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1、附件大庆油田有限责任公司对外名称系列英文翻译一、油田公司、油田公司机关部室及所属单位名称: 大庆油田有限责任公司Daqing Oilfield Limited Company 中共大庆油田有限责任公司党委The CPC Party Committee of Daqing Oilfield Limited Company 总经理办公室President s Office人事部Human Resources Department 党委宣传部(企业文化部) Corporate Culture Department 政策研究室Policy Research Office勘探部Exploration D

2、epartment开发部Development Department油藏评价部Reservoirs Appraisal Department 规划计划一部Planning Department I 规划计划二部Planning Department n 财务资产一部Finance & Assets Department I 财务资产二部Finance & Assets Department n 生产运行部Production Management Department 土地资源管理部Land Management Department 安全环保部HSE Department 资产设备管理部Eq

3、uipment Management Department 技术发展部R&D Department质量节能部Quality Management & Energy Conservation Department 审计部Auditing Department纪委监察部Supervision Department 市场开发部 Marketing Department 外事管理部International Business Department 企管法规部Legal Department 综合经济管理部Diversified Business Department 工会Worker s Union团

4、委Committee of the Communist Youth League 机关党委The CPC Party Commitee 勘探分公司Exploration Company 信息中心 IT Center 价格定额中心 Pricing Center 工程造价管理中心Engineering Pricing Center 基建管理中心Infrastructure Management Center 物资管理中心Material Management Center 油田保卫指挥中心Daqing Oilfield Security Center 综合治理办公室Operation Securi

5、ty Control Office 稳定工作协调服务中心Retired and Laid-Off Personnel Service Center 新能源办公室Alternative Energy Office 州十三合作区块管理部Zhou-13 Zone JV Management Department 安全监督总站Production Safety Supervision Station 大庆油田档案馆Daqing Oilfield Archives 机关事务服务中心Headquarters Logistics service Center 机关汽车服务公司Headquarters Aut

6、omobile service Company 中国石油大庆职业技能鉴定中心PetroChina Daqing Vocational certificating Center 新闻文化中心News Center 资金结算中心Capital Settlement Center 环境监测评价中心Environment Monitoring and Evaluating Center 锅炉压力容器检验研究中心PressureInspecting and Research Center for Boilers and Vessels 审计中心Auditing Center 效能监察中心Efficien

7、cy & Effectiveness Supervision CenterDPS 印尼有限责任公司DPS ( Indonesia ) Co.,Ltd.DPS 哈萨克斯坦有限责任公司DPS ( Kazakstan ) Co.,Ltd. 法律咨询服务中心Law Affairs Consulting Center大庆钻探工程公司Daqing Oilfield Drilling Engineering Company 第一采油厂No.1 Oil Production Company第二采油厂No.2 Oil Production Company 第三采油厂No.3 Oil Production Com

8、pany 第四采油厂No.4 Oil Production Company 第五采油厂No.5 Oil Production Company 第六采油厂No.6 Oil Production Company 第七采油厂No.7 Oil Production Company 第八采油厂No.8 Oil Production Company 第九采油厂No.9 Oil Production Company 第十采油厂No.10 Oil Production Company榆树林油田开发有限责任公司Yushulin Oilfield Co.,Ltd. 头台油田开发有限责任公司Toutai Oilfi

9、eld Co.,Ltd. 海拉尔石油勘探开发指挥部Haila er Petroleum Exploration and Development Administration 采气分公司Gas Production Company 天然气分公司 Natural Gas Company 储运销售分公司Storage, Transportation and Marketing Company 建设集团Daqing Oilfield Construction Group 井下作业分公司Downhole Service Company 试油试采分公司Oil Testing and Perforating

10、 Company 测试技术服务分公司Well Logging Technology service Company 勘探开发研究院Daqing Oilfield Exploration and Development Institute大庆油田工程有限公司(油田建设设计研究院)Daqing Oilfield Engineering Co., Ltd.( Daqing Oilfield Construction and Designing Institute)采油工程研究院Daqing Oilfield Production Technology Institute 电力集团Electric P

11、ower Group 供水公司Water Supply Company 通信公司Communication Company 物资集团Materials Group 装备制造集团 Equipment Manufacturing Group 大庆石油国际工程公司Daqing International Petroleum Engineering Company 石油工程监理公司Petroleum Engineering Supervision Company 力神泵业有限公司Power Pump Company Limited 射孔弹厂Perforating Bullet Plant消防支队Fir

12、e Fighting Company 化工集团Chemical Industry Group 矿区服务事业部Logistic Administration 创业集团Chuangye Group 昆仑集团 Kunlun Group 发展集团 Fazhan Group 文化集团 Cultural Group 大庆师范学院 Daqing Normal Institute 大庆职业学院Daqing Vocational Training Institute 大庆燃气公司Daqing Residential Gas Company 高级人才培训中心Advanced Personnel Training

13、Center保险中心Insurance Center技术监督中心Technical Supervision Center 离退休职工管理中心Retiree Affairs Center二、相关职务、职称 董事会Board of Directors董事长Chairman, Board of Directors 副董事长Vice Chairman, Board of Directors 董事Director, Board of Directors 监事会Board of Supervisors 监事会主席Chairman, Board of Supervisors 监事Supervisor, Bo

14、ard of Supervisors三、公司领导职务名称总经理President副总经理Vice President党委书记Secretary党委副书记Assistant Secretary安全总监Safety Supervisor 安全副总监Assistant Safety Supervisor (副)总会计师 ( Deputy ) Chief Financial Officer 纪委书记Secretary, Disciplinary Inspection Committee 工会主席Chairman, worker s Union 总经理助理 Assistant President 董事会

15、秘书Secretary, Board of Directors, 总法律顾问General Counsel(副)总工程师 ( Deputy ) Chief Engineer(副)总地质师( Deputy ) Chief Geologist(副)总设计师( Deputy ) Chief Designer(副)总经济师( Deputy ) Chief Economist 新闻发言人Spokesman四、公司机关部室职务名称 主任Director副主任Deputy Director 部长 Director 副部长Deputy Director机关党委书记Secretary, the CPC Party Committee of Headquarters 机关纪委书记Secretary, Disciplinary Inspection Committee of Headquarters 机关工会主席Chairman, Worker s Union of Headquarters (副)主任工程师( Deputy ) Assistant Chief Engineer


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