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1、Unit 8 Where is Billy?Li FangfangYaowangmiao No.1 Primary SchoolTeaching aims:1. Students can listen, speak, read and write the words “bedroom, living room, kitchen, andbathroom”.2. Students can understand and express the text of part 1.3. Students can use the sentence“Where is?”4. Students can keep

2、 the interests of studying English.Teaching importance:1. Students can listen, speak, read and write the words “bedroom, living room, kitchen, andbathroom”.2. Students can use the sentence“Where is?”Teaching difficulties:Students can haveaknowledgeof thepronunciationof the words of“bedroom, living r

3、oom, kitchen, andbathroom”.T: Greetings.T: First , would you like to sing a song with me?”Where is Team 1?.We re here”(板书,画苹果)S: OK.T: I have some pictures. Do you want to have a look ? Remember as many as possible when you watch them. Then tell me what you can see? OK?S: OK.T: Stop here. What can y

4、ou see?S: Sofa, TV, deskT: Excellent! You did very well. You can get an apple. Ill tell you these things and people are in Billys house. Today is Billys birthday. Hes going to have a party in his big house. His family and friends are preparing for it. They have different duties. Do you want to go? L

5、ets go to visit his house and see where they are. OK! Here we go!T: So many rooms. Right? How many rooms here?S: One, two, three, four, five.T: Yes. Five rooms here.Look! Billy is responsible for it. Would you like to say something about it?Lets chant together!S: Where is the hat? Its in the bag.Whe

6、re is the T-shirt? Its on the bed. Where are the shoes? Theyre in the box. Where is the bed? T: Yes , where is the bed? Do you know?(出示房间平面图) In the bedroom. Bedroom bedroom,can you ?S: Bedroom, bedroom.T: B-e-dr-oo-m. bedroom in the bedroom(板书)who can answer me? Where is the bed? Together.S: In the

7、 bedroomT: Lets chant again. S: T: Good ! Billy is responsible for the bedroom. But where is Billy?Is he in the bedroom? Yes, or no?S: No.T: So you can answer “No, he isnt”(板书) Can you answer me? where is Billy?Is he in the bedroom?S: No, he isnt.T: Very good. Billy isnt in the bedroom. What about t

8、he boys?(出示Bob, Liu Gang)Lets ask together. S: Where is Bob? Is he in the bedroom?T:Yes or no?S:No, he isnt.T: Where is Dad? He isnt in the bedroom.Where is he ? please watch carefully and point to me, OK?S:(Point to the living room.)T: Yes, in the living room .Follow me ! Living room! Living room!

9、L-i-v-ing room.Good ,can you write it on your notebook?Perfect! Lets say living room, living room , in the living room.Team 1 together, Team 2 together.All of you can get an apple.So big a living room! Can you say something according to the blanks.S: T: So cool! Where is Dad? Is he in the living roo

10、m? Yes, or no?S: Yes.T: So ,you can answer “Yes ,he is.”Follow me , yes, he is . Look, Where is Li Ming ? In the living room? Yes, he is. Where is Billy ? Is he is the living room? No , he isnt. Work in pairs.T: Who can have a try? S1: Where is Li Ming ? In the living room? S2: Yes, he is.S1: Where

11、is Billy ? Is he is the living room? S2:No , he isnt.T: Good! You can get an apple. What a naughty Billy! Where is he? Lets go on knocking at the next door to find him. Oh! Who is she?S: Mom!T: Mom is cooking in the kitchen. Is she in the kitchen?T, S: Yes, she is.T: Yes, its kitchen. Follow me !Kit

12、chen !Kitchen!k-i-tch-e-n.(板书)SKitchen.T: Where is Billy ? Is he is the kitchen?S: No , he isnt T: But where are the girls? Can you do like this?S: T: Very good. You can get an apple.Its kitchen . Billy isnt here. Where is he? Dad and Mom want to find him. Lets listen to the tape and find where is B

13、illy? OK?T: Who can answer me? Yes, in the bathroom. Do you know bathroom?S: 浴室。T: bathroom. B-a-th-r-oo-m. in the bathroom. (板书)Pay attention to “th”!In the bathroom. Look! bed+ room= bedroom bath+room=bathroomWhere is Billy? In the bathroom! Listen to the tape , and read after it ,OK?Read in pairs

14、.S:T: What a big house! Lets chant together, OK?T: Lets see where they are. Lets listen and check (书上第五部分) Are you right?S: Yes.T: Billys family and his friends are tired . They are having a rest in different rooms. Can you guess?(出示模板)Where is Jimmy?Is he in the bedroom ?S: Yes, he isT: Maybe you a

15、re right. Can you do like this? 2 minutes for you.Ok! You two.S: T: Good!According to the pictures, I wrote a note. Can you read? Read together. S: T: Wonderful! The words are missing. Can you fill in the blanks? 1 minute for you to prepare for it.S: T: Today we visited Billys house. There is aS: A bedroom, a living room, a kitchen and a bathroom.T: Are you happy? Billy and his friends are tired. But they are happy. So


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