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1、新东方在线 网络课堂电子教材系列考研语法新思维讲义主讲:云唯真欢迎使用新东方在线电子教材目录第一章:句子结构新论2第二章:B随时间变化(时态)3第三章:虚拟语气4第四章:动词用法 B A/C/a+/b+/c+(非谓语动词)5第五章:A / C / a+ / b+ / c+ 以句子代替 (从句)8第六章:独立主格结构11第一章:句子结构新论ABCa+b+c+主语主语谓语系v宾语表语+A(主语):物主优先(无灵主语)主语多样化更客观更生动拟人目的:eg 人们乐于上网Surfing on line addicts people tremendously. 人们离不开手机Mobile phone a

2、ssociate/connect people.Mobile phone turn into the chief media for people to communication. 人们似乎愈加不注意家庭伦理Familyethics are seeming fading away from peoples mind/eyes. Intel靠技术赚钱a+ b+:以介宾短语代替形容词做定语(后置)记不起形容词文章中名词多,则档次高目的:eg 宗教之城A city of religions 寺庙之城A city of temper 有的人A men of sense , size , and st

3、yle.作业:在以下几个方面造句:叛逆的时尚 b+:状语主谓之间:(格式 主,状,谓句首句首渲染原则位置:记不起副词文章中名词多,则档次高以介宾短语代替副词e.g.口语:He can always understand me.书面语:He , always , can understand me第二章:B随时间变化(时态)一般时:(略)完成时:过去完成时不能独立使用,前后至少有一个一般过去时铺垫进行时:现在进行时 具体和画面感的描述当今社会各种现象,以夸张手法唤起共鸣、e.g.中西差异Every story of kungfu movies is seemingly taking place

4、among swaying bamboos and falling leaves.家长对孩子期望大Every parent is haunting among various training classes with the children per weekend.作业:在以下几个方面造句:人际交流,通讯方式,消费问题,教育问题 :过去/将来进行时过去:一般 抽象过去进行 往日重现,具体过去将来:一般 抽象将来进行 憧憬未来两个具体句型 通常用在作文第二段第一句,效果非常好。I was dong sth. the day 2/10/20 years ago.I will be doing

5、sth. the day 2/10/20 years latere.g.I was learning how to use my feet and legs to walk instead of crawling on the floor the day 20 years ago.I will be cooking in the kitchen on the Mars using special vegetable the day 20 years later.I will holding her hands , stepping onto the scarlet rug , listenin

6、g to the holly music , entering a Catholic church and saying :“I will”People were doing sth. the day 2/10/20 years ago.People will be doing sth. the day 2/10/20 years later作业:在以下几个方面造句:交流通信;环保;教育观;审美观;择友观;择业观;娱乐方式;家庭观;消费观。在作文中遵循时空双轴原则,或者以时间为线,或者以空间为线,此进行时可以在作文时满足时间轴线e.g.People were showing BPcall se

7、emingly casually the day 10 years ago.People were wearing jeans with irregular holes cut by themselves the day 10 years ago.第三章:虚拟语气形式: 时态退格原则实用非常规句形常规句形: 条件句If_, _.非常规句形:_ as if _. (打比方 作文首段描述题干)e.g.2002年作文:This western girl is wearing Chinese traditional costumes of minor nationalities as if she w

8、ere born and brought up from Chinese cradle.2005年作文:These four offsprings refuse(reject) the responsibilities of supporting their aged father as if four “professional” goal keepers were defending preventing the ball from rolling in.:第四章:动词用法 B A/C/a+/b+/c+(非谓语动词)名词化形式 (两个形式均可做A/C)to dodoing动词动感弱化Dif

9、ference:to do : 想做,要做,还未做 (动感强一点)doing : 概念的,习惯的 (静感强一点)to do : 做主语 To do + B + CIt (形式主语) + B + C + to do (逻辑主语)逻辑主语比较级: (目的:先说态度再说动作悬念)比较级It + + to do sth. than to do sth.e.g.It is much more effective to build more schools than to build more prisons.It is much more effective to prevent pollution i

10、n advance than to give penalties afterward.:做宾语A + B + to dosb. + B (感观动词) + it (形式宾语) + a/ad (补语) + to do (逻辑宾语)sb. + B (使役动词) + it (形式宾语) + a/ad (补语) + to do (逻辑宾语)e.g.做干净(干掉sb.)make it cool(宾补)sb.是个傻子take it stupid(a fool)逻辑宾语比较级: (目的:可以强调发起着(sb./sth.)前后的变化)比较级比较级sb. + B (感观动词) + it + + to do sth

11、. than to do sth. + (时间,地点状语)sth. + B (使役动词) + it + + to do sth. than to do sth. + (时间,地点状语)Tip:在此句形中 to do sth. than to do sth. + 时间,地点状语 若是 to do sth. than to do the same thing in the past 这种形式,则 (to do the same thing) 省略. 直接写成: to do sth. than in the past. e.g.The boost of economy makes it more p

12、ossible for people to purchase expensive commodities than (to do the same thing省略) in the past.关于娱乐方式,择业观The boost of science and technology enable it more various to entertain than in the past.The pressure of employment / competition / high unemployment rate make it more realistic / pragmatic for g

13、raduates to hunt jobs than in the past.The reform of stock-market enable it more possible / more approachable to become a millionaire than in the past.The anti-trust law (反托拉斯法,反Monopoly法) makes it more possible for small-scaled companies to challenge the “Microsofts”(微软们类似微软的大型公司) than in the past.The Go-West Development Project (西部大开发) makes it impossible for graduates to be unemployment than in the past.: 做状语 (主要考虑结果状语)only to : (结果状语)导致不愉快的,事与愿违的,不可测的结果e.g.Women are educationed equally only to be treated as inferiors in their career life.减肥却越减越肥Some wome


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