events, a nd some areeven mismanaged, inflame, so work ha s suffered heavy losse s, a ndso on. These problems we aresoberly aware, enhancing thepartys rulicommittees and leading ca dres are goodpeople.Attach great import

4、ance to and is g ood atdoi ng mass work, hasbecome thenewurgent situation stre ngthening t he partys governingcapacity-building task s. Combined practiceof maintaining flesh-and-blood tieswith the masses,urged thebroad masses of party members and cadres, especially all levels . Proce ssing t o impro

5、ve as a guide to thecountry. What I did is summed up thesenew things,be pr omoted. This is a vivid manifestation of the Deng Xia opi ngs mass. Deng alsoput people support does not support, agreed not to agree, happyhappy, promise not to promise as a startingpoi nt anddestination of developing guidel

6、ines, policies, and as the onlystandard for measuring compliance wit h the wi shes of the masses of thepeople. Under the guidance of De ng Xi aoping theory, Central Government adopteda series of important measures to strengthen links with the masses. In December 1989, the CPC Central Committemade on

7、 adhering toand perfecting the systemof multi-party cooperation a ndpolitical consultation under the leadership of theChi neseCommunist Party, closely forCPC and the democrati c partiesand the relationship between thepart of the masses that they contact, effectively carrying out the mass line , play

8、eda positive role. InMarch1990, the 13plenary session adopted thedecision on strengthening contacts with the massesof the Partynoted that created and developedin the longstruggleof the partys mass line, is to realize the partys ideological li ne, the fundamentalpoliti caland organizational work rout

9、e,can always maintain flesh-and-blood tiesand development of the masses, isdirectly related to the rise and fall of the rise a nd fall of theparty and State. In September 1994, 14 adoptedby theple nary session of the Party onstrengtheningdecision on several major issueshoulddevelop a democratic styl

10、e of work, come from the masses, to the masses, togethe r, stick to the mass line. Party of 13session four in the plenary yihou, to Jiang comra de for coreof partyWelink供应链金融平台通过强大的整合技术和供应链实时事件管理能力,为金融服务机构开展真正基于供应链交易执行, 以业务单据流驱动的供应链金融服务产品提供有力的支持。 对供应商而言,可以轻松选择指定的订单、发货和发票等单据进行便捷融资申请,加快现金周转;对采购方而言,可以为

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