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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上定语从句练习1. 填入合适的关联词1. The student that / who won the first prize in the English contest is from our class.2. They work in a factory that / which makes radio parts.3. He said this was the best article that had been written by the writer.4. Where is the boy whose arm was hurt by the window

2、whose glass is broken?5. The first English novel that aroused his interest was a novel by Mark Twain.6. Everything that can be done has been done.7. The only problem that troubled him has already been solved.8. Thats all (that) I want to tell you.9. Who that has seen the film doesnt admire it?10. Th

3、e baby (that / whom) she is taking care of looks healthy. 11. Such a film as was shown in the cinema yesterday is not suitable for children.12. Dont make the same mistake as the six blind men did.13. The ruler ordered that anyone who refused to bow before him should be thrown into prison.14. From pr

4、actice we can learn much that cannot be learned from books.15. This is the only step (that) we can take at the moment.16. He talked about the workers and the factories (that) he had visited.17. I still remember the day when we first met. 18. I still remember the day (which / that) I spent with you i

5、n the countryside.19. Hangzhou is a city where there is a beautiful lake.20. The reason why he didnt come to school is that he was ill.21. This is the way (that / which) he studies English.22. Lets think of a situation where this idiom can be used.23. I know of a place where we can swim. 24. She was

6、 always watching TV, which made us angry.25. As we know, the earth moves around the sun. 26. Air, which we breathe every day, is made up of oxygen, nitrogen and other gases.27. She is going to spend the summer holidays in Qingdao, where she has some relatives.28. In the old days, when I was a little

7、 boy, the city had no industry to speak of.29. My brother, who was in San Francisco last week, has just returned.30. This famous university has produced more than 100,000 graduates, many of whom have become the elite (精华) of our society.31. A young man from your university, whose name I have forgott

8、en, called you a moment ago.32. They invited me to visit their country, which is very kind of them.33. When deeply absorbed in work, as he often was, he would forget about eating and sleeping.34. The person to whom I spoke just now is the manager about whom I told you. 35. The two things about / of

9、which Marx is not sure were the grammar and some of the idioms of English. 36. Ill never forget the day on which I was enrolled by Fudan University.37. Someone has taken away my glasses without which I cant see anything.38. Whos the man with whom you shook hands just now?39. The river over / across

10、which a new bridge is being built is 209 metres wide. 40. The speed at which light travels is 300,000 km per second.41. This bed is the one in which he slept. 42. We read newspapers every day, from which we can learn a lot of news.43. Yesterday we had an international meeting at which English is the

11、 working language.44. I have many interesting novels, most of which are written in English.45. The money with which I bought the English-Chinese Dictionary is earned by myself.46. Is this the window through which the burglar climbed in last night? 47. This is the door from behind which (从门后) the man

12、 jumped on me.48. This is the tree under which we used to enjoy ourselves playing games.填入合适的关联词1. The student that / who won the first prize in the English contest is from our class.2. They work in a factory that / which makes radio parts.3. He said this was the best article that had been written b

13、y the writer.4. Where is the boy whose arm was hurt by the window whose glass is broken?5. The first English novel that aroused his interest was a novel by Mark Twain.6. Everything that can be done has been done.7. The only problem that troubled him has already been solved.8. Thats all (that) I want

14、 to tell you.9. Who that has seen the film doesnt admire it?10. The baby (that / whom) she is taking care of looks healthy. 11. Such a film as was shown in the cinema yesterday is not suitable for children.12. Dont make the same mistake as the six blind men did.13. The ruler ordered that anyone who

15、refused to bow before him should be thrown into prison.14. From practice we can learn much that cannot be learned from books.15. This is the only step (that) we can take at the moment.16. He talked about the workers and the factories (that) he had visited.17. I still remember the day when we first met.18. I still remember the day (which / that) I spent with you in the countryside.19. Hangzhou is a city where there is a beautiful lake.20. The reason why he didnt come to school is that he was



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