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1、很好的英文面试自我介绍篇一:超好面试英文自我介绍(各专业通用) 超好英文自我介绍 Goomrnng, my na is WAGSHUNDI.It is raly a greathor to hve thsoortuit fr a inriew. Nowi w inrue myself riefly.I am 23 yeard, bor in liunshui,Gizou Provc,and am urrently enor sudetatichuainternationa sudy iverity.ymaor i ensh. In t ast 4ear,i spnt lots of mieon

2、 suy,i avepased ET6and TM4. Frya unersiyeduciogie m a o hing t lear, and a lt o practcest imove myelf Imakes kw he iortancefractical ality 02X-202X, I pratised in WULIDIAN ASA TUORoftrejuniorstudent,ad n smer o 202X, I pratied i MID dcatio gopaseachincosultnt. From hese practice, Ihave arned a . As

3、t my charcter, I know am ptmistind confent. I pefer o laytgether with frend. y avoripastmesto play akeall,to liste muc aneaook. canworkere,I ilworkhard.Tanky! 用三个单词形容自己,并做阐述(外企经典面试环节)Frty, Iknow mfriedlyI have mny fried I prefer to laytogtrth them. ecodly, I am ery pote. In umer of2X, practsed i XXX

4、,an In 20X,I ractised in X rom tse praties, Ihav eare a ot. Thidl, I am ver repib Iill tryyest oo m jb 经典英文问题:1Wat is iporant to yoin job A: Challenges ad mprovng ysf. 2. W do youwnt towork fr isoranizaon A: Thi copn well-no. okihere is very good thi. Why soudwe emoy yo : Firty, I amvery siiv I wil

5、ernknowledge ha.Seondy, I a ery eps. I wil try my est t do my jo.4. If we hiryou, o long l y t with us :If I an wk her, Iwil keepwrkig r company an prving mef 5. Whatare yureateswknss A: Arrive in a srae pae,I willbeervous,bu I wile Ok in a mnt.篇二:超好面试英文自我介绍(各专业通用) 超好英文自我介绍 Good mrnig(afternoon),mna

6、ei XX. I s raly a e hooo have thi oportnt for aiteve. Now iwl intdce myel briefly am 2X years old, born in X, andi acurrenly a senior tudent at XXX nesity. MymoriXXXX. In thepat 4 year, i spt lots of my ti n tudy, hav passe CET. Four eas nierty eucato gves me alot o tis to ar,an a lo of ractices to

7、improvmyself. ke mknow the mpoacef practcl ability.n th summe f202, Ipractised i XXX, and I 202X, I pactised in XXX. Frm ths pactie, haveearedalt. As toy characte,Iko I pimisi and confet I fr pla ether with fries.My favorite pastme i oplybaskbalbl, lay tbll oro urfnlIf can work hee,I willwr hard.Tan

8、c yu! 用三个单词形容自己,并做阐述(外企经典面试环节) Firsly, I know I am friedy I ave mnfriends perolay togethe ith em Secondly, am very postie I he summerof 02X, Ipractdn XXX, andIn 02X, I prte iXXX. Fromthse practices, I have leare a lot. Thdly, I a ery responsibl.I wil tr m es to domy job.经典英文问题: 1Wt i imptan toou in

9、job A: Challens ad improvingyself. . Why o y wan towor forth rganizaon A: h compny wlknow.Wrki heres a verygod hing 3Why houldeemply yo A:Firstly, am very positiv. I wil lar nowede hard.Secndly, I m vry rposibe. Iill rym best o domy job.4. If e h you,hwlng i yo sty wit s A: ca work her, wl kep wrkin

10、g for compay nd mroing ysef. 5. Whatare y greatest wakness A: Arrives i a strne lae,I wl nrvous, u I will be Okn a ment篇三:面试英语自我介绍范文以及例句 英语自我介绍范文 1、 英语面试自我介绍范文(一) ood moing,lds an tln! t ry mynr to ave thisopprtuniy or anitrviewI hpe Ianmake a godperonce ody.Im confint thtI cansuccee.o I introduce s

11、elfbrifly.I am 26 yeas o, oni handonprvinc. I graduad fro Qinao Univesiy. Mymajoriselectroni. And I t my bacelor degree fter y gradatin inthe ear 20X. I spent s of my te on study,nd Iepased CET-duing my univrsity.An veacquired asic knwegef my mjo. Iis m longherisheea o b anngineer and I m aer o gt a

12、n portunity to uly pay mability. InJuly 02X,I ban rking fora sma prvate company as a tnicalsupot gierin Qinao ciy. Becaushere wa more chancefor t ge atomy tant, so decided to hangemyjb. And Augut 202X, I lef orejin nd orkd r aforin ntrprise as an automtionsoftwaetest eneer.Beause I wan to changemywrkig nronmet, Id lik tfind ao which i morechalenig.Morev,Motorola isa global comany, soI eeIcn gain a lot fro worki in t knd of compny Tat is threasonh



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