2014年上高三提升版样题 19、38-答案

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1、录音原文:英语听力模拟试题(十九)Text 1M: I think Ill have ice cream for dessert. What would you like to have?W: The chocolate cake looks delicious to me. But I want to lose weight.Text 2W: Do you have any plans for this weekend, John?M: Im actually supposed to go out of town with my parents. Its my dads birthday,

2、and they invited my sister and I to go skiing with them.W: Oh, that sounds nice! I was going to ask you if you wanted to go to the movies with me.M: How about next weekend?Text 3 M: Josie, would you mind helping me paint my bedroom tomorrow? My brother was going to help me, but he broke his arm yest

3、erday. I will make you lunch. what do you say?W: Of course I will help you, Oliver. I am sorry to hear about your brothers arm. I hope he feels better soon.Text 4M: How do you figure out the fare?W: Well, the first five kilometers are $5, and every extra kilometer costs you $3.Text 5W: Do you have a

4、ny experience doing this kind of work, Mr. Jacobs?M: Im afraid I dont, madam, but Ive always been interested in this type of work. And I have a lot of other experience, as you can see from my rsum.Text 6 M: Hello, madam. What can I do for you?W: My feet hurt. I think I need some new shoes.M: What si

5、ze do you wear?W: The last time I bought new shoes was about a year ago, and at that time, I was a 7.M: Well, once you get to be in your twenties, your feet stop growing, so you are probably still a 7. But lets measure them just in case.W: OK so, what does it say?M: Well, it looks like youre an 8. N

6、o wonder your feet have been hurting you. Youve been wearing shoes that are one size too small!Text 7 W: Whew! Thanks for stopping. Sometimes it can be impossible to get a cab in the rain.M: No worries. Where to?W: Im going to Fifth Avenue and East 22nd Street. No rush at all, though.M: Well, thats

7、good because it looks like were not going to be able to move more than a few feet per minute! W: Well, thats what happens when it starts to rain during rush hour. Im one of the lucky ones. Usually, I would have an appointment around this time, but today I get to go home early!M: Thats great, madam.

8、Ill try to get you home as early as possible.Text 8 W: OK, thats a cut! Lets take it from the top, everyone.M: What was the problem that time?W: The feeling was all wrong, Mike. She is telling you that she doesnt want to see you anymore, but I want to get more anger from you. Youre acting hurt and s

9、ad, but thats not how your character would act in this situation. M: But Jason and Laura have been together for three years. Dont you think his reaction would be one of both anger and sadness?W: At this point, no. I think he would react the way most guys would, and then later on, we would see his re

10、al feelings. M: Im not so sure about that.W: Lets try it my way, and you can see how you feel when youre saying your lines. After that, if it still doesnt feel right, we can go back to the drawing board. Text 9 W: Hey, welcome to Berlin! Its great to see you again.M: Yeah, good to see you too! Have

11、you been waiting here at the station long?W: Only fifteen minutes. But lets get out of this cold and go to my apartment! How are you feeling after that long bus ride?M: Ah, it wasnt too bad. It was only nineteen hours.W: Thats crazy! You couldve flown here from London for 60 euros, and it would only

12、 have taken an hour and a half. Was it really worth all that time, just to save a bit of money?M: Well, it was a pretty uncomfortable ride, to be honest. The bus was starting to smell toward the end of it, and there was a guy next to me who was breathing really loudly while he was sleeping. But the

13、reason I took the bus was because its more environmentally friendly than flying.W: I think its great you want to help the environment. But you look so exhausted right now. I just think you should be a little more careful with your health.M: Well, I wasnt expecting the bus to be so unpleasant. But yo

14、ure right. Next time I visit you, Ill probably fly. Text 10 Welcome back to Modern Parenting. Weve already talked about being open and honest with your kids, but there is one thing that all good parents do, and its surprisingly simple: read to your kids. Studies show that children are better prepare

15、d for school and tend to get better grades later on if their parents make a habit of reading to them from a young age. One study from Harvard University found that the number of books in the home was the single biggest factor related to success in school, more than the education or income of the par

16、ents! Reading is fun, and it can be an important part of relaxing at bedtime. Best of all, it gives parents an opportunity to communicate with their children and teach them about the world. Its never too early to start reading to your children. Many parents buy books for their kids long before they can talk, and some even start reading to their


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