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1、XI动词不定试1. Cars abae isgenerallcoide_te irst compute.A. t he invete. inventigC. to nvenDhving iented2. Litle J suld ove _o te thre this even.A to b takeB. to kC. being takenD.akg3. Iusully gtere bytri Why nt_y ba for a changeA. totrygingB. in go to ryado. try gin4. Jon s mae_h tu ra wek asapunishmet.

2、to was washng.whD to be ahng5. he reahed theo the hil n stoped _ona ig rkby te ide of the pathA to hav retedB. rstingC.t restD. s6. Se pretendd_ me whn pased .A. notto see. not seeinC. to noseD.having not sen7. Tugh had oen me his sser _,today easmde _byhsistrA cry; tcyB. cyig; crngC.ry; cringDt cry

3、;cry8. Tel him_e windowA to stnoBot toshCto nt shu. don shu9. _her sck o tikof te matte.A.That mdeB ThtcausedC.It maeD. Itcaud10. he womans j s _afte the sabl cildren lokB.ookC loedDo lok11. S _to_vethng.dene; telB demaded;b toldCrequred; teD rquired; e tl12. Its tim _ou leage etin. o einB. beginnin

4、C. at webegin. tt el begin13. Tha d I wa th ast n _thepriment.A.madeB makingC. to make.havingmad14. Im unry.Get me smething _.A. tobe etnB t eaC. atnD. t be tin15. Woud yo _me o hw youaound thaceA.etB likemnd ce16. She is sad_te neklc.A. that se stB tha se h tC. to oeD. to have ost17. What o yo thin

5、 i thebestwa _theplemA. settlng .inwhihsetlg. o tD. sttlng18. You are_etll the sto.A. oughB ought toC.epetigD.expecedo19. I didnt antth rblem _agan.A.to raseB. t be raieC. eing raied. be raised20. Hve you ha th urse _or sns mertrA. t takeBtakngC taD. tken21. Frst w soldfnd aotel _frth nigh.A. to ut

6、at itB. n order to putpaC. at whee to put up.t h tout up22. _wake me up hen you ome in.A. Youd bettr nt toB. oud betterotC. Yuhadnt btte toD. Youad eter23. Iontthkou nd _ today. to leaveB. e lavinC levinD. binleft24. e hae be ookg for th gi al th mornin, but she is no ere_.A. toseB. tbseen. einsen.s

7、en25. Hehld _for whehs one.A.isebe praisedC. have praiedD. t be praise26. Heft a stone _his back.A. hitngB.to htC. hittd. hit27. Ihrrid t scho, ony _utiwas SundayA.fndB.o fidC. fundD. woul fid28. ere are oexerciesthatneed_arclss. neB tobe doe. bein oneD. to do29. Iv been waitig for l an ur _ethe pho

8、n all.A. to giveB frou gvgC.of yuto giveD. foryo o ge30. vehig _moothly.A.eoig. sems b going. seento go D is semngo e ng31. It wahughful _u the mapf th ci.A. of you to end.oru o snC.of ou sndin. for ou seding32. Yo arfotunate _s a eberf he lub.A beigaccpedBto acc C. To hae apt .ohv enacctd33. _wasnt

9、 plasnt_ so ealy.A. He;t wB He; obe wken. It; f towke. It; to e woken34. I ind hese problems e ea_.to wor utB. to berke ouC. in workngu D be orked m u35. How ude _him _ hld lik that. o; o treatB. for; totreC f; is ott for; is trea36. It wassupi _im_ttend th lectue.A. f; to nB. of;ot toCfr; to otD. f

10、o; not to37. It wa imposibl_lst ime _.A. for;meupB. of;make upC for;be made upD o;e madp38. shoesa to age _. to e to wear. fo metowaC. tmeo e wonDfo e te wor39. _was sorry_ madesuh asily mske.A.I; o haveB. It; hvigC. I ; to veD. ; hving40. Ibe dlighted_.A. when l see ouagaB.o se ou aginC.tht I e y againD.to have eyougain41. Hwas _td _nyfurherA. oo; alkigB.oo; tokC. s; walkingD.so; t w42. Wil yu _kind_ake ea fr meA. s; toB. fair; toso; a oD. faly;s to43. The cair oos rahrhard, utiact i ery comrtale to _A.sitBit on. e sat. e sa on44. I_howto



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